(IGNOU) MPYE-009 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

MPYE-009 is a core course for the Master of Arts in Philosophy (MAPY) program offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). It explores the fundamental questions and methods of science and their relationship with cosmology, the study of the origin and evolution of the universe.

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  • Course Title: Philosophy of Science and Cosmology
  • Course Code: MPYE-009
  • Credits: 4
  • Level: Postgraduate
  • Program: Master of Arts (Philosophy) (MAPY)

Course Structure

  • Block 1: Introduction to Philosophy of Science: This block introduces the basic concepts of philosophy of science, such as demarcation, scientific explanation, and scientific progress.
  • Block 2: Methods of Science: This block examines the different methods used in science, such as observation, experimentation, and hypothesis testing.
  • Block 3: Science and Religion: This block explores the relationship between science and religion, and discusses topics such as creationism, intelligent design, and the anthropic principle.
  • Block 4: Cosmology: This block examines some of the key questions in cosmology, such as the origin and nature of the universe, the possibility of extraterrestrial life, and the future of the cosmos.

1) What is a SRP in Lakatos’ scheme? What is its significance in understanding science? How is it evaluated?

(IGNOU) MPYE-009 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- In Imre Lakatos’ philosophy of science, the term “SRP” stands for “Scientific Research Program.” Lakatos developed his philosophy as a response to the demarcation problem, which involves distinguishing between scientific and non-scientific theories. Lakatos argued that scientific theories should not be judged in isolation but rather as part of evolving research programs.

MPYE-009 Important Questions with Answers – A scientific research program is a set of interconnected scientific theories and hypotheses that share a common hard core of fundamental principles. It also includes a protective belt of auxiliary hypotheses and heuristics that can be modified or discarded without jeopardizing the core.

(IGNOU) MPYE-009 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Lakatos argued that evaluating individual scientific theories is insufficient for understanding the dynamics of scientific progress. Instead, he proposed that scientific knowledge evolves through the development, modification, and replacement of research programs. This view emphasizes the cumulative nature of scientific knowledge and allows for a more nuanced understanding of scientific progress. (IGNOU) MPYE-009 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

  • Positive Heuristics: These are the guiding principles, theories, and hypotheses that constitute the hard core of a research program. The success of a program is measured by how well it predicts novel facts and is able to generate new research problems.
  • Negative Heuristics: These are auxiliary hypotheses and heuristics that can be modified or discarded without jeopardizing the core. Lakatos suggested that the flexibility of a program to accommodate anomalies without abandoning the hard core is crucial for its viability.
  • Progressive and Degenerating Research Programs: Lakatos categorized research programs as either “progressive” or “degenerating.” A progressive program is characterized by successful novel predictions and problem-solving, while a degenerating program fails to do so and becomes burdened with ad hoc modifications.

Lakatos’ concept of SRP provides a framework for understanding the development of scientific knowledge as an ongoing process. It encourages the evaluation of scientific theories within the broader context of research programs, considering their ability to predict new phenomena and adapt to empirical challenges. The distinction between positive and negative heuristics helps assess the viability and progressiveness of scientific research programs.

2) Compare and Contrast Lakatos’ SRP with Kuhn’s Paradigm.

3) How does Shapere enrich the notion of observation? What are its implications in understanding modern sophisticated science?

4) Shapere claims to have transcended classical empiricism and rationalism to have a holistic picture of science. Is his claim justified? Explain.

5) How does Laudan distinguish between empirical and conceptual problems in science? What are the advantages of the latter ones?

6) Compare and Contrast Laudan’s RT and Kuhn’s Paradigm RT more adequate than Lakatos’ SRP in understanding science? If so, how? And if not, why not? 

7) Give a simple definition of the principle of uncertainty, explaining the various terms?

8) Is it possible to measure the exact location of a particle, both practically and theoretically?

9) How does Heisenberg relate the principle of uncertainty to the principle of causality?

10) Where lies the basic difference between classical and quantum mechanics?

11) What are some of the philosophical implications of uncertainty principle?

12) Why did Einstein object to some of the elements of quantum mechanics?

13) “Some say that the only thing that quantum theory has going for it, in fact, is that it is unquestionably correct.” Give your comments.

14) Describe the structure of an atom?

15) Why is it that most of the founders of quantum mechanics were very young?

16) Give some significant differences between classical and quantum mechanics?

17) What is the significance of quantum tunnelling?

18) Is quantum mechanics practical?

19) What is Einstein’s theory of relativity?

20) Give small explanation on relativity of motion and length.

 MPYE 009 Philosophy of Science and Cosmology Solved Assignment 2023-24 

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