IGNOU BFE 102 Important Questions with Answers (Basics of Family Education)

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BFE 102 Basics of Family Education questions with answers, you will find here free material only on our site Senrig.in. IGNOU BFE 102 Important Questions with Answers – Indira Gandhi National Open University will open the IGNOU 2023 exam form submission window for June TEE in the month of June. Students are required to pay a IGNOU 2023 exam form fee of Rs. 200 for each theory and practical examination. Students can pay the exam form fee of IGNOU exam form through credit card, debit card or net banking. The IGNOU June 2023 term-end Examinations will be held in offline mode. 

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IGNOU BFE 102 Important Questions With Answers

Some Important Questions With Answers From IGNOU Study Material

Q1. Define the Social Institutions of Family and Marriage ? 

Family is the basic unit of any society. Family consists of father, mother and children. The stability of family life with parents and children is fundamental to all human society and its long-term survival. The sacredness of marriage, its permanence and its mutuality of love are the major forces for preserving this basic unit in society everywhere across the globe. Much discussions are taking place in many societies and cultures about the primacy of individual rights that outweigh any other consideration. The initiatives to promote common good of society based on mutual obligations and less emphasis on individual rights are slowly getting diminished. The process is moving towards a total emphasis on individual freedom and choice in this era of consumerism and globalization without due consideration of the negative consequences it can have on the traditional and oldest social institutions of marriage and family. Such a process will also have negative consequences on community life and long term survival of nations that depend on mutual obligations and responsibilities to ensure stability and peace.

Basic Concepts
Before we proceed with further discussion on these important and essential social institutions, it is apt that we define the basic concepts of family, kinship and marriage.

Many sociologists have regarded the family as thebedrock ofsociety.According to GeorgePeter Murdoc: ‘Thefamily is a socialgroup characterized by common residence, economic co-operation and reproduction. It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relationship, and one or more children, own or adopted, of the sexually co-habiting adults.” As per this definition, the family members live together, produce offspring, work together, and pool resources together. The sexual relationships and reproduction of the offsprings by the male and female adults take place as per the norms of their particular society.

The dictionary meaning of kinship is ‘blood relationship’. Kinship can be of two types: (i) through marriage relationships and (ii) through lines of descent that connect blood relatives such as from the side of the father and mother, siblings, offsprings etc. Therefore kinship comprises either genetic lines or lines initiated through marriage. In short, family is a group of kin. The child may take the status of parents soon after its birth as it is in the case of caste or race. It may acquire the parental status sometimes later as it is in the case of succession or inheritance.The laterone is often referred to as the process of “delayed ascription”. Further the child in its later life may seek to acquire some achieved status that is different from those of parent.

What is marriage? It’s a union, first of all. It’s a uniting, two hearts becoming one. Marriage is companionship and friendship. It’s being together, acting together, doing things together, and not wanting it any other way. Marriage is understanding. It’s being blind to the fault of the other. It’s being consideratein everyway-considerate of the other’s time, feelings, and desires. Marriage is caring. It’s being concerned. It’s going out of your way to make sure the other person is well cared for. Marriage is kindness. It’s saying kid words and putting those words into action. Marriage is support. It’s supporting your mate in their end eavours, in their projects, in good times and bad. It’s giving them moral support, physical support, prayer support, all around support. It’s cheering them on and encouraging them when they feel down. Marriage is stooping to lift the other. It’s being strong when the other is weak. Marriage is protecting your mate from harm, physical and emotional.

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IGNOU BFE 102 Important Questions With Answers

Q2. Describe the Relationship and Bonding in a Family Life?

IGNOU BFE 102 Important Questions with Answers – Relationship and bonding are central to family life. Change in family and household composition havebrought aboutshift in expectations ofpeople from their relationships. Today relationship has become something active. One has to work it out. It depends on winning the trust of the other person. In fact sustainability of most sexualrelationships and marriages in developed countries depends on this shift in expectations from the partner. Relationship depends on the extend of communication and collaboration between people. Emotional communication is part and parcel of sexual relationship, love between spouses and between parents and their children. Although much transformations have taken placein developed nations, the traditional Indian Society has not changed much. There is much bonding and very healthy relationship existing within families and between families both in urban and rural areas. However, one can also observe the influence ofthe western culture or life style gaining momentum in the Indian sub-continent.

The most important recipe for the success and sustainability of marriage and family life is healthy relationship and to be able to bond permanently. The ability to bond depends on the early experience of reliable love. A child who has never doubted the commitment of both the parents to each other and to himself/herself will naturally develop trust and openness.

Motherhood, Fatherhood and Parenthood
We know that natural law and divine nature assume the existence of a fixed human nature, consisting of two sexes (eunuchs are exceptions), where family is a natural and constant institution in human and social life. Motherhood and fatherhood are therefore constants and the family cannot be re-defined. It exists as a norm in all societies except in cases which differ from this norm due to widowhood or single parent families as a result of divorce or separation. In fact motherhood and fatherhood exist as archetypes of human existence with much more than mere biological qualities. There is no recognition of what a mother is unless one has personal experience of a ‘real mother’ naturally in relation to her children. Similarly fatherhood can be known only through lived experience in a family setting.

