(IGNOU) MPA-018 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPA-018 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- (IGNOU) MPA-018 refers to the course code for Disaster Management offered as an optional subject for the Master of Arts (Public Administration) program at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).

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(IGNOU) MPA-018 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- This course introduces students to the various aspects of disaster management, including the nature and classification of disasters, the disaster management cycle, recent trends in disaster management, disaster preparedness in the Indian context, disaster prevention, vulnerability analysis and risk assessment, resource analysis and mobilization, disaster mitigation, community-based disaster management, search, rescue and evacuation, temporary shelter, warehousing and stockpiling, distribution of relief material, emergency operations centre, and damage assessment.

  • Course Code: MPA-018
  • Course Title: Disaster Management
  • Degree Program: Master of Arts (Public Administration) (MPA)
  • Credit: 4 credits
  • Language: English and Hindi

1) List and discuss the natural disasters that your city or village is prone to. Identify the sections of society most likely to be affected in a probable disaster.

2) List and discuss man-made disasters that your city or village is likely to experience. Identify disasters that can happen due to failure of man-made structures or technology as a secondary result of natural disasters.

3) Identify the most probable natural disaster in your city or village. Trace its disaster management cycle, identifying when the last disaster event occurred, what was the response after it, and which mitigation and preparedness activities need to be taken up for reducing the impact of a similar disaster in the future.

4) Make a list of agencies that have a role in the Disaster Management in your area according to the different stages of the Disaster Management Cycle

5) Discuss with elders in your neighbourhood and list disasters or emergencies that have occurred in your vicinity in the past. Elaborate if there is any increase in such events in recent decades or years. If there is no increase, identify those factors that have kept your area safe.

6) Identify and list all government agencies and non-governmental organisations that have a role to play in disaster management in your city or village

7) Inquire from the local authorities in your area if there is any disaster preparedness plan for your district. If yes, study it and list things you should be doing in times of such crises. If no, make a table of key role-players and their responsibilities, as you understand them.

8) Make a disaster preparedness plan for your family. Identify the hazards within your house and its surroundings that can lead to injury or damage in the event of an earthquake, prepare a list of do’s and don’ts for people living in your neighbourhood.

9) List the hazards that can affect your neighbourhood or village, and identify those facilities and people who are most likely to get affected. Explain why these are mostly likely to get affected, and thereby understand their vulnerability.

10) Create three lists – hazards that affect your locality, characteristics of local people and buildings that make them vulnerable, and qualities of local people and institutions that will be their capacities in dealing with disasters. Relate the three lists to each other, and write a risk statement for your community. 

11) Identify the major developmental initiatives being carried out by government or nongovernmental organisations in your locality. Select those components that lead to reduction of disaster risks. Find out and list the sources of support for these initiatives. Comment on the sustainability of resources in this sector.

12) Identify gaps which need to be abridged to reduce disasters in your locality, but are not being addressed as of now. Conceptually, identify local resources that can be tapped to fill these gaps.

13) Study and organise a group discussion on the case study given below. Note down all the comments and suggestions that come from the participants. Finally compile the recommendations that from the view of the students could have helped to implement the program more effectively

14) In the case studies in this unit, which community-level solutions have been applied for mitigating various disasters? Make a table of disasters and coping measures. For each measure, describe how this has been useful in reducing problems relating to disasters in each case. List down the key stakeholders involved in each case and what has been their contribution towards mitigating the disaster.

15) Collect one case study on effective mitigation for any risk in your area. Prepare a presentation and discuss possibilities of further improvement.


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