(IGNOU) MPYE-005 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPYE-005 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- MPYE-005 is a course offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) as part of its Master of Arts in Philosophy (MAPY) program. It is titled “World Religions” and carries 4 credits. The course is designed to introduce students to the major religions of the world, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other religions.

  • Course code: MPYE-005
  • Language: English and Hindi

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  • Introduction to the study of religion
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Jainism
  • Sikhism
  • Judaism
  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Other religions

1. What was the main reason for the establishment of Buddhism?

(IGNOU) MPYE-005 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Buddhi” typically refers to a concept in Hinduism and Buddhism, representing the intellectual or discriminative faculty of the mind. If you were referring to a different term or concept, please provide more context or clarify your question.

“Buddhism,” then the main reason for the establishment of Buddhism was the enlightenment and teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as the Buddha. Siddhartha Gautama, disillusioned with the suffering and impermanence of life, set out on a spiritual quest to find a solution. After attaining enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, he shared his insights and teachings, which formed the foundation of Buddhism.

MPYE-005 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- The primary teachings of Buddhism revolve around the Four Noble Truths, which address the nature of suffering, its origin, cessation, and the path to liberation (Eightfold Path). Buddhism emerged as a distinct religious and philosophical tradition aiming to alleviate suffering and guide individuals towards enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of rebirth (samsara).

 2. Provide a brief life history of Buddha. What was his main reason for leaving the palace? 

3. How did Gautama became Buddha?

4. Write a short note on the four noble truths.

5. What is theory of Karma?

6. How one can attain Nirvana?

7. What you mean by the doctrine of Non-Soul (Anatta)?

8. Elaborate the concept of God in Buddhism?

9. Write a short note on the two sects of Buddhism?

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10. Write a short note on Jaina epistemology?

11. What is Avadhi: Clairvoyance and Manahparyaya: Telepathy?

12. What is Kevala: Omniscience and Mati: Sensuous Cognition?

13. Give a short note on Syadvada or the Jaina theory of judgment?

14. What is the sevenfold classification of predications in Syadvada?

15. What do you mean by the concept of substance? Write the classifications of substance?

16. Write a short note on inanimate substances or ajiva?

17. Provide a short note on the concept of soul or jiva?

18. How did Nanak and Mardana start their mission?

19. What was the socio-religious background of the origin of Sikhism?

20. How do you explain the two compilations and the composition of the Adi Granth?

21. What are the three levels in which Buddhism recognizes suffering?

22. What is the eightfold path Buddhism suggests, for overcoming suffering?

23. Pratitya-samutpada is a middle path between sasvatvada (the principle of eternity) and uchedvada (the principle of annihilation). Explain.

24. What is the central argument of Buddhism in supporting the doctrine of momentoriness?

25. What did Buddha intend to communicate through the doctrine of non-soul (anatta)?

26. How does the Sautrantika School differ from the Vaibhasika School, in considering the nature of the relation between successive point-instants of existence?

27. What are the two reasons for adopting the term ‘Yogacara’ to Yogacara School?

28. Why does Nagarjuna say that the reality which philosophers create in their knowledge is the reality of names and forms and not reality as it is in itself?

29. What is the importance of a Gurudwara and the Golden Temple?

30. What were the important contributions of Guru Arjan?

 MPYE 005 World Religions Solved Assignment 2023-24 

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  • Prepared By IGNOU Experts 
  • Answers can used as Notes

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