(IGNOU) MPSE-011 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPSE-11 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- This course examines the history, development, and role of the European Union in world affairs. It begins with a discussion of the history of European integration, from the early days of the European Coal and Steel Community to the present day. The course then considers the various theories of integration, and how they have been applied to the European Union. The course also examines the institutions and decision-making processes of the European Union, and how they have evolved over time. Finally, the course explores the EU’s role in a variety of international issues, including trade, security, and development.

  • Course Code: MPSE-11
  • Course Title: The European Union in World Affairs
  • Course Language: English
  • Course Level: MA
  • Course Department: Political Science
  • Course Credits: 3

Course Content

Unit 1: History and Evolution of European Integration

  • The origins of European integration
  • The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
  • The European Economic Community (EEC)
  • The European Community (EC)
  • The European Union (EU)

Unit 2: Theories of Integration

  • Functionalism
  • Neofunctionalism
  • Intergovernmentalism
  • Supranationalism

Unit 3: Institutions of the European Union

  • The European Parliament
  • The Council of the European Union
  • The European Commission
  • The Court of Justice of the European Union
  • The European Central Bank

Unit 4: Decision-making in the European Union

  • The legislative process
  • The budgetary process
  • The treaty amendment process

Unit 5: Single European Act and Single Market

  • The Single European Act
  • The Single Market

Unit 6: Treaties: Maastricht Treaty, Amsterdam Treaty, Nice Treaty and Subsequent Treaties, European Constitutional Treaty

  • The Maastricht Treaty
  • The Amsterdam Treaty
  • The Nice Treaty
  • Subsequent treaties
  • The European Constitutional Treaty

Unit 7: Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)

  • The history of EMU
  • The euro
  • The economic and political implications of EMU

Unit 8: Member States of the European Union: France, Germany, The United Kingdom and European Integration

  • France and European integration
  • Germany and European integration
  • The United Kingdom and European integration

Unit 9: The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

  • The history of the CAP
  • The objectives of the CAP
  • The costs and benefits of the CAP

Unit 10: Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)

  • The history of the CFSP
  • The objectives of the CFSP
  • The challenges facing the CFSP

Discuss the idea of European integration as mooted by the European scholars and statesmen.

(IGNOU) MPSE-11 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- The idea of European integration has its roots in the aftermath of World War II, a devastating conflict that left Europe in ruins and prompted a reevaluation of traditional political and economic structures. The primary goal was to foster peace and stability by creating a framework for cooperation and interdependence among European nations. The concept was championed by various scholars and statesmen who sought to prevent future conflicts and promote economic prosperity through closer collaboration. MPSE-11 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

  • Robert Schuman’s Declaration (1950): Often considered the starting point of European integration, the Schuman Declaration proposed the establishment of a European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). Schuman, the French Foreign Minister, argued that pooling coal and steel resources would make war between France and Germany “not merely unthinkable, but materially impossible.” This proposal laid the foundation for the later development of the European Union. (IGNOU) MPSE-11 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Jean Monnet’s Role: Jean Monnet, a French diplomat and economist, played a crucial role in promoting European integration. He emphasized the need for gradual integration, starting with specific economic sectors, and believed that this approach would lead to political unity over time. Monnet’s ideas influenced the formation of the ECSC and subsequent institutions.
  • Treaty of Rome (1957): The Treaty of Rome established the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM). These institutions aimed to create a common market, remove trade barriers, and foster economic cooperation. The EEC marked a significant step toward deeper integration among its founding members.
  • European Communities and Expansion: Over the years, European integration evolved with the creation of institutions like the European Community (EC) and the European Union (EU). The EU expanded both in terms of its membership and its policy areas. The Single European Act (1986) and the Maastricht Treaty (1992) further enhanced integration by introducing measures like the Single Market and the establishment of the European Monetary Union (EMU).
  • Peace and Stability: One of the underlying motivations for European integration was the desire to prevent another devastating war on the continent. By creating economic interdependence and fostering close political ties, European nations aimed to build a lasting peace. The EU has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of its contributions to the promotion of peace and reconciliation. (IGNOU) MPSE-011 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Challenges and Criticisms: European integration has faced challenges, including economic disparities among member states, concerns about loss of national sovereignty, and difficulties in decision-making with an expanding union. The Brexit vote in 2016 highlighted divisions and dissatisfaction within the EU.
  • Future Prospects: The idea of European integration continues to evolve, with ongoing debates about the EU’s future direction. Discussions include issues such as further political integration, the enlargement of the EU, and adapting to global challenges like climate change and migration. MPSE-11 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

In summary, the idea of European integration emerged as a response to the devastation of World War II, with the primary goal of fostering peace and prosperity through economic and political cooperation. Over the decades, this vision has evolved, leading to the creation of the European Union as a complex political and economic entity. While the project has faced challenges, it remains a significant force in shaping the political and economic landscape of Europe. (IGNOU) MPSE-11 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

Discuss the formation of European Community and its implications for the world trade.

Discuss the origins and evolution of the European Union. Is it a fortress?

Examine the Single Eyropean Act. What role has it played in the economic integration of Europe?

Analyze the various aspects of the treaty of European Union or Maastricht treaty and its contribution in expanding the area of cooperation in Europe.

Critically examine the role of Amsterdam and Nice treaties in equipping the European Union to meet the challenges of expansion, globalization and new century.

Critically discuss the future prospect of the European Union. Will it succeed to meet the aspirations of the European people?

Describe the importance and uses of integration theories.

Critically examine federalism as a theory to explain the process of European integration.

Discuss intergovernmentalism as a theory of European integration.

Critically examine the neo-functipnalist theory of European integration.

How relevant do you think is the neo-realist explanation of the process of European integration?

Discuss the confederalism and the interdependence theories Of european integration.

Critically discuss the emergence and evolution of the European Union’s institutions and their role in the European integration.

Critically examine the composition and role of the European Council and the Council of Ministers in the European Union.

Critically evaluate the composition and role of the European Commission as an executive organ of the EU.

Critically analyze the role of the European Parliament in democratizing and providing legitimacy to the EU.

Discuss the composition and role of the European Court of Justice. How is it protecting and promoting the interest of the EU and safeguarding the rights of the EU citizens?

Briefly discuss the institutions of the EU. Do you agree with the view that plethora of EU institutions have made it a bureaucratic and technocratic regional organizations? Give your arguments in favor and against of this view.

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