(IGNOU) MPSE- 005 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPSE- 005 Most Important Questions with answers-  MPSE-005 State and Society in Africa is a course offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) as part of its Master of Arts (Political Science) program. The course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the political, economic, and social development of Africa.

Course Structure

  • Module 1: Introduction to Africa
  • Module 2: The Precolonial History of Africa
  • Module 3: The Colonial History of Africa
  • Module 4: The Postcolonial History of Africa
  • Module 5: The Political Systems of African Countries
  • Module 6: The Economic Development of Africa

Q:- Describe the process of colonisation of Africa.

(IGNOU) MPSE- 005 Most Important Questions with answers- The process of colonization of Africa refers to the period during the 19th and early 20th centuries when European powers, driven by imperialistic ambitions, political rivalries, economic interests, and technological advancements, established control over various parts of the African continent. This era is commonly known as the “Scramble for Africa” or the “Partition of Africa.

Exploration and Pre-Colonial Contact (15th-18th centuries):

  • European explorers, such as Vasco da Gama and Bartholomew Diaz, began navigating around the African continent in the 15th century in search of new trade routes to Asia.
  • Initial contact involved trade and limited cultural exchange.

The Berlin Conference (1884-1885)

  • The major European powers convened in Berlin to discuss and regulate the colonization and division of Africa.
  • No African representatives were present at the conference, and the arbitrary drawing of borders often disregarded ethnic, linguistic, and cultural realities.

Treaties and Agreements

  • European powers negotiated treaties with local African leaders, often exploiting existing rivalries and power dynamics to gain control over territories.
  • Many of these treaties were unequal, and local leaders often did not fully comprehend the implications of what they were agreeing to. (IGNOU) MPSE- 005 Most Important Questions with answers

Imperialism and Economic Exploitation

  • Colonizing powers sought to extract natural resources, such as rubber, ivory, minerals, and later, oil, to fuel their industrial economies.
  • The establishment of plantations and exploitation of labor, sometimes through forced labor or slavery, played a significant role in the economic exploitation of the continent.

Resistance and Conquest

  • African societies resisted European colonization through various means, including armed resistance, diplomatic negotiations, and cultural preservation.
  • Notable examples of resistance include the Ashanti resistance in West Africa, the Zulu War in Southern Africa, and the Maji Maji Rebellion in East Africa.

European powers established formal colonial administrations, often employing a system of indirect rule where local elites were co-opted to govern on behalf of the colonial power. Infrastructure development, such as railways and ports, was primarily aimed at facilitating the extraction of resources.

Impact on African Societies

Colonization had profound and lasting effects on African societies, including the disruption of traditional social structures, the imposition of European languages and cultures, and the introduction of new religions.

Artificial borders created during colonization continue to influence contemporary political and social dynamics.

Decolonization (Mid-20th century)

(IGNOU) MPSE- 005 Most Important Questions with answers- After World War II, the rise of nationalist movements and changing global attitudes led to the decolonization of Africa. Many African countries gained independence in the 1950s and 1960s, marking the end of the formal colonial era. The colonization of Africa had far-reaching consequences, shaping the continent’s history, politics, and socio-economic landscape for generations to come.

Q: What were the political and social effects of colonialism in Africa?

Q: Direct colonial rule altered the domestic and international economic relations of the African continent. Explain.

Q: What led to tlie rise of national ism in Africa? To what extent was it externally irifluenced by colonial powers?

Q: Write a brief note on the impact ofthe two World Wars on African nationalism.

Q: Give a brief account ofthe Independence movement in Africa.

Q: How woilld you analyse the nature of the African state? Evaluate the distinct features.

Q: What were the problerns of statehood that confronted African states?

Q: Discuss the major challenges to nationalism and integration in Africa.

Q: Assess the role of the African leadership addressing the problem of political opposition?

Q: Analyse state-society distortions as a challenge to legitimacy in Africa

Q: Write a note on Organisation of African Unity (OAU)

Q: Examine the issue of human security in SubSaharan Africa

Q: Discuss the issue of ethnicity and nationalism in Africa.

Q: Elaborate upon regional economic integration in Africa.




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