(IGNOU) MPYE-015 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPYE-015 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Gandhian philosophy is derived from Gandhi’s basic vision of life and his commitment. Truth is at the centre of his basic quest for knowledge (epistemologically), of his religious and metaphysical quest (ontological truth) and of his quest for a good life (moral truth).

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Unit 1 Context and Emergence of Gandhian Philosophy
Unit 2 Metaphysical Teachings of Gandhi
Unit 3 Gandhian Understanding of Man
Unit 4 Ethical Teachings of Gandhi


Unit 1 Gandhian Concept of God
Unit 2 Role of Reason and Faith
Unit 3 Religious Experience and Ashram life
Unit 4 Religious Tolerance and Religious Harmony


Unit 1 Ahimsa & Satyagraha
Unit 2 Swarajya & Swadeshi
Unit 3 Sarvodaya
Unit 4 Caste and Social Order


Unit 1 Relevance of Non-Violence
Unit 2 Holistic Vision of Life
Unit 3 Social Egalitarianism and Gandhi
Unit 4 Towards Peace and Harmony

1) What is your understanding on the concept of non-violence of Gandhi?

(IGNOU) MPYE-015 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- The concept of non-violence, or “ahimsa,” was a central tenet of Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy and approach to social and political change. Gandhi, a key figure in the Indian independence movement, believed in the power of non-violent resistance as a means to achieve political and social objectives. His philosophy was deeply rooted in Hindu and Jain traditions, which also emphasize non-violence.

Gandhi’s understanding of non-violence went beyond the mere absence of physical harm. It encompassed a broader sense of avoiding harm to others in thought, speech, and action. Ahimsa, for Gandhi, was a way of life that required individuals to cultivate compassion, understanding, and empathy towards others, even those with whom they disagreed.

MPYE-015 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Gandhi believed that non-violence was not a sign of weakness but a powerful force that could bring about positive change in society. He employed various non-violent tactics, such as civil disobedience, boycotts, and fasting, to challenge oppressive systems and promote justice.

One of Gandhi’s most significant contributions to the philosophy of non-violence was the idea of “satyagraha,” which means “truth-force” or “soul-force.” Satyagraha was a method of non-violent resistance based on the principle of holding firmly to the truth while resisting injustice. It involved appealing to the moral conscience of the oppressor and seeking to transform both the oppressor and the oppressed.

(IGNOU) MPYE-015 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Gandhi’s commitment to non-violence played a crucial role in India’s struggle for independence, inspiring similar movements for civil rights and social justice around the world. His philosophy continues to influence advocates of peace and social change, emphasizing the potential of non-violent means to bring about lasting and positive transformations in society.

2) What is the difference between violence and non-violence in the views of Gandhi?

3) What is meant by truth according to Gandhi?

4) What are the inner deadly enemies to prevent to see the truth?

5) What is your understanding on the principle of non-stealing of Gandhi?

6) What is the difference between stealing and non-stealing in the ideas of Gandhi?

7) What is celibacy according to Gandhi?

8) What are the unique contents on life moral teachings of Gandhi?

9) What is your understanding on character in view of Gandhi?

10) What are the important features of human nature?

11) Are all humans same in the Gandhian framework ?

12) How are Man and God related ?

13) Reflect on the implications that flow from Gandhi’s concept of human nature.

14) Reflect on the complexity of Gandhi’s notion of Truth.

15) What are the implications of the formulation ‘Truth is God’ ?

16) In Gandhian framework, what are the salient features of God?

17) What critical issues can be raised with regard to Gandhi’s Metaphysics?

18). Distinguish between ‘religious tolerance’ and ‘religious harmony’

19). What is the uniqueness of India in respect of religions? Indicate the contribution Gandhi made in the contemporary times.

20). Mention a few common traits of the ancient Indian religions

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