(IGNOU) MPSE- 008 Most Important Questions with answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPSE- 008 Most Important Questions with answers English Medium- MPSE-008 in IGNOU stands for State Politics in India. It is a core course for the Master of Arts (Political Science) (MPS) program offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).

  • Course Title: State Politics in India (MPSE-008)
  • Level: Master’s Degree (MA)
  • Programme: Political Science (MPS)
  • Year: 2nd
  • Credits: 4

Course Content

  • Development of state politics in India
  • Frameworks for analyzing state politics
  • Nature of Indian diversities and nationalist responses
  • States in the constitutional scheme
  • Development of the state system
  • Elections and electoral politics
  • Political parties and party systems
  • Patterns of dissent and protest movements in Indian states
  • Developmental issues and regional disparities
  • Agrarian transformation and land reforms
  • Industry and labour
  • Globalization and liberalization: implications for state politics
  • Inter-state water disputes
  • Dalit assertion and politics of marginalized groups
  • Ethnic minorities and their challenges
  • Communal politics in contemporary India
  • State autonomy movements

1) Why did the Congress system or the dominant party system decline?

Ans. The 2014 general election dealt the Congress an electoral punch that knocked the wind out of its sails. It also threw up a leader in Narendra Modi that was reminiscent of Indira Gandhi with a larger than life image and that resulted in a tectonic shift of political equilibrium in Delhi from the middle of the centre ideological pinning of the Congress to the right wing brand of politics of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) which rolled out a new political discourse promising to usher in a new India free from the Congress. In the aftermath of these elections, journalistic and academic narratives focussing on the decline of the Congress party in the country’s political arena abounded and red flags were raised within the party circles to arrest its terminal downslide and save it from being marginalised. (IGNOU) MPSE- 008 Most Important Questions with answers English Medium

The party went into a huddle but internal dissensions and lack of visionary strategies failed to revive its electoral fortunes. It lost the state elections held in 2015-2016 in quick succession and conceded the remaining political space to the BJP which was on a roll. The recent assembly elections held in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Manipur and Goa in March were a kind of a referendum on demonetisation undertaken by Modi and a midterm appraisal of the BJP government. The issue of demonetisation created a sharp political divide and provided the Congress the much needed opportunity not only in stopping the saffron juggernaut but also in reversing its losing streak and making a political u-turn. MPSE- 008 Most Important Questions with answers

The electorate of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand handed the saffron party one of the biggest state election mandates in independent India. The Congress registered a consolation win in Punjab and emerged as the largest party in Manipur and Goa (in terms of seats, but lagged behind the BJP in terms of popular votes) but still lost the opportunity to form the government in the smaller states. This was largely due to poor negotiations by the party’s state interlocutors and the flip flop by its national leadership. The declining wheel turned a full circle and the Congress is in power now in only six states— Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Mizoram and Meghalaya on its own and in Bihar as a junior partner in an alliance.

2) Explain the impact of identities on the state politics in India.

3) What is the relationship between globalisation and state politics in India?

4) Discuss how the systemic framework is used to study state politics 

5) Identify the basic features of the Marxian framework.

6) Discuss how different frameworks are applied to the study of identities, new social movements and elections in state politics.

7) Trace the method of British annexation of India.

8) Trace the evolving pattern of territorial arrangement of India under the British.

9) How did the Constituent Assembly of India arrange the territory of independent India?

10) Trace the reorganisation of states in independent India. What are the consequential problems of the reorganisation on inter-state relations?

11) How is the Union-State relation evolving in India? What, according to you, are the main reasons for demand of state autonomy?

12) What are the Constitutional amendments which shaped the Union-State relations in India

13) Discuss the relationships between the social movements and protest movements.

14) Write a note on the Naxalite movements.

15) Analyse the Chhattisgargh Mukti Morcha.

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