Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Assignment

Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Assignment  Internal Assessment, GET All university assignment here. For Assignments (Programme Wise) · Master’s Degree Programmes · Bachelor’s Degree Programmmes · P.G. Diploma Programmes · Diploma Programmes · Certificate Programmes, The students are hereby asked to submit the assignment only during Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Assignment  Office Timing. Late submission will not be accepted on any account.

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The assignment carries 30% of the total weightage you receive in the exam. The rest is of the theory and practical examination

Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Assignment




PG Diploma


The assignment should have the following details:.

  • Name of the Student
  • Enrollment number
  • Programme Title
  • Course Tile & Course Code
  • Date of submission
  • Signature
  • Assignment Code Number

Attach “Acknowledgment Receipt Copy” along with the assignments.

Get back acknowledgement / receipt while submitting your assignments.

Attach Photocopy of the Question Paper along with the assignment.
(Only for BDP – MP – MEG – MAH Program)

The Coordinator / Study Centre has the right to reject the assignments received after the due date. Therefore, the students are advised to submit the assignments before the due date.

“Use of UNFAIR means / COPYING Assignments” are NOT Allowed.

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