(IGNOU) MGPE-010 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MGPE-010 Most Important Questions with Answers- MGPE-010 stands for Conflict Management, Transformation and Peace Building, a course offered in the Master of Arts (Gandhi and Peace Studies) (MGPS) program at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).

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Course Content

  • Block 1: Conflict Analysis: This block explores the nature, causes, and types of conflict in society. It also covers various models of conflict analysis and research methods.
  • Block 2: Conflict Management: This block focuses on techniques and strategies for managing conflict effectively. It includes negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).
  • Block 3: Conflict Transformation: This block delves into the process of transforming conflict from destructive to constructive. It explores different approaches to conflict transformation, such as non-violent resistance, restorative justice, and peacebuilding.
  • Block 4: Peacebuilding: This block focuses on building and sustaining peace in post-conflict societies. It covers topics such as reconciliation, reconstruction, and the role of international organizations in peacebuilding.

1. What factors do you think are responsible for the continuing conflict in Afghanistan?

(IGNOU) MGPE-010 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- The continuing conflict in Afghanistan is a complex and multifaceted issue influenced by a combination of historical, political, economic, and social factors. Afghanistan has a long history of conflict and foreign intervention. The Soviet invasion in 1979, followed by years of resistance and the subsequent power vacuum, set the stage for ongoing instability.

  • Ethnic and tribal divisions: Afghanistan is home to various ethnic groups, including Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras, and others, each with its own historical grievances and rivalries. Ethnic and tribal tensions have contributed to factionalism and internal conflicts.
  • Taliban insurgency: The rise of the Taliban in the 1990s and their subsequent control of the country imposed strict Islamic law. The U.S.-led invasion in 2001 removed the Taliban from power, but they continued to mount an insurgency, contributing to the ongoing conflict.
  • External interference: Afghanistan has been a battleground for regional powers pursuing their strategic interests. Countries like Pakistan, Iran, and India have been involved in the conflict, supporting different factions and exacerbating tensions.
  • Weak governance and corruption: The Afghan government has struggled with issues of corruption, weak institutions, and governance challenges. These factors have undermined the state’s ability to provide essential services and maintain security, contributing to public dissatisfaction.
  • Economic challenges: Afghanistan faces significant economic challenges, including high unemployment, poverty, and a reliance on illicit activities such as opium production. Economic instability can fuel discontent and provide opportunities for insurgent groups to recruit. MGPE-010 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • International interventions: While international efforts, particularly the U.S.-led coalition, aimed at stabilizing Afghanistan, they have faced challenges such as a lack of coordination, divergent goals among coalition partners, and difficulties in winning the hearts and minds of the Afghan population.
  • Insufficient reconciliation efforts: Efforts to bring about a comprehensive political settlement and reconciliation among various factions have faced obstacles, including mistrust among different ethnic and political groups.

Addressing the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach that tackles political, economic, and social challenges. Achieving stability and peace will likely involve inclusive governance, regional cooperation, and sustained efforts to address the root causes of the conflict (IGNOU) MGPE-010 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

2. Why does peace and stability in Afghanistan is important for India? Also describe reconstruction activities by India in Afghanistan since 2002.

3. What are the major challenges faced by Afghanistan in the areas of security and poppy cultivation?

4. Write an essay on reconstruction activities and achievements in Afghanistan since 2002.

5. Do you think Afghanistan can serve as a transit hub for trade, culture and ideas between different neighbouring regions?

6. Define post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation. Who, in your view, are the important stakeholders for post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation of war-torn societies?

7. What is the role of the State in post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation?

8. Is the UN most suitable stakeholder to undertake post-conflict reconstruction andrehabilitation of war-torn societies? If so, why?
9. Are international financial institutions equipped to support post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation of states? If so, how?

10. It has been argued that ‘women make a contribution to the rebuilding of countries emerging from armed conflicts’. Examine the statement at length.

11. Highlight the role of media in post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation of states.

12. Explain the role of NGOs in the post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts of Sri Lanka.

13.Define peacebuilding. How do you differentiate between peacekeeping and peacemaking on the one hand and peacebuilding on the other?

14. Ambiguity may not necessarily be bad for the effectiveness of peacebuilding. Do you agree?

15. Analyse three chief tasks of peacebuilding. Is it possible to suggest a hierarchy among them?

16. Examine the major dimensions such as multiple pillars and multiple levels and multiple actors associated with operationalisation of peacebuilding strategies.

17. Discuss three major impediments to peacebuilding.

18. Discuss the notion of direct, structural and cultural violence as laid out by Galtung.

19. What are the lenses of conflict transformation according to Lederach? In what areas does conflict impact change?

20. In Lederach’s pyramid, who are the actors and what are the corresponding approaches?

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