(IGNOU) MPYE-016 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPYE-016 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- MPYE-0016: PHILOSOPHY OF SRI AUROBINDO Interactions of science and technology with religion and culture, globalization of economy and cross cultural communications have facilitated the contemporary world to appreciate the diversity of faiths, cultures and value systems.

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  • Unit 1 Personality, Vision and Work of Aurobindo
  • Unit 2 Sri Aurobindo on Indian Scriptures
  • Unit 3 Spiritual Thought in Indian Philosophy
  • Unit 4 Integral World-View


  • Unit 1 Basic Unity of Reality
  • Unit 2 Synthesis of Spirit and Matter
  • Unit 3 Evolution and Involution
  • Unit 4 Integral Vedanta


  • Unit 1 Theories of Existence
  • Unit 2 Man (Jivatman) and his nature
  • Unit 3 Knowledge and Ignorance
  • Unit 4 Interpretation of ‘Tat-tvam-asi’


  • Unit 1 The Divine Life and Integral (Purna) Yoga
  • Unit 2 Transpersonal Psychology: Evolution of Consciousness
  • Unit 3 Conception of Educational Philosophy
  • Unit 4 Towards Human Unity

1) How do you understand the term ‘Integral’?

(IGNOU) MPYE-016 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- In calculus, the integral is a fundamental concept that represents the area under a curve in a graph or the accumulation of quantities. There are definite integrals, which represent the signed area between a curve and the x-axis over a specified interval, and indefinite integrals, which represent antiderivatives of functions.

In a more general sense, “integral” is often used to describe something that is essential or necessary for completeness. For example, you might say that a certain element is integral to the success of a project, meaning it is crucial or indispensable. MPYE-016 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

In philosophy and psychology, the term “integral” is sometimes used to describe a comprehensive approach that seeks to integrate various perspectives or elements into a unified whole. This idea is often associated with holistic or integrative thinking. In physics, integral can refer to the process of finding the integral of a physical quantity, such as the integral of velocity with respect to time yielding displacement.

Integral as a Concept

MPYE-016 Important Questions with Answers – In a broader conceptual sense, “integral” can refer to the idea of wholeness or completeness. It implies that something is comprised of all its essential parts, forming a cohesive and unified entity.

2) Explain the world view of Aurobindo as integral.

3) What is the Adaitic understanding of reality.

4) Give a detailed account of the relationship between Advaita philosophy and Aurobindo..

5) How do you describe ignorance.?

6) Explain integral knowledge.

7) How does Aurobindo distinguish between Individual self and Brahman?

8) Give a detailed account of the understanding of human nature as explained by Aurobindo..

9)Explain the Integral- Non-dualism od Aurobindo.

10) How does Aurobindo define the Brahman?

11) How does Aurobindo distinguish between Purusa and Prakrti?

12) Give a detailed account of the higher levels of consciousness beyond the ordinary mind, as explained by Aurobindo.

13) What is the Adaitic understanding of reality.

14) Give a detailed account of the relationship between Advaita philosophy and Aurobindo..

15) How do you describe ignorance.?

16) Explain integral knowledge.

17) How does Aurobindo distinguish between Individual self and Brahman?

18) Give a detailed account of the understanding of human nature as explained by Aurobindo..

19) Do you agree with the possibility of unity of all?

20) What is the need for unity today?

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