(IGNOU) MPC-002 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPC-002 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- MPC-002 is a foundational course in the IGNOU MA Psychology (MAPC) program. It delves into the fascinating science of human development across the entire lifespan, from conception to later years. This comprehensive subject equips students with a deep understanding of the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes that individuals go through from pre-birth to old age.

MPC-002 Life Span Psychology HELP BOOK Download PDF

  • Course Code: MPC-002
  • Course Name: Life Span Psychology
  • Credit: 4 credits
  • Duration: 6 months (semester)
  • Programme: Master of Arts in Psychology (MAPC)

Structure and Syllabus

  • Block 1: Prenatal, Infancy, and Early Childhood: This block explores the intricate world of pre-natal development, the crucial first years of life, and the formative early childhood period. MPC-002 Important Questions with Answers English Medium 
  • Block 2: Development during Early School Years (6-11 years): This block highlights the significant transitions during primary school years, covering physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and moral development, along with the role of schooling and potential challenges.
  • Block 3: Development during Adolescence: This block examines the dramatic period of adolescence, delving into physical and hormonal changes, identity formation, relationships, emotional turmoil, and cognitive development.
  • Block 4: Adulthood and Ageing: This block encompasses the stages of young adulthood, middle adulthood, and later life, exploring career development, relationships, parenthood, mental and physical health changes, and the complexities of ageing.

1) What is life span development?

Lifespan development refers to the process of growth, change, and stability that occurs throughout the entire human lifespan, from conception to death. It encompasses the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development that individuals experience at different stages of life. This field of study seeks to understand how people develop, adapt, and change over time, considering factors such as genetics, environment, culture, and individual experiences. Lifespan development is often divided into different stages, each characterized by specific developmental tasks and milestones.

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  • Prenatal Development: The period from conception to birth, involving the physical and biological changes as a fetus develops. MPC-002 Important Questions Answers 
  • Infancy: The first few years of life, marked by rapid physical growth, sensory and motor development, and the formation of early social and emotional bonds.
  • Early Childhood: The preschool years, during which children continue to develop language, motor skills, and social relationships.
  • Middle Childhood: The elementary school years, focusing on academic and cognitive development, social skills, and the formation of self-identity.
  • Adolescence: The transitional period between childhood and adulthood, marked by puberty, identity exploration, and the development of independence.
  • Early Adulthood: The period from late teens to the 30s, characterized by the pursuit of independence, career development, and personal relationships.
  • Middle Adulthood: The period from the 40s to the 60s, often associated with career stability, raising children, and reassessment of life goals.
  • Late Adulthood: The stage from the 60s onward, involving reflections on life, potential retirement, and adjustments to aging.

Lifespan development theories, such as those proposed by Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Lawrence Kohlberg, contribute to our understanding of how individuals progress through these stages and how various factors influence their development. The study of lifespan development is interdisciplinary, drawing on psychology, biology, sociology, and other fields to explore the complex interactions that shape human development across the entire lifespan.

2) Explain characteristics of development.

3) What are major issues involved in the process of development?

4) Describe significant facts about development.

5) What are the different periods of development?

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6) What are the various domains of human development?

7) Define the prenatal period.

8) Elaborate the stages of prenatal development.

9) What are the two stages in which male sex go through?

10) What are the three stages in which female sex go through?

11) Define the genetic influences on prenatal period.

12) How can environmental influences affect the development of infant?

13) Define infancy period.

14) What are the characteristics of infancy period?

15) Explain physical hazards during infancy period.

16) Explain psychological hazards during infancy period.

17) Elucidate the role of growth and maturity in physical development.

18) Define Erikson theory of psychosocial development during infancy period.

19) Explain six sub stages of sensory motor stage.

20) Elucidate the four component of language development.

21) What do you mean by the early childhood period?

22) What are the major characteristics of early childhood period?

23) Explain physical hazards during early childhood period.

24) Explain psychological hazards in early childhood period.

25) Elucidate the role of growth and development.

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