YCMOU Home Assignment 2023 – Download YCMOU Assignment with Answers PDF – Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Solved Assignment 2023 available here , all solved assignment available YCMOU Home Assignment 2023 .The Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) is the Fifth Open University in the country.
General Instruction for YCMOU Home Assignment 2023
1) Home assignment is useful for self-analysis of your preparation of the final examination and progress.
2) Read all the questions and their marks in the home assignment carefully understand the definitions and
concepts properly.
3) Read carefully the text, syllabus and summary related home assignment.
4) Do not copy the points, matter from the text while writing home assignment mentions your one point /
opinions whenever necessary.
5) Your answer should include how you would apply the knowledge in real life situations.
6) Use full-scape lined papers for writing home assignment. Name of student
M.A | M.A. Subject Communication, M.A. (Educational Communication) M.A. (Distance Education) M.Sc (Educational Communication) |
Click Here | ||
C07 | Certificate Programme in Human Right | Click Here |
G10 | Gandhi Vichar Darshan | Click Here |
School Of Humanities & Social Sciences
M43 | M.A. (English )Old |
M44 | M.A. Urdu |
M72 | M.A. (English )New |
M51 | M.A. Hindi |
M52 | M.A. Economics |
M53 | M.A. Public Administration |
M54 | M.A. Marathi |
G11 | B.A. Hindi |
G12 | B.A. ( Urdu ) |
G01 | B.A. |
P16 | M.Lib |
P04 | B.Lib |
B.A. & M.A. Public Services |
School of Commerce Management
School of Architecture, Science and Technology
V96 | B.Sc. Actuarial Science | |
V34/V58 | M.Sc. Environmental Science (old Pattern) | |
V130 | M.Sc. Mathematics | |
V92 | B.Sc. Regular Sem | |
V92 | How to upload Home Assignments? Instrctions to the fresher students of first year B.Sc.(PCM) (V92) Semester 1 |
V92 | How to upload Home Assignments? Guidelines (Presentation) to the fresher students of first year MBA (P79) and B.Sc.(PCM)(V92) Semester 1 |
V92 | B.Sc.(PCM)(V92).First Year First Semester Click Here to Upload Home Assignments |
T105 | Post Graduate Diploma in Statistics (PGDS) | |
V135 | Diploma in Environmental Science | |
V136 | M.Sc.( Environmental Science ) | |
V137 | Diploma in Statistics |
School Of Computer Science
P30 | B.Sc. BIS | ||
P32 | B.C.A.Old | ||
P131 | B.C.A. New | ||
P133 | B.Sc. Industrial Science | ||
P141 | Diploma in Industrial science | ||
P142 | Diploma in Computing | ||
T60 | Advanced Diploma in Computing | ||
P45 | B.Sc. Industrial Science | ||
P144 | M.C.A. |
School Of Education
P80 | B.Ed | B.Ed |
M62 | M.A. Education | Sem I & III |
P10 | Diploma In School Management (DSM) | DSM |
C31 | Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) | ECCE |
C35 | Certificate Programe in Information Communication Technology For School Practices ( ICTSP ) | ICTSP |
E36 | Certificate Programme in Domestic Worker Skill Development | CPDWSD |
Center for Collaborations and Special Initiatives
C132 | Certificate Programme in Security Services (for Security Guard) | View |
C133 | ग्रामरोजगार सेवक कौशल्य प्रमाणपत्र | View |
C134 | Certificate Programme in Security Services (for Security Officers) | View |
C146 | Prep. Certi. in Competitive Examination | View |
C148 | शेतकरी उत्पादक कंपनी प्रमाणपत्र शिक्षणक्रम | View |
C149 | Certificate Programme in Bee Keeping | View |
C165 | पालीभाषा प्रमाण पत्र | View |
Is it compulsory to submit the YCMOU Home assignment 2023?
