(IGNOU) MPCE-023 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPCE-023 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- This course provides an overview of the major counseling interventions, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, person-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy, and solution-focused therapy. The course also covers the use of group counseling, e-counseling, and other emerging counseling approaches.

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Block 1: Psychological Interventions: Major Modalities

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Person-centered therapy (PCT)
  • Gestalt therapy
  • Solution-focused therapy

Block 2: Cognitive Behavioral Counseling

  • Assessment in CBT
  • Interventions in CBT
  • Common CBT techniques

Block 3: Other Counseling Interventions

  • Group counseling
  • E-counseling
  • Emerging counseling approaches

Block 4: Counseling: Future Directions

  • Ethical issues in counseling
  • Research in counseling

1) When or under what circumstances would you encourage a friend to seek counseling?

(IGNOU) MPCE-023 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Encouraging a friend to seek counseling is a delicate matter and should be approached with sensitivity and empathy. If your friend is consistently experiencing intense emotions such as sadness, anxiety, anger, or despair, and these emotions are interfering with their daily life and functioning, counseling can provide support and coping strategies.

  • Major Life Transitions or Loss: Significant life events like the loss of a loved one, a divorce, job loss, or other major transitions can be overwhelming. Counseling can offer a space to process these changes and develop coping mechanisms. (IGNOU) MPCE-023 Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Relationship Issues: If your friend is struggling with interpersonal relationships, whether it’s family, romantic partners, or friendships, counseling can provide tools to improve communication and navigate conflicts.
  • Trauma or Abuse: If your friend has experienced trauma or abuse, professional help is crucial. A therapist can assist in processing trauma, healing, and developing coping mechanisms.
  • Substance Abuse Issues: If your friend is struggling with substance abuse, it’s important to encourage them to seek help. Many therapists specialize in addiction counseling.
  • Changes in Behavior or Personality: If you notice significant changes in your friend’s behavior, mood, or personality that are causing concern, counseling may help identify underlying issues.
  • Self-Harm or Suicidal Thoughts: Any indication of self-harm or suicidal thoughts requires immediate attention. Encourage your friend to reach out to a mental health professional or a crisis hotline.
  • Chronic Stress or Burnout: If your friend is consistently overwhelmed, stressed, or experiencing burnout, counseling can provide tools to manage stress and prevent long-term negative effects on mental health. MPCE-023 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

MPCE-23 Important Questions Answers – Approach the conversation with empathy, expressing concern and care rather than judgment. Use statements to share your observations and feelings, and let your friend know that seeking counseling is a sign of strength and self-care. Offer your support and help in finding a suitable mental health professional if they are open to the idea. Keep in mind that you cannot force someone to seek counseling, but you can provide information and encouragement to help them make their own decision.

2) What are the basic elements of Psychoanalysis?

3) What is the origin of Psychodynamics?

4) What are the goals of a counselor?

5) What is Psychoanalytic counseling?

6) What is the relationship between insight and counseling?

7) Describe psychoanalysis as insight therapy.

8) Elucidate humanistic approach as insight therapy.

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9) Explain psychodynamic approach as insight counseling.

10) Describe Adlerian psychology and indicate how it is insight therapy.

11) Elucidate existential therapy approach as part of insight therapy.

12) How does person centered approach an insight therapy?

13) Explain Gestalt approach as an insight therapy.

14) Describe short term counseling.

15) What are the conditions for success of short term counseling?

16) What is meant by commitment to spiritual development?

17) Describe the meaning and definition of brief therapy.

18) Discuss the S.T.C. modalities.

19) What are the client concerns in STC?

20) How is insight counseling useful?

21) Is there and specific problem for which these modalities are more appropriate.

22) What are the various developments that influenced brief therapies?

23) Describe the common aspects of all brief therapies

24) When do we use short term counseling?

25) Who are the beneficiaries of short term counslling?

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