(IGNOU) MPA-017 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPA-017 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- (IGNOU) MPA-017 refers to the Electronic Governance course offered as part of the Master of Arts (Public Administration) (MPA) program at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). It is a second-year course for English medium students and falls under the School of Social Sciences (SOSS).

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  • Course Code: MPA-017
  • Course Title: Electronic Governance
  • Credits: 4
  • Level: Master’s Degree
  • Programme: Master of Arts (Public Administration)

Course Content

  • Concept and significance of E-Governance
  • Information and communication technology (ICT) concepts and components
  • Roles and applications of ICT in governance
  • Role of ICT in administration
  • Administrative organization culture and ICT-based reforms
  • Role of ICT in rural development
  • Panchayati Raj institutions and ICT for improving self-governance
  • E-Learning and the role of ICT in education and training
  • E-Commerce and its impact on governance
  • Delivery of citizen services using ICT
  • Case studies of successful E-Governance projects in India

1) Form a group and discuss in detail the provisions of the IT Act 2000 and Right to Information Act 2005.

(IGNOU) MPA-017 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- The Information Technology Act, 2000, is an Indian law that aims to provide legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of electronic data interchange and other electronic means of communication.

  • Digital Signatures (Section 3 to 16): The IT Act recognizes digital signatures as equivalent to physical signatures, providing legal validity to electronic documents. (IGNOU) MPA-017 Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Electronic Governance (Section 4): The Act facilitates the use of electronic records and digital signatures in government offices to enhance efficiency.
  • Attribution, Acknowledgment, and Dispatch of Electronic Records (Section 11 to 13): These sections establish the legal framework for determining the origin and destination of electronic records.
  • Security of Electronic Records and Digital Signatures (Section 43 to 45): These sections provide for the protection of electronic records and digital signatures from unauthorized access and misuse.
  • Cyber Offenses and Penalties (Section 43 to 66): The IT Act addresses various cyber offenses such as hacking, data theft, and introduces penalties for unauthorized access to computer systems.
  • Adjudication and Appellate Tribunal (Section 46 to 72): These sections establish adjudicating officers and an appellate tribunal for resolving disputes related to cyber crimes.
  • Compensation and Award of Damages (Section 43A and 72A): In cases of negligence in implementing and maintaining reasonable security practices, companies can be held liable to pay compensation.
  • Network Service Providers’ Liability (Section 79): It provides a safe harbor to network service providers from liability for third-party information if they follow due diligence.
  • Preservation and Retention of Information by Intermediaries (Section 67C): Intermediaries are required to preserve and retain specified information for a certain period.

Right to Information Act, 2005

  • Right to Information (Sections 3 to 5): Every citizen has the right to request information from public authorities.
  • Obligations of Public Authorities (Section 4): Public authorities are required to maintain records, publish information, and proactively disclose certain categories of information. MPA-017 Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Request for Information (Sections 6 to 7): Citizens can submit requests for information to public authorities in writing or through electronic means.
  • Time Limits and Fees (Sections 7 to 8): Public authorities must respond to requests within specified time limits, and certain fees may be charged for providing information.
  • Grounds for Rejection (Sections 8 to 9): There are specific grounds on which a public authority can refuse to provide information.
  • Appeal and Complaint (Sections 19 to 20): If an information request is rejected, the applicant can file an appeal. The Act also establishes the Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions for adjudicating disputes.
  • Penalties (Sections 20 to 21): Public officials may face penalties for non-compliance with the Act.
  • Protection of Whistleblowers (Section 22): The Act provides protection to whistleblowers who disclose information in the public interest.

2) Let us know about some of the measures that you can suggest to make the Right to Information Act effective

3. Give examples of satellite versions that India has so far placed into the Earth’s orbit. Also let us know about their applications.

4. Narrate a VSAT based project Edusat or Maharastra that has been implemented in our country.

5. Discuss among your peer group about the usability of database in e-governance.

6. Cite an example of a project where GIS and MIS have been used in policy planning and implementation

7. Let us know about some of the ICT applications being implemented in the secretariat departments of your State.

8. Discuss the civic services rendered by your area local body through the Information and Facilitation Counters.

9.Visit a government department or agency. Observe the functioning and the work culture. Please jot down your observations about the behaviour and action of the employees and officials.

10. Narrate some suggestive measures to revamp the administrative culture of our government organisations.

11. Mention some of the ICT initiatives/ projects/experiments undertaken in areas of agriculture and women empowerment in your State or Region.

12. Let us know about experiments in e-panchayat in other states of India and their experiences.

13. List out some of the software developed for rural applications in the country.

14 . You have studied the useful role played by ICT in education and training. Narrate some e-experiments carried out by educational and training institutions in India/abroad.

15. By now you would have got enlightened with the role and applications of ICTs in various sectors of our economy. Please let us know the role played by ICTs in budgetary functions of the government.

16. Narrate about any experiment or software existing for rural economic development in our country.

17. Narrate some of the ICT initiatives taken up in your State for rendering citizen services.

18. Please let us know whether the citizens are using the ICT based services. Ask them as how they are benefiting from such services. Also give their comments and suggestions.

19. Discuss a major national ICT experiment e.g. Posts and Telegraphs of India.

20. Narrate some of the issues and challenges faced in implementation of an e-government project. You can explain with the help of some examples. Please let us know how you suggest improving upon them

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