(IGNOU) MPYE-004 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

MPYE-004 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- MPYE-004 stands for “Master of Arts in Philosophy (MAPY) Term-End Examination December, 2022: Philosophy of Human Person”. It refers to a specific paper within the Master of Arts in Philosophy program offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) in India.

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  • Course Code: MPYE-004
  • Course Name: Philosophy of Human Person
  • Credits: 4
  • Level: Elective (First Year)

  MPYE 004 Philosophy of Human Person Solved Assignment 2023-24  

Course Structure

  • Block 1: General Introduction
  • Block 2: Human Existence and Freedom
  • Block 3: Human Relationality
  • Block 4: Human Destiny

1. Give a brief Brahminical view on the nature of the self.

(IGNOU) MPYE-004 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Brahmanical views on the nature of the self are rooted in the philosophical and religious traditions of Hinduism, particularly those found in the Vedas, Upanishads, and later Hindu philosophical systems. The term “Brahmanical” is often used to refer to the traditions associated with the Brahmin class, who were traditionally responsible for the study and transmission of sacred texts.

(IGNOU) MPYE-004 Important Questions with Answers – According to Brahmanical thought, the nature of the self is intricately connected to the concept of Brahman, the ultimate reality or cosmic spirit that underlies and pervades the entire universe. The self, or Atman, is considered to be identical with Brahman in its ultimate essence. This view is often encapsulated in the famous saying “Tat Tvam Asi,” which means “Thou art That.”

  • Atman and Brahman Identity: The individual self (Atman) is believed to be eternal, unchanging, and ultimately identical with the cosmic spirit (Brahman). This implies that the true nature of every individual is divine.
  • Cycle of Rebirth (Samsara): Brahmanical traditions emphasize the concept of samsara, the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. The soul (Atman) undergoes this cycle until it achieves liberation (moksha) by realizing its oneness with Brahman.
  • Path to Liberation (Moksha): Liberation from the cycle of rebirth is considered the ultimate goal. Various paths, such as karma yoga (path of selfless action), bhakti yoga (path of devotion), and jnana yoga (path of knowledge), are prescribed to help individuals realize their true nature and attain moksha.
  • Role of Dharma: Dharma, or righteous living in accordance with one’s duty, is seen as crucial for spiritual progress. By fulfilling one’s duties and responsibilities in life, an individual can accumulate positive karma and move closer to liberation.

It’s important to note that there are diverse philosophical perspectives within Hinduism, and not all schools of thought agree on every aspect of the nature of the self. Different traditions and philosophical systems may place varying emphasis on different aspects of these beliefs.

2. What is the Buddhist reply to the Brahminical view of the self?

3. What is Sankara’s criticism against Buddhist theory of momentary person?

4. What is Carvaka’s theory of the self?

5. What is the meaning of Artha?

6. Give a brief summary of the Carvaka position.

7. How does Plato understand the human person in relation to body and soul?

8. How does Marx view the human being?

9. How does Karl Rahner see human being?

10. How does Teilhard view the relation between matter and spirit?

11. What is the starting point of transcendental analysis of Marechal?

12. How does Marechal show that the final goal of our intellect, the Unlimited Existence really

13. How is a ‘response’ different from an ‘answer’? What do we seek in philosophical anthropology?

14. “Nothing is more practical than a good theory Elucidate.

15. “It is not food that is in short supply, but justice.” Give your philosophical response.

16. How are other philosophical disciplines linked to philosophical anthropology?

17. What are some of the basic questions of anthropology?

18. How do you differentiate general anthropology to philosophical anthropology?

19. Human being is a mystery in the Marcelian sense. What is its implication?

20. What are some earlier names for the philosophy of the human person?



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