(IGNOU) MCS-011 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MCS-011 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- IGNOU MCS-11 stands for Master of Computer Science, Course 11: Problem Solving and Programming. It’s a core course in the first semester of the IGNOU MCA program and also offered in specific semesters of several other IGNOU computer science programs.

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Block 1: An Introduction to C

  • Basic concepts of computers and programming
  • Introduction to C language syntax and keywords
  • Operators and expressions
  • Input and output statements
  • Control flow statements (if, else, switch)

Block 2: Control Statements, Arrays and Functions

  • Loops (for, while, do-while)
  • Arrays and their operations
  • Functions – definition, prototypes, calling
  • Recursion

Block 3: Structures, Pointers and File Handling

  • Structures and unions
  • Pointers and their applications
  • File handling concepts – opening, closing, reading, writing

What is the use of comma operator?

(IGNOU) MCS-011 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- The comma operator in programming languages, including C, C++, and JavaScript, serves multiple purposes. Its primary use is to combine expressions into a single statement.

Sequence of Expressions: The comma operator allows you to evaluate multiple expressions in a single statement, separated by commas. The value of the entire expression is the value of the last expression in the sequence. For example

int a = 5, b = 10, c = 15;
int result = (a++, b++, c++);

In this example, the expressions a++, b++, and c++ are evaluated in sequence, and the value of result will be the value of c++ (15).

MCS-011 Important Questions Answers – Function Arguments: The comma operator is often used in function arguments to allow multiple expressions to be passed. For instance

printf(“Result: %d\n”, (a++, b++, a + b));

Here, (a++, b++, a + b) is a single expression, and its value is passed as the second argument to the printf function.

In this example, both i and j are initialized in the same statement using the comma operator, and both are updated in the loop.

While the comma operator can be useful in certain situations, it’s important to use it judiciously. Code readability and maintainability can be compromised if it is overused or used inappropriately.

What is the difference between && and &. Explain with an example.

Use of Bit Wise operators makes the execution of the program.

2) Declare type variables for roll no, total_marks and percentage.

3) Name different categories of Constants.

Write a preprocessor directive statement to define a constant PI having the value 3.14.

What is the difference between high level language and low level language?

Why is C referred to as middle level language?

What is the basic unit of a C program?

The program is syntactically correct”. What does it mean?

What is the extension of an executable file?

What is the need for linking a compiled file?

How do you correct the logical errors in the program?

Modify the above program, by introducing function prototype in the main function.

Write a function to multiply two integers and display the product.

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