(IGNOU) MPCE-033 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPCE-033 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Organisational development (OD) is a planned, systematic, and long-term effort to improve an organization’s effectiveness through planned interventions in its processes, structure, and people. OD is based on the belief that organizations can be improved through a focus on people and relationships, as well as on the organization’s structure and processes.

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Course Content

Block 1: Introduction

  • Definition of organisational development
  • Assumptions, beliefs, and values of OD
  • History and evolution of OD

Block 2: Process of Change

  • Models of change
  • Forces for change
  • Managing change

Block 3: Analysing and Managing the OD Process

  • Diagnosing organisations
  • Planning and implementing OD interventions

Block 4: OD Interventions

  • Team building
  • Intergroup relations
  • Leadership development
  • Organisational culture
  • Quality management
  • Performance management

1) Explain how lack of contribution and responsibility on part of the employee can affect participation.

(IGNOU) MPCE-033 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- The lack of contribution and responsibility on the part of an employee can have a significant impact on their overall participation in the workplace, affecting both individual and team dynamics.

MPCE-033 Important Questions with Answers – When an employee fails to contribute actively to team projects or tasks, it can hinder overall productivity. Other team members may need to pick up the slack, leading to increased workloads and potential delays. MPCE-033 Important Questions with Answers

Negative Team Dynamics

(IGNOU) MPCE-033 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Lack of contribution can create a negative atmosphere within the team. Team members may feel frustrated or resentful towards the non-contributing member, which can lead to conflicts and strained relationships.

In collaborative environments, active contribution is crucial for generating new ideas and fostering innovation. When an employee doesn’t take responsibility for contributing their insights, the team may miss out on valuable perspectives and potential solutions.

Impact on Decision-Making

Participation is essential in decision-making processes. If an employee does not actively engage in discussions or take responsibility for their role, it can hinder the quality of decision-making and lead to suboptimal outcomes.

Reduced Morale

(IGNOU) MPCE-033 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- A lack of contribution can contribute to lower morale among team members who may feel that their efforts are not being reciprocated. This can lead to a decline in overall job satisfaction and engagement.

Missed Opportunities for Professional Growth

Actively participating in tasks and taking on responsibilities are opportunities for professional growth. Employees who consistently avoid such responsibilities may miss out on chances to develop new skills or showcase their abilities to advance their careers.

Increased Workload on Others

When one team member consistently fails to take responsibility, their tasks may fall onto the shoulders of their colleagues. This increased workload can lead to burnout and dissatisfaction among other team members.

Undermined Trust and Reliability

Trust is a critical component of effective teamwork. When an employee does not contribute or fulfill their responsibilities, it can erode trust within the team. Others may start questioning the reliability and commitment of the non-contributing member.

Negative Impact on Organizational Goals

A lack of contribution and responsibility at the individual level can hinder the achievement of broader organizational goals. Teams are typically designed to work cohesively towards common objectives, and the failure of one member to contribute can impede progress.

To address these issues, it’s essential for organizations to foster a culture of accountability, encourage open communication, and provide opportunities for professional development. Additionally, managers should actively address and support employees who may be struggling to contribute effectively.

2) Highlight factors that determine the success of participation.

3) Explain Total Quality Management and quality circles as programmes to promote participation.

4) Discuss in detail the determinants of empowerment.

5) What are the characteristics of empowered organisation?

6) What are the various techniques of empowerment?

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7) Explain open book management and delegation as techniques of empowerment.

8) Explain how lack of skills and insecurity can discourage managers from employing participation and empowerment.

9) Discuss five leadership practices that can make managers effective.

10) Describe participation and empowerment and discuss their.

11) What factors need to be taken in to consideration before implementation of empowerment?

12) Describe the process of participation and empowerment.

13) Describe the significance of role played by managers in implementation of Empowerment.

14) Highlight the characteristics of empowered organisation.

15) Explain the programmes that be carried out for implementing participation and empowerment

16) Differentiate between teams and groups.

17) Discuss various activities carried out by teams.

18) How do we create a high performance team?

19) Explain the concept of team work.

20) Discus any two problems affecting team work.

21) Highlight any three ways of enhancing team work.

22) Discuss Role Analysis Techniques as a team intervention strategy.

23) Explain the concept of Family Group Diagnostic Meeting.

24) Describe the concept of organisational learning.

25) Explain the any two core areas of organisational learning.


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