Culture of Life
There is a need for a strategy and rationale for promoting family life because of the new trend which calls for greater ‘individual rights’. There is a demand for individual right based on privacy, convenience and some even go to the extend of demanding the same under fundamental rights. The call for ‘rights of individual’ overshadow concern for common good. Denying the rights of the terminally illto choosedeath over life is not inhuman. The Indian constitution and legislations do not permit euthanasia. Similarly protecting the ‘right to life’ of an unborn child should not be considered as violence against women. It is the duty and responsibility of parents and young people to protect human life from conception to natural death. In abortion a weak and defenseless child is brutally murdered by those who are supposed to love and care for the child most: the parents and health care professionals. Many young people are unaware that at conception a new life is formed. Conception takes place at the moment of fertilization: i.e. the moment when the father’s sperm and mother’s egg cellmeet. People with vested interest may make various interpretations. Scientifically one thing is clear:conception refers to fertilization and not implantation. Implantation takes place about five days after fertilization. The zygote starts to grow as any other living being. It is human becausethe chromosomes combined at fertilization arethat of the human father and human mother and not of any other living being. There are several anti-life forces at work in the world who try to put forward justification for violation of human rights by them and rationale for their struggle on preference for individual rights over common good.

Q3. Distinction Between Genital Sex And Affective Sex ?

Q4. What are the Physiological Changes at the On set of Adolescence ?  

Q5. Define Sperm with the Parts of Male Reproductive System? 

Q6. What do you understand by the function of Penis ? 

Q7. Write a note on Wet Dreams with proper Explanation ?

Q8. Define Ovum with the Parts of Female Reproductive System? 

Q9. What is the Role of Sex in the Constitution of A Family ? 

IGNOU BFE 102 Important Questions with Answers – It is with the birth of a child that a family is fully constituted. Lower organisms like amoebae reproduce asexually. Human reproduction on the other hand is sexual. Family is the context in which human sexuality is socialized and humanized.Without this socialization and humanization of sexuality social life itself is not possible.The great psychologist Sigmund Freud observed that until human beings learn to control their sexual instincts, social life is impossible. In the world of animals, strictly speaking,there is no family life and social life.

They move in herds. Human being however, establish health and viable relationships with other human beings in the context of family life.A woman and man are married to each other.The whole society is invited to respect that alliance.The purpose of marriage ceremonies in any society is to let the whole society come to know about this alliance and protect it.This understanding is essential for the survival of any society. Apart from helping human beings to establish a society based on reciprocal relationship sexual relations also help the partners to express their love for each other and affirm each other in their lovability and goodness.

Sexual relations are thus not only procreative, but also re-creative:they help to promote human fulfillment and satisfaction. Often, the role of sexual relations,though it is of paramount importance in the life of human beings,is not discussed. It is swept under the rug and kept hidden even from the life of married people. In most societies sex is a taboo subject. In these very same societies, sex is often caricaturized and dealt surreptitiously as a dirty subject, especially by the youth and people who want to exploit their vulnerability. As the sages of India used to say,truth alone will last forever.

IGNOU BFE 102 Important Questions And Answers

Q10. Name the section in the Indian Penal Code tha-t deals with homosexuality ?

Q11. Write a brief note on multi motivation in sexual behaviour?

Q12. Enumerate the usefulness of the vagina.

Q13. What are Skene’s and Bartholin’s glands?

Q14. What makes you feel HIV infected are being discriminated in the society?

Q15. How do you substantiate regionality as a factor of concern for youth in India?

Q16.  Explain the Concept of Family Life In Indian Context? 

IGNOU BFE 102 Important Questions with Answers – Society is an aggregation of small communities of families which live together and co-operate with one another to ensure their own growth and survival. Family is the smallest community of people consisting of an adult male and a female who make free agreement through the institution of marriage to live together, have children, rearing and educating them. These are also functions for which parents need the help of other families particularly from the kinship circles and the society at large. The traditional Indian family still continues to be a ‘joint family’. When sons and daughters (matrilineal) get married, they do not leave their family. They continue to live in it with the spouse and children. The joint family works as a clan in which each member knows his/her role and count on the -solidarity and support ofother members in times of need.

Value System
India has a rich value system. This traditional value system is still important and should not be allowed to die out easily. Although there are pressure groups and issues associated with consumerism and expansion of electronic media which influence the lifestyles of people, we should not let ourselves be overtaken by such influences. Much havoc was done in the western countries, Americas and Australia by the liberation ideologies of 1960s and 1970s which advocated freedom of sex, individual satisfaction over common good, feminism and the challenges on the very existence of traditional family system. As a result many societies across the globe faced the breakdown of traditional family system. New models began to appear such as single parent families, people living together without marital contracts, cohabitation, same sex unions, divorced and re-married with children of previous marriage, grandparents living with grant children, emergence of old age homes, orphanages and destitute homes, addiction families, expansion of sex industry, sex shops, pornography and sex tourism.All these initiatives have caused much damage to the rich old customs and practices, morality, principles of life, character and value system.

Trends Challenging Values
Global society has been facing tremendous threats on its value system from certain groups, events and developmental initiatives which has far reaching impact. It is a matter of pride that by and large the Indian democracy has managed to withstand such threats and preserve its rich values and culture and traditional practices. This huge democracy of over one thousand million people is proving to be a model and hope for the rest of the world as far as preservation of value system is concerned. More and more women are getting educated, taking up jobs, and involving in the political and socio-economic development of the country. Certainly the women empowerment process also has brought about lot of positive and negative trends in the country. Yet the overwhelming majority continues to remain stead fast in their lifestyle and preserve the family values, moral values and religious practices.

Family is Universal
Family has been seen by sociologists as a universal social institution. It is