(IGNOU) MPYE-001 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPYE-001 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- MPYE-001 refers to the course code for Logic in the Master of Arts in Philosophy (MAPY) program offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). It is a first-year course under the School of Inter-Disciplinary and Trans-Disciplinary Studies (SOITS).

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  • Course Code: MPYE-001
  • Course Title: Logic
  • Level: Master’s Degree Programme
  • Programme: Master of Arts in Philosophy (MAPY)
  • Year: First Year

1. EIO is valid and IEO is invalid in all the figures. Explain.

MPYE-001 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- EIO” and “IEO” are associated with validity or invalidity. Without specific details or context about the figures, it’s challenging to provide a precise explanation. However, I can offer a general explanation based on the traditional interpretation of these terms in the context of categorical propositions and syllogisms.

In traditional logic, categorical propositions are statements that assert or deny the inclusion of one class within another. These propositions are classified into four types based on the quality (affirmative or negative) and quantity (universal or particular) of the statement.

  • A proposition (universal affirmative): All S is P.
  • E proposition (universal negative): No S is P.
  • I proposition (particular affirmative): Some S is P.
  • O proposition (particular negative): Some S is not P.

Syllogisms are arguments involving two premises and a conclusion. The validity of a syllogism depends on the combination of the types of categorical propositions used.


  • E proposition (No S is P)
  • I proposition (Some S is P)
  • O proposition (Some S is not P)

(IGNOU) MPYE-001 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- If these are the propositions in a syllogism, it would typically be considered invalid because the combination of “No S is P” and “Some S is P” could lead to a contradiction. In a valid syllogism, the premises should not conflict with each other.


  • I proposition (Some S is P)
  • E proposition (No S is P)
  • O proposition (Some S is not P)


2. If both premises are universal, then the conclusion must also be universal. Explain.

3. What are the factors which determine the mood of a syllogism?

4. Discuss the significance of the ‘figure’ of categorical syllogism.

5. What are the characteristics of dilemma?

2. What are the methods of avoiding dilemma?

6. Critically examine various classes of terms.

7. Analyse the meaning of connotation and denotation.

8. Determine all possible product classes of the following terms and their complements.

a) players and experts b) philosophers and kings c) fruits and vegetables d) actors and directors

9. Give symbolic representation of propositions? What do the symbols stand for?

10. Compare and contrast deduction and induction.

11. In a syllogism how do you relate the major, minor and middle terms? 

12. Describe the structure of Pure Hypothetical Syllogism with an example.

13. Analyze the significance of Rules of Inference.

14. Distinguish between the application of Composition and Simplification.

15. Distinguish between distributive law and commutative law.

16. Explain de Morgan’s law with example.

17. Analyze the features of traditional logic and modern logic.

18. Distinguish between truth and validity.

19. Distinguish between tautology and contradiction with examples. 

20. Examine the role of truth-table in modern logic.

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