NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Vistas Chapter wise List

NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Vistas Chapter wise List- These are just highlights of the solutions available for each chapter. You can find more detailed explanations, additional practice questions, and tips for answering exam questions in the complete NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Vistas.

Chapter 1: The Third Level

  • Summary of the story
  • Character analysis
  • Detailed answers to in-text questions
  • Explanation of important themes and literary devices

Chapter 2: The Tiger King

  • Analysis of the author’s writing style
  • Discussion of the man-versus-nature conflict
  • Explanation of the symbolism used in the story
  • Answers to comprehension and textual questions

Chapter 3: Journey to the End of the Earth

  • Summary of the protagonist’s journey
  • Exploration of the themes of courage and determination
  • Discussion of the author’s use of figurative language
  • Answers to in-text and end-of-chapter questions

Chapter 4: The Enemy

  • Analysis of the relationship between the two main characters
  • Discussion of the themes of war and friendship
  • Explanation of the historical context of the story
  • Answers to comprehension and textual questions NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Vistas Chapter wise List

Chapter 5: Should Wizard Hit Mommy?

  • Exploration of the ethical dilemma presented in the story
  • Discussion of the themes of artificial intelligence and child development
  • Analysis of the author’s use of dialogue and humor
  • Answers to in-text and end-of-chapter questions

Chapter 6: On the Face of It

  • Analysis of the protagonist’s psychological state
  • Discussion of the themes of isolation and loneliness
  • Explanation of the science fiction elements in the story
  • Answers to comprehension and textual questions

Chapter 7: Evans Tries an O-Level

  • Humorous analysis of the protagonist’s struggles with the exam
  • Discussion of the themes of education and social class
  • Exploration of the author’s use of satire and irony
  • Answers to in-text and end-of-chapter questions

Chapter 8: Memories of Childhood

  • Analysis of the author’s relationship with his father
  • Discussion of the themes of loss and nostalgia
  • Explanation of the use of flashback in the story
  • Answers to comprehension and textual questions

NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Vistas 

Chapter Summary Key Themes Literary Devices Important Questions
The Third Level Charley escapes into a fantasy world of a subway system with three levels to avoid the harsh realities of life. Escape, reality vs. fantasy, societal pressures NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Vistas Chapter wise List Symbolism, allegory, foreshadowing – What drives Charley to seek refuge in the third level? – How does the story reflect the anxieties of modern life?
The Tiger King Raja, the last tiger of Praterstan, struggles against his captivity and longing for freedom. Man vs. nature, loss of freedom, power of instincts Imagery, personification, flashback – How does the story portray the conflict between humans and animals? – What does Raja symbolize in the story?
Journey to the End of the Earth A young girl recounts her grandfather’s adventurous journey to Antarctica. Courage, determination, exploration Narrative structure, flashback, descriptive language – How does the story celebrate the spirit of adventure? – What are the challenges faced by the protagonist’s grandfather?
The Enemy Dr. Sadao, a Japanese surgeon, faces a moral dilemma when he must treat an American prisoner of war during World War II. War and its consequences, humanity vs. duty, compassion Irony, foreshadowing, character development – How does the story explore the complexities of war? – What motivates Dr. Sadao’s actions?
Should Wizard Hit Mommy? A couple confronts the ethical dilemma of programming their robot babysitter to punish their child. Artificial intelligence, parenting, morality Dialogue, satire, humor – What are the potential dangers of artificial intelligence? – How does the story explore the challenges of raising children?
On the Face of It Mr. Lamb, a disfigured man, uses technology to project a normal face to the world, leading to unexpected consequences. Isolation, loneliness, self-acceptance Science fiction elements, symbolism, irony – How does the story explore the theme of identity? – What are the limitations of technology in solving human problems?
Evans Tries an O-Level Evans, a young boy from a working-class family, struggles with the pressure of taking an important exam. Education and social class, overcoming challenges, humor Satire, irony, dialect – How does the story humorously portray the anxieties surrounding exams? – What are the challenges faced by students from disadvantaged backgrounds?
Memories of Childhood The author reflects on his relationship with his father and the lessons learned during his childhood. Loss, nostalgia, father-son relationship Flashback, descriptive language, metaphors – How does the story explore the theme of time and memory? – What is the significance of the author’s relationship with his father?

NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Vistas Chapter

Chapter 1 – The Third Level

Chapter 2 – The Tiger King

Chapter 3 – Journey to the end of the Earth

Chapter 4 – The Enemy

Chapter 5 – Should Wizard hit Mommy

Chapter 6 – On the face of It

Chapter 7 – Evans Tries an O-level

Chapter 8 – Memories of Childhood


Q:- What is the theme of the Tiger King?

“NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Vistas Chapter wise List- The Tiger King” by Kalki Krishnamurthy delves into several intertwined themes, making it a rich and thought-provoking story. Here are some of the most prominent ones:

Obsession and the destructive nature of ambition: The Maharaja in the story is consumed by his desire to be the greatest hunter and ruler. His obsession with killing tigers takes precedence over the welfare of his kingdom and ultimately leads to his downfall. This theme warns against the dangers of unchecked ambition and the emptiness it can create.

Satire on power and corruption: The Maharaja’s character is a satirical portrayal of those in power who are more concerned with their own desires and whims than with the well-being of their people. The story highlights the dangers of unchecked power and the potential for corruption it breeds.

Man vs. nature: The conflict between the Maharaja and the last tiger, Raja, represents the broader struggle between humans and nature. The story critiques the human tendency to dominate and exploit nature, highlighting the consequences of environmental destruction.

Fate and irony: The prophecy at the Maharaja’s birth and his ultimate death foreshadow an ironic twist of fate. The story suggests that our actions, however powerful we may seem, are ultimately constrained by forces beyond our control. NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Vistas Chapter wise List

Transience of power and life: The Maharaja’s death, despite his efforts to avoid the prophecy, underscores the impermanence of power and life. The story suggests that true power lies not in domination but in understanding our place in the universe and respecting the delicate balance of nature.

Q:- What is the character name of going places Class 12?

  • Jansie: Sophie’s friend and classmate, who is more practical and realistic than Sophie.
  • Geoff: Sophie’s older brother, who admires Danny Casey, a famous footballer.
  • Sophie’s father: Not named in the story, but he often clashes with Sophie due to his different expectations for her future.
  • Danny Casey: A famous footballer whom Sophie daydreams about meeting.
  • Sophie’s mother: A quiet and supportive presence in the story. NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Vistas Chapter wise List



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