How to Download YCMOU Assignment 2023
YCMOU Home Assignment 2023 Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) uploaded the assignment question papers for various courses like TY FY SY BA, BSc, BCom, BBA, BCA, MA, MSc, MCom, Diploma. YCMOU Home Assignment 2023 Questions are available on the official website of YCM Open University i.e. ycmou.digitaluniversity.ac.
Assignment question papers of all YCMOU programs can be downloaded from the link given below. All assignments are in PDF format. Students have to submit the solved assignments to the regional centre before the due date.
To download YCMOU Home Assignment 2023 PDF, scroll down and find your programme. Click on the down button next to the program name and the assignment PDF file will be displayed on your screen.
How to Write YCMOU Home Assignment
Download YCMOU Assignment with Answers PDF As assignments are an important part of every distance learning program of Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, students should write and solve their YCMOU Home Assignment properly so that they can get maximum numbers in exam result.
After downloading the YCMOU Assignment PDF files, students must keep these things in mind while solving the assignments.
- Use A4 size paper to answer the assignment questions.
- Answer writing is allowed only with blue and black pens, do not use any other coloured pen.
- Write the answer within the word limit given in the ycmou assignment question paper.
- If the assignment has diagrams, use one-sided blank paper to make assignments.
- Use a pencil to make diagrams.
- Write the answers in a clean and proper way so the examiner can check them easily.
- Write the assignments in your own handwriting only. Copied assignments are not accepted.
- Make separate assignments for each subject.
- Students do not have to use a single file for all the assignments.
Students can use PDF study material and printed books to solve assignment questions. Apart from this, they can also use online sources.
- Related links : MGP 005 Solved Assignment 2022-23
- Related links : MGPE 006 Solved Assignment 2022-23
- Handwritten : 500+ Handwritten Assignment
Sample Question with Answers
The main difference between epithalamion and prothalamion is that epithalamion is a poem celebrating marriage full of traditional imagery and is comparatively longer and more elaborate than prothalamion, which usually celebrates engagement.
Epithalamion and prothalamion are both poems celebrating the union of two people. However, an epithalamion is less personal than a prothalamion and includes fewer references to the poet’s own country and situation.
What is Epithalamion
Epithalamion is a poem or a song recited for the bride and bridegroom at their wedding. Epithalamion is also called Epithalamium or Epithalamy. Ancient Greeks used to sing such songs hoping that they would bring good fortune on the marriage.
Epithalamion is usually sung at the marriage chamber. However, today we use the same term to refer to a song sung during the wedding processions that contains repeated invocations to Hymen, the Greek god of marriage. However, in epithalamions, we cannot usually observe a specific meter.
During Renaissance, epithalamions came from the classical models and Pierre de Ronsard in France and Torquato Tasso in Italy were famous poets at the time. John Donne, Sir Philip Sidney, Ben Jonson, and Richard Crashaw are some popular English poets who adapted this form of lyrical composition during the period of the Renaissance. Furthermore, among the English epithalamions composed throughout history, Edmund Spenser’s Epithalamion, which was written for his second marriage in 1595, is considered the best version of English epithalamion ever published.
What is Prothalamion
The English poet Edmund Spenser wrote a “Prothalamion” in 1596 to celebrate the engagements of Elizabeth Somerset and Katherine Somerset, the daughters of the Earl of Somerset. Based on the time period during which it was written, the poem was strange and innovative. Edmund Spenser coined the word “Prothalamion”, taking into consideration the word “epithalamion,” or “wedding song.” While an epithalamion celebrates a wedding, a prothalamion celebrates an engagement or a betrothal.
Generally, the betrothals in prothalamion revealed most of the politically important events in England during that particular period of time. A prothalamion, therefore, sings of the mutual bond existing between marriage, politics, and nature. It praises the beauty of the brides and how perfect the union of marriage is, along with the portrayal of the natural and practical world outside marriage. Similarly, a prothalamion also points out the mutable nature even present within the beauty and perfection of bonds and marriage.
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