(IGNOU) MVP-001 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MVP-001 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- MVP-001 refers to the course code for Food Fundamentals and Chemistry within the Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management (PGDFSQM) program offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).

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  • Block 1: Introduction to Food Science: This block covers the basics of food science, including the composition of food, nutrients and their functions, classification of food, and factors affecting food quality.
  • Block 2: Food Chemistry: This block delves into the chemical composition of food, including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and water. It also covers the chemical reactions that occur in food during processing, storage, and cooking.
  • Block 3: Food Analysis: This block introduces the principles and methods of food analysis, including physical, chemical, and microbiological methods. Students learn about the different instruments used for food analysis and how to interpret the results. MVP-001 Important Questions with Answers
  • Block 4: Food Processing and Preservation: This block covers the various methods of food processing and preservation, including thermal processing, freezing, dehydration, chemical preservation, and irradiation. Students learn about the principles behind each method and its impact on food quality and safety. MVP-001 Important Questions with Answers 

1) What are comfort foods? Discuss any two types of comfort foods briefly.

(IGNOU) MVP-001 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Comfort foods are typically defined as familiar, nostalgic, and soothing dishes that evoke a sense of emotional well-being and provide a feeling of satisfaction. These foods often have a strong connection to one’s cultural or personal background and are associated with positive memories or experiences.

Macaroni and Cheese

Macaroni and cheese is a classic comfort food that consists of cooked macaroni pasta combined with a creamy cheese sauce. The dish is often baked for a golden, crispy top layer.

The combination of pasta and cheese provides a rich and indulgent flavor profile that appeals to many people. The creamy texture and the familiar, cheesy taste can evoke memories of childhood and simpler times. It’s a versatile dish that can be prepared in various ways, with some people adding ingredients like breadcrumbs or bacon for extra comfort.

Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is a warm and savory broth-based soup typically made with chicken, vegetables, and noodles or rice. It often includes ingredients like carrots, celery, and onions.

Chicken soup is often hailed as a go-to remedy for colds and illnesses, but it’s also a beloved comfort food in times of stress or fatigue. The warm broth is soothing, and the combination of chicken and vegetables provides a balanced and nourishing meal. The familiar aroma and taste can bring a sense of security and well-being, making it a popular choice for comforting oneself during challenging moments.

 MVP-001 Important Questions Answers – These comfort foods often transcend cultural boundaries, and the specific dishes that people find comforting can vary widely based on personal preferences and experiences. The common thread among comfort foods is their ability to provide a sense of emotional reassurance and pleasure, making them an integral part of many individuals’ culinary repertoires.

2) Give examples of any five functional foods.

3) Enumerate the steps in the processing of black tea. How is it different from  green and oolong tea?

4) What is the composition of Ayurvedi  medicines? Give examples of some Ayurvedic medicines.

5) India has a rich variety of traditional foods. Discuss.

6) Why should children less than one year old not be given honey?

7) What are the risks associated with GM foods?

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8) Give examples of traditional infant foods of India. Other Foods

9) What is the technology behind GM foods?

10) Discuss the benefits of organic foods.

11) Discuss health benefits of nutraceuticals. What are the concerns regarding nutraceuticals?

12) Discuss various types of health foods and their importance in our life.

13) What is Ayurveda? What are the risks associated with ayurvedic medicines?

14) Conduct a survey of traditional foods available in the market.

15) Discuss the uses and health benefits of honey.

16) Discuss the benefits of GM foods.

17) What are the regulations regarding GM foods and Organic foods?

18) Discuss the processing of coffee and cocoa.

19) Discuss the composition and safety concerns about energy drinks.

20) What are infant foods? Comment on the traditional infant foods and commercial products. What are the risks associated with them and what are the legislation requirements?



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