(IGNOU) MPSE- 006 Most Important Questions with answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPSE- 006 Most Important Questions with answers English Medium-  MPSE-006: Peace and Conflict Studies is an undergraduate course offered by IGNOU. The course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the nature of conflict, the causes of conflict, and the different ways in which conflict can be resolved. The course also explores the role of peacemaking and peacebuilding in creating a more peaceful world.

Course Structure

  • Unit 1: Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies
  • Unit 2: The Nature of Conflict
  • Unit 3: Causes of Conflict
  • Unit 4: Resolution of Conflict
  • Unit 5: Peacemaking and Peacebuilding

Definition and nature of peace

(IGNOU) MPSE- 006 Most Important Questions with answers- The course begins by defining peace and discussing its different dimensions. Peace is often defined as the absence of war or violence, but it can also be understood as a state of harmony, cooperation, and well-being. The course explores the different ways in which peace can be defined and measured.

Causes and dynamics of conflict

The course then examines the causes and dynamics of conflict. Conflict can be caused by a variety of factors, including competition for resources, political differences, and social injustice. The course explores the different types of conflict, as well as the factors that contribute to their escalation and resolution.

Approaches to peace and conflict resolution

The course then discusses the different approaches to peace and conflict resolution. These approaches can be divided into two broad categories: structural approaches, which focus on addressing the root causes of conflict, and behavioral approaches, which focus on resolving specific disputes. The course explores the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.

Role of individuals, groups, and institutions in promoting peace

The course concludes by examining the role of individuals, groups, and institutions in promoting peace. Individuals can play a role in promoting peace through their everyday actions, such as being tolerant and respectful of others. Groups, such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), can also play a role in promoting peace through their advocacy and education work. Institutions, such as the United Nations, can also play a role in promoting peace through their mediation and peacekeeping efforts.

The IGNOU MPSE-006 course is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about peace and conflict studies. The course provides a comprehensive overview of the field and prepares students to think critically about the causes and dynamics of conflict, as well as the different approaches to peace and conflict resolution

1. Briefly explain the main characteristics of peace keeping and peace building.

International armed forces were first used in 1948 to observe cease-fires in Kashmir and Palestine. Although not specifically mentioned in the UN Charter, the use of such forces as a buffer between warring parties pending troop withdrawals and negotiations—a practice known as peacekeeping—was formalized in 1956 during the Suez Crisis between Egypt, Israel, France, and the United Kingdom. Peacekeeping missions have taken many forms, though they have in common the fact that they are designed to be peaceful, that they involve military troops from several countries, and that the troops serve under the authority of the UN Security Council.

In 1988 the UN Peacekeeping Forces were awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. During the Cold War, so-called first-generation, or “classic,” peacekeeping was used in conflicts in the Middle East and Africa and in conflicts stemming from decolonization in Asia. Between 1948 and 1988 the UN undertook 13 peacekeeping missions involving generally lightly armed troops from neutral countries other than the permanent members of the Security Council—most often Canada, Sweden, Norway, Finland, India, Ireland, and Italy. Troops in these missions, the so-called “Blue Helmets,” were allowed to use force only in selfdefense.

IGNOU MPSE- 006 Most Important Questions with answers – The missions were given and enjoyed the consent of the parties to the conflict and the support of the Security Council and the troop-contributing countries. With the end of the Cold War, the challenges of peacekeeping became more complex. In order to respond to situations in which internal order had broken down and the civilian population was suffering, “second-generation” peacekeeping was developed to achieve multiple political and social objectives.

Unlike firstgeneration peacekeeping, second-generation peacekeeping often involves civilian experts and relief specialists as well as soldiers. Another difference between second-generation and first-generation peacekeeping is that soldiers in some second-generation missions are authorized to employ force for reasons other than self-defense. Because the goals of second-generation peacekeeping can be variable and difficult to define, however, much controversy has accompanied the use of troops in such missions

2. Describe some of the major arms control and disarmament agreements.

3. Discuss Gandhi’s views on war. 

4. What is Peace Research ? Elaborate.

5. Write an essay on measures to ensure human security.

6. What do you understand by the concept of ‘human security’?

7. Defining human security and discuss its nature and scope.

8. Write a critical note on peace movements in the post war period

9. What are the basic assumptions of functionalism?

10. What is economic regionalism?

11. Write a note on the settlement of disputes within the framework of the UN.

12. Describe some major forms of insurgency.

13. Describe the various causes of intra-societal conflict.

14. Examine whether human nature is essentially aggressive.

15. What do you understand by Negative and Positive peace ? Explain.

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