(IGNOU) MPA-015 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPA-015 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- MPA-015 in IGNOU stands for Public Policy and Analysis and is a course offered in the Master of Arts (Public Administration) program under the School of Social Sciences (SOSS). It is a core course typically taught in the second year of the program.

  • Course Code: MPA-015
  • Course Title: Public Policy and Analysis
  • Credits: 4
  • Level: Master’s Level
  • Programme: Master of Public Administration (MPA)
  • Medium of Instruction: English

Course Content

  • The nature and significance of public policy.
  • Public policy analysis frameworks and theories.
  • Policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation.
  • Role of civil society and other stakeholders in policymaking.
  • Contemporary public policy issues in India and the world.

I ) Distinguish between policy inputs, policy outputs, and policy outcomes. Describe briefly with suitable examples.

(IGNOU) MPA-015 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Policy inputs, policy outputs, and policy outcomes are distinct stages in the policy-making process, each serving a specific purpose and contributing to the overall effectiveness of public policies.

Policy inputs refer to the resources, information, and efforts invested in the initial stages of the policy-making process. These include the identification of issues, agenda-setting, research, and the development of policy proposals.

Suppose a government identifies a rising trend in air pollution as a significant public health concern. The collection of data, expert opinions, public opinions, and the formulation of potential solutions would be considered policy inputs.

Policy outputs are the tangible and immediate results of the policy-making process. These are the specific laws, regulations, programs, or services that are formally adopted and implemented by the government to address a particular issue.

MPA-015 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Building on the air pollution example, if the government decides to implement stricter emission standards for industries and mandates regular vehicle emissions testing, these specific regulations and programs would be considered policy outputs.

Policy outcomes are the long-term effects or impacts of the implemented policies. These effects may be intended or unintended and can be observed in terms of changes in behavior, societal conditions, or the original problem the policy aimed to address. Continuing with the air pollution scenario, a positive policy outcome could be a significant reduction in air pollution levels and improvement in public health indicators over the years. However, if the policy leads to the closure of numerous small businesses and a rise in unemployment, this could be an unintended negative outcome.

2) “Public policy is the authoritative allocation of values” (Easton). Discuss.

3) On the basis of typologies of policies, explain any three categories of policy issues with examples. 

4) Explain the linkages and interaction patterns among items in a policy cycle with the help of a diagram,

5) Describe the various stages in policy analysis and explain the ways by which the policy process can be improved.

6) It is said that policy analysis may not provide solutions to society’s ills, but it is still an appropriate tool i; approaching policy questions. Discuss this statement.

7) Outline the characteristics of the institutional approach to policy-making and point out its shortcomings.

8) Critically examine the policy-making models and suggest best suitable model/models for a specific policy.

9) Differentiate Lindblom’s incremental approach from Dror ‘s Normative-Optimum model.

10) Describe the various stages in the progression of policy sciences and critically examine the relevance of policy sciences to public policies in contemporary context.

11) “The emphasis on values has remained the cornerstone of policy sciences”. Discuss.

12) On the basis of your observation and study, explain the emerging crisis in the policy sciences.

13) Analyse the role of inter-governmental agencies in policy-making. 

14) Outline the, various models of inter-governmental relations, and describe the structures and processes at’ the Union Level.

15) Identify any important policy decision with conflict potential for inter-governmental relations. , Discuss its impact on policy.

16) Visit a policy-making body at the local level. On the basis of your observations, comment  upon its working and relationship with other governmental organisations.

17) Describe the role of the Cabinet Secretariat and the PMO in the policy process.

18) It is said that the Indian parliamentary system is moving towards a ‘Prime Ministerial’ model. Discuss the statement.

19) Discuss the role of the Indian Prime Minister in the policy process.

20) Outline the organisational structure of the Cabinet Secretxiat and the PMO’s office in India





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