(IGNOU) MPA-016 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPA-016 Important Questions with Answers English Medium – The course code MPA-016 in IGNOU stands for Decentralisation and Local Governance. It is a compulsory course for the Master of Arts in Public Administration (MPA) program.

  • Course Name: Decentralisation and Local Governance
  • Course Code: MPA-016
  • Credits: 4
  • Level: Postgraduate

Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Decentralization

  • Concepts and definitions
  • Types and forms of decentralization
  • Arguments for and against decentralization

Module 2: Historical Evolution of Decentralization

  • Global trends in decentralization
  • The Indian experience of decentralization
  • 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments

Module 3: Contemporary Challenges of Decentralization

  • Capacity building and institutional development
  • Financial resources and intergovernmental fiscal transfers
  • Corruption and accountability

Module 4: Local Governments in India

  • Panchayati Raj institutions
  • Urban local bodies
  • Functions and responsibilities of local governments

Module 5: State-Local Relations and Intergovernmental Cooperation

  • Devolution of powers and responsibilities
  • Planning and budgeting processes
  • Intergovernmental mechanisms and forums

1) What do you understand by Polycentricity? Identify the chief issues in intra tier local government relationship.

(IGNOU) MPA-016 Important Questions with Answers English Medium – Polycentricity refers to a concept in urban and regional planning that emphasizes the presence of multiple centers of activity, governance, and decision-making within a geographical area. In a polycentric system, rather than having a single dominant center or city, there are several nodes or centers that contribute to the overall functioning and development of the region. This approach contrasts with monocentric models, where one central city plays a predominant role.

Key characteristics of polycentricity

  • Multiple Centers: Polycentric systems have more than one focal point of activity, often with distinct functions and characteristics. These centers may include commercial districts, cultural hubs, educational campuses, and residential clusters. MPA-016 Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Decentralized Decision-Making: Decision-making authority and governance responsibilities are distributed among the various centers rather than being concentrated in a single location. This can lead to a more equitable distribution of resources and services.
  • Interconnected Networks: Polycentric cities are characterized by well-connected transportation and communication networks that facilitate easy movement and interaction between the different centers. This interconnectedness is crucial for the success of a polycentric model.
  • Specialization: Each center within a polycentric system may specialize in certain activities or industries, creating a diversified and resilient economic landscape.
  • Resource Allocation: Disputes may arise over the distribution of resources, including funding, infrastructure development, and public services, among different local government tiers.
  • Jurisdictional Conflicts: Issues can emerge regarding the delineation of jurisdictional boundaries and responsibilities between different tiers of local government. This can lead to confusion and inefficiencies in governance.
  • Coordinated Planning: Achieving coordinated urban or regional planning across multiple local government tiers can be challenging. Divergent priorities and planning strategies may hinder cohesive development.
  • Service Provision: Ensuring uniform and adequate service provision (such as education, healthcare, and public safety) across different tiers requires effective collaboration and coordination.
  • Infrastructure Development: Infrastructure projects that span multiple jurisdictions may face challenges in terms of planning, funding, and execution. Collaboration is essential to overcome these challenges. (IGNOU) MPA-016 Important Questions with Answers
  • Political Power Dynamics: Power struggles and political differences between local government tiers may impact decision-making processes and hinder effective governance.
  • Community Engagement: Ensuring meaningful community engagement across different tiers of local government can be difficult. It’s crucial to involve residents in decision-making processes that affect their communities.

2) Explain the division of functional responsibilities and linkages among the the different level of government and different tiers of urban local government.

3) Explain the rationale of development planning.

4) Discuss the requirements in development planning.

5) Discuss the limitations of macro level planning.

6) Explain issues involved in micro level planning.

7) Prepare an assessment report regarding the performance of the municipality in your area. To what extent do you think the proposed amendments will ameliorate the situation? Write in the context of powers, functions and resources of local bodies.

8) Discuss the significance of capacity building at the local level.

9) Explain the significance of e-governance in the capacity building at local level.

10) What is sustainable development? How can effective governance help in ensuring sustainable development?

11) The integration of governmental strategies at the State and local levels results in good governance towards human development. Justify the statement.

12) Discuss the impact of reforms on the local governance in relation to devolution of financial powers and administrative decentralisation.

13) Explain the people’s aspiration about the local government.

14) Prepare a small note on local self-government institutions structure, powers and functions of your district.

15) Examine the implementation of XIth and XIIthe schedules of 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts in rural and urban local governments of your state and prepare a report.

16) Discuss the three main arguments cited in favour of democratic decentralisation. Do you agree with these arguments that they are in favour of the democratic decentralisation in the Indian context?

17) Describe the various clauses and amendments which favours democratic decentralisation
in India.

18) Discuss the concept of democratisation and decentralisation.

19) Highlight the contextual dimensions of decentralisation from the point of social, economic and geographical.

20) Describe the legal framework and functioning of democratic decentralisation in the context of 73rd and 74th constitutional amendment acts.

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