IGNOU MPS-002 Important Questions with answers English Medium

IGNOU MPS-002 Important Questions with answers- MPS-002 refers to the course code for “International Relations: Theory and Problems” in the Master of Arts (Political Science) program offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). It’s a compulsory course for all MPS students.

Course Structure

  • Course Code: MPS-002
  • Course Name: International Relations: Theory and Problems
  • Credits: 8 credits
  • Level: Master’s Degree
  • Programme: Master of Arts (Political Science)
  • Nature of the course: Compulsory
  • Medium of instruction: English and Hindi

Course Description

IGNOU MPS-002 Important Questions with answers- This course introduces students to the core concepts and theories of international relations. It explores the historical development of the field, examines the major actors and processes in international politics, and analyzes contemporary global challenges.

  • Theories of international relations: Realism, liberalism, Marxism, constructivism, and post-colonialism
  • Global security and conflict resolution
  • International organizations and institutions
  • Globalization and its impact on international relations
  • Human rights and international law
  • Environmental challenges and international cooperation
  • Regional and global challenges such as terrorism, climate change, and economic inequality

Course Content

  • Nature and scope of international relations
  • Theories of international relations (realism, liberalism, constructivism, etc.)
  • Power and hegemony in international politics
  • Foreign policy analysis
  • International organizations and regimes
  • Global security issues (nuclear proliferation, terrorism, cyber security)
  • Human rights and humanitarian intervention
  • Globalization and its impact on international relations
  • Regionalism and international cooperation

I) Account for the dominance of Realist approach in international relations theory,

IGNOU MPS-002 Important Questions with answers- Realism resonates with the inherent focus on states as the primary actors in international politics. Its emphasis on power, security, and national interest aligns with the perceived realities of international relations, where states often compete for resources and influence within an anarchic system lacking a central authority.

Simplicity and clarity: The core tenets of Realism are relatively straightforward and easy to understand, making it accessible to a wider audience compared to more complex theoretical frameworks. This clarity allows for clear interpretations of international events and policy implications. IGNOU MPS-002 Important Questions with answers

Empirical grounding: Realism draws heavily on historical and contemporary events, providing a seemingly objective and grounded understanding of international politics. This empirical grounding lends it credibility and persuasiveness, often citing historical examples to support its arguments.

Predictive power: Realist analysis offers a framework for understanding and predicting conflict and cooperation between states. This predictive power makes it valuable for policymakers and scholars alike, as it helps anticipate potential outcomes of certain actions and strategies.

Explanatory scope: Realism can be applied to a wide range of international phenomena, from interstate wars to global governance challenges. This broad applicability, allowing it to encompass various aspects of international relations, further contributes to its dominance.

Resilience and adaptability: Despite criticisms, Realism has demonstrated its ability to adapt and evolve over time, incorporating new concepts and insights while retaining its core principles. This resilience has ensured its continued relevance in the face of changing international dynamics, demonstrating flexibility in adapting to new challenges. IGNOU MPS-002 Important Questions with answers

Lack of strong alternatives: While other theoretical approaches exist, such as Idealism, Liberalism, and Constructivism, they often struggle to match the comprehensiveness, clarity, and predictive power of Realism. This lack of equally developed alternatives, that can convincingly explain the complexities of international relations, further cements Realism’s dominant position.

It’s important to note that the dominance of Realism is not without its critics. Some argue that it is overly simplistic, overlooks non-state actors and transnational forces, and perpetuates a focus on conflict over cooperation. However, despite these criticisms, Realism remains a powerful and influential theoretical framework in International Relations, offering a compelling lens through which to analyze and understand the complex dynamics of the international system. IGNOU MPS-002 Important Questions with answers English Medium

2) Bring out the underlying assumptions of Realism.

3)What distinguishes Neo-realism from Realism?

4) Bring out the essence of the key concepts frequently used in the Realist framework. What Purpose do they serve?

5) To what extent do you think. is the notion of "national interest" representative of the genuine interests of a nation"?

6) How "anarchic" is the nature of the international system as seen by the Realists'? Is there a way out"?

7) What is meant by the notion of "security dilemma"? Do the Realists suggest any mechanism to escape or mitigate the security dilemma?

8) Identify tlie underlying assumptions of liberalism. Also, identify the main differences between the Realists and the liberal frameworks.

9) What distinguishes tlie neo-liberals from the traditional liberal scholars? Do tlie neo-liberals present a contrasting view of world politics from that of the traditional liberals?

10) What do you mean by "order" in international politics? Bring out the Realist and Liberal views on international/world order.

11) Is globalisation different from globalism? If so, in what respect'?

12) Bring out the differences between Functionalism and Neo-Functionalism. In what ways do they strengthen the liberal framework of international relations?

13)What is meant by the notion of security communities? In what ways can they be realised?

14) How do the liberals approach the issue of resolving conflicts in international relations?

15) Bring out the core elements of Marxist approach to international relations.

16) What does Hobson mean by economic taproot of imperialism? How have the Marxist scholars reacted to his theory of imperialism

17) How is colonialism different from imperialism"? Also highlight the Marxist views on colonialism.

18) What do you mean by neo-colonialism? Do you agree with the view that even after the end of colonialism, it continues to operate under the garb of neo-colonialism

19) Do you agree with the view that Nkrumah is the pioneer of the theory of neo-colonialism? Outline his main thesis.

20) In what ways, do you think the Marxist theory of hegemony helps in enriching our understanding of the dynamics of international politics


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