(IGNOU) MED-008 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MED-008 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- The IGNOU course MED-008, also known as Globalisation, Environment and Development, is offered as part of the Post-Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development (PGDESD) and the MA in Political Science programs.

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  • Course Name: Globalisation and Environment 
  • Course Code: MED-008
  • English: Globalisation, Environment and Development / Globalisation and Environment
  • Hindi: भूमंडलीकरण और पर्यावरण

Block 1: Global Concerns

Introduction to Globalisation

  • Definition of globalisation
  • Dimensions of globalisation
  • Impact of globalisation

Global Environmental Concerns

  • Climate change
  • Deforestation
  • Air pollution
  • Water pollution
  • Land degradation

Sustainable Development

  • Definition of sustainable development
  • Principles of sustainable development
  • Challenges to sustainable development

Block 2: Global Responses

International Environmental Law

  • Sources of international environmental law
  • Principles of international environmental law
  • International environmental agreements

Global Environmental Governance

  • Role of international organisations in environmental governance
  • Role of non-governmental organisations in environmental governance

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Definition of sustainable development goals
  • Goals of sustainable development

Block 3: Global Movements and Experiences

Environmental Movements

  • Types of environmental movements
  • Role of environmental movements in sustainable development

Sustainable Development Experiences

  • Sustainable development experiences in developed countries
  • Sustainable development experiences in developing countries

Block 4: Emerging Concerns

Sustainable Consumption and Production

  • Definition of sustainable consumption and production
  • Challenges to sustainable consumption and production

1. Explain how globalisation has contributed to the increasing disparities in the developed and developing countries.

(IGNOU) MED-008 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Globalization, the interconnectedness and interdependence of economies around the world, has had both positive and negative effects on countries, contributing to disparities between developed and developing nations. While globalization has facilitated economic growth and technological advancements, it has also exacerbated existing inequalities.

  • Trade Imbalances: Developed countries often have stronger economies and greater negotiating power, leading to unequal trade relationships. Developing nations may face challenges in competing with the economic might and efficiency of more developed counterparts.
  • Access to Capital: Developed countries usually have better access to international financial markets and capital, enabling them to invest in infrastructure and economic development. Developing countries may struggle to attract investment due to perceived risks or lack of creditworthiness.
  • Outsourcing and Offshoring: Companies in developed countries often outsource manufacturing and service jobs to countries with lower labor costs. While this can boost efficiency and reduce production costs, it may result in job losses and exploitation of cheap labor in developing nations.
  • Sweatshops and Low Wages: Globalization has sometimes led to the establishment of sweatshops in developing countries, where workers endure poor working conditions and receive low wages.
  • Digital Divide: Access to and adoption of technology is often uneven between developed and developing nations. The digital divide can further exacerbate disparities in education, information, and economic opportunities.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: Developed countries tend to dominate in terms of technological innovation and intellectual property rights. This can create a gap in access to advanced technologies, hindering the development of industries in developing nations.
  • Speculative Capital Flows: Developing countries may experience volatile capital flows, with investments quickly entering or leaving their markets. This volatility can lead to economic instability and financial crises, disproportionately affecting developing nations.
  • Resource Exploitation: Globalization often drives increased demand for natural resources, and developing countries may bear the environmental and social costs of resource extraction. This can lead to environmental degradation, displacement of local communities, and loss of biodiversity.
  • Global Governance: The global economic system is often shaped by institutions that are dominated by developed countries. Decision-making processes may not adequately consider the needs and perspectives of developing nations, leading to policies that favor the interests of the already affluent.

MED-008 Most Important Questions with Answers – It’s important to note that while globalization has contributed to disparities, it has also led to positive outcomes such as increased access to information, improved communication, and the potential for economic development in some developing countries. The key challenge is to manage globalization in a way that promotes inclusive and sustainable development for all nations.

2. Describe the role of MNCs and TNCs in the era of neo-liberal economic globalisation.

3. “World trade has the potential to reduce poverty in developing countries.” Analyse this statement with reasons.
4. Explain as to how the Technology concerns are related to the Environmental Standards.

5. Explain briefly some of the causes of man-made disasters and possible preventive measures.

6. Examine the issues involved in dealing with the disposal of toxic wastes.

7. Discuss the impact of wars on environment.

8. Describe the effects of industrial accidents on human life.

9. Briefly describe the role of technology and trade in globalisation.

10. Write a short note on the role of multinational Companies (MNCs) in economic globalisation.

11. Discuss, how globalisation is harmful to environment.

12. Write a short note on indicators of sustainability of food security.

13. Explain the factors that cause natural calamities.

14. What are the basic aims of the International Decade for natural disaster reduction?

15. Elucidate the strategies that can be adopted to mitigate the suffering caused by natural disasters

16. What are the effects of globalisation on environment?

17. What are environmental standards? Why are they opposed by developing countries?

18. Discuss the relationship between globalisation and global climate change.

19. Discuss the emerging global environmental challenges and the effectiveness of global environmental initiatives

20. Describe the commitment of the South Asian governments to resolve environmental problems.

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