(IGNOU) MPC-005 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPC-005 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- MPC-005, Research Methods in Psychology, is a core course for the Master of Arts in Psychology (MAPC) program offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). This course equips students with the essential knowledge and skills to navigate the complex world of psychological research. Understanding its details is crucial for anyone considering enrolling in the MAPC program or seeking in-depth knowledge about research methodologies.

MPC 005 Research Methods in Psychology Solved Assignment 2023-24

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Course Structure and Credits

  • Block 1: Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology: This block lays the foundation for the course by introducing students to the basic concepts of research in psychology. It covers topics like the scientific method, ethics in research, research designs, and measurement. (IGNOU) MPC-005 Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Block 2: Types of Research: This block delves deeper into various research designs, including experimental, quasi-experimental, non-experimental, correlational, and case studies. Each design is explored in detail, with its strengths, weaknesses, and specific applications in psychological research.
  • Block 3: Research Design: This block equips students with the practical skills needed to design and conduct their own research. It covers topics like sampling techniques, data collection methods, questionnaire construction, interview techniques, and observation methods.
  • Block 4: Qualitative Research in Psychology: This block introduces students to qualitative research methods, which are gaining increasing popularity in psychology. It covers various qualitative approaches like phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and narrative analysis.

1) What is research? Discuss qualities of good research.

(IGNOU) MPC-005 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Research is a systematic process of investigation aimed at expanding knowledge, discovering new facts, validating existing theories, or solving specific problems. It involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data to answer a particular question or test a hypothesis. Research can be conducted in various fields, including science, social science, humanities, business, and technology.

MPC-005 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Research is the systematic and creative investigation undertaken to add to the existing body of knowledge. It involves a structured approach to asking questions, collecting and analyzing data, and interpreting results to shed light on a particular topic or phenomenon.

  • Systematic: Research follows a structured approach, using established methods and procedures to ensure accuracy and reliability. This could involve formulating a hypothesis, designing a research project, collecting data, conducting analysis, and drawing conclusions.
  • Creative: While systematic, research also requires creativity in formulating questions, devising methodologies, and interpreting findings.
  • Data-driven: Research relies on evidence, typically collected through various methods like experiments, surveys, observations, or existing data sources. This data is then analyzed and interpreted to draw conclusions.
  • Goal-oriented: Research aims to answer a specific question or solve a particular problem. It usually starts with a clearly defined research question and objectives that guide the study.

Qualities of Good Research

  • Validity: Good research produces accurate and reliable findings that reflect reality. This involves using appropriate methods, minimizing bias, and ensuring data integrity.
  • Reliability: The research findings can be replicated by other researchers using the same methods. This ensures the conclusions are not due to chance or specific conditions of the original study.
  • Objectivity: Research should be conducted with neutrality and impartiality, avoiding biases or preconceived notions that could influence the findings.
  • Transparency: The research process, methods, and findings should be clearly documented and transparently reported. This allows others to assess the quality of the research and build upon its findings.
  • Generalizability: While some research focuses on specific cases, good research often aims to generate findings that can be applied to broader contexts or populations. This requires careful consideration of the research design and sample selection.
  • Significance: Good research addresses important questions with the potential to contribute to existing knowledge, solve problems, or inform policies.

Remember, good research is a continuous process of questioning, investigating, and refining our understanding of the world around us. By adhering to these qualities, researchers can ensure their work contributes meaningfully to the advancement of knowledge and progress.

2) In your opinion, what may be various criteria of a good research?

3) Discuss importance and relevance of psychological research.

4) How can you minimize research biases in psychological research?

5) What is the role of discovery of justification in psychological research?

6) List the steps involved in research process?

7) Explain the importance of research questions in psychological research?

8) What is the role of review of literature in research process?

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9) Why formulates of hypothesis is necessary while conducting it?

10) How the steps in the research process do helps a person to get knowledge?

11) Define reliability. Discuss any two methods of estimating reliability of test scores.

12) What is meant by internal consistency reliability. Discuss any two methods of assessing internal consistency reliability.

13) What are some problems associated with reliability assessed via the testretest.

14) State the strengths and drawbacks of parallel forms reliability.

15) Define validity and distinguish between reliability and validity.

16) Explain construct validity. How does it differ from content validity.

17) What is internal validity? Discuss various threats of internal validity.

18) What is external validity? Discuss various threats of external validity.

19) As the number of trials increases error decreases.  

20) Intensity of lights affects the task performance.

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