(IGNOU) MPSE-013 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPSE-013 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- This course is an introduction to the study of Australia’s foreign policy. It examines the history, principles, and objectives of Australia’s foreign policy, as well as the factors that shape it. The course also explores Australia’s relationships with key countries and regions, including the United States, China, India, and the Pacific Islands.

  • Course Code: MPSE-013
  • Course Title: Australia’s Foreign Policy
  • Program: MA (Political Science)
  • Medium: English and Hindi
  • Max Marks: 100

Course Content

  • Unit 1: Importance of Studying Australia‘s Foreign Policy
  • Unit 2: Approaches to the Study of Australia’s Foreign Policy
  • Unit 3: Determinants of Australia’s Foreign Policy
  • Unit 4: Policy Making Processes
  • Unit 5: Economic Profile of Australia: Implications of Globalization
  • Unit 6: Key Countries and Regions

1) Write a short note on Australia’s domestic strengths.

(IGNOU) MPSE-013 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Australia possesses a range of domestic strengths that contribute to its economic stability, social well-being, and global standing. Australia is rich in natural resources, particularly minerals and energy sources. The country is a major exporter of commodities such as iron ore, coal, gold, and natural gas, which significantly contribute to its economic prosperity.

  • Economic Stability: Australia has a resilient and stable economy. The country has experienced consistent economic growth for several decades, and its economic policies, robust financial institutions, and effective regulatory framework contribute to a favorable business environment.
  • Educational Excellence: Australia maintains a high standard of education, with globally recognized universities and research institutions. The education system fosters innovation and provides a skilled workforce, contributing to the country’s competitiveness on the international stage.
  • Political Stability: Australia’s political system is characterized by stability and a strong adherence to democratic principles. The country has a history of peaceful transitions of power, effective governance, and a commitment to the rule of law, which enhances its overall political stability.
  • Social Cohesion: Australia is known for its cultural diversity and social cohesion. The country has successfully managed to integrate a multicultural society, fostering inclusivity and social harmony. This diversity brings a richness of perspectives and talents to the nation.
  • Technological Advancements: Australia has a well-developed infrastructure and is at the forefront of technological advancements. Investments in research and development, innovation hubs, and a supportive ecosystem for startups contribute to the country’s technological strength. (IGNOU) MPSE-013 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Quality Healthcare System: Australia boasts a high-quality healthcare system that provides universal access to medical services. This ensures the well-being of its population and contributes to a healthy and productive workforce.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Australia places a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability. The country is endowed with unique biodiversity and is actively involved in conservation efforts. Additionally, there is a growing focus on renewable energy sources to address environmental challenges.
  • Global Trade Partnerships: Australia has established strong trade partnerships globally, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region. The country’s strategic location and trade agreements contribute to a vibrant and diversified economy.
  • Resilience to External Shocks: Australia has demonstrated resilience in the face of various external challenges, such as economic downturns and global uncertainties. The ability to adapt to changing circumstances contributes to the country’s overall strength.

(IGNOU) MPSE-013 Most Important Questions with Answers-  In summary, Australia’s domestic strengths encompass a combination of economic, social, political, and environmental factors, positioning the country as a significant player in the global arena. These strengths contribute to Australia’s overall prosperity and resilience in the face of various challenges.

2) Assess Australia’s standing in the Asia-Pacific region in recent years.

3) Sketch the Australia-India economic and security relations since 1990s.

4) Describe the ‘Principal Power’ approach to the study of Australia’s foreign policy.

5) What were the main constraints to Australia’s foreign policy behaviour highlighted by the Satellite,or Dependency framework?

6) Why is the Middle-Power framework to the study of Australia’s foreign policy considered to be Inore durable than other frameworks? Explain.

7) Make a brief assessment of the various approaches to Australia’s foreign policy.

8) What, in your view, are the basic determinants ofAustralia’s foreign policy?

9) Review briefly the significant changes in Australia’s foreign policy.

10) To what extent has the emergence of the Asia-Pacific region in recent years become an important external determinant in Australia’s foreign policy?

11) How far, in yourjudgement, is the role of the US an important determining factor in Australia’s foreign
policy and why?

12) Identify the different societal elements that influence foreign policy making in Australia.

13) Write a brief note on the role ofAustralia’s Parliament in foreign policy formulation.

14) Give reasons as to why the Prime Minister in Australia wields paramcunt influence in the making of foreign policy.

15) Sketch briefly the functions and the role of Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in the formulation and implementation ofAustralia’s foreign policy.

16) Briefly discuss Australia’s role in the bilateral and regional trade agreements.

17) Explain Australia’s contribution towards a strong rule based multilateral trading system of the WTO
18) Write short notes on the following:

a) Innovations and COMET Programme
b) Australia’s International Aid programme
c) Small Business in Australia
d) Australia and APEC

19) What is the impact of globalisation on Australia?

20) Explain briefly the circumstances leading to the economic restructuring and trade liberalisation initiatives of Australia in the recent decades.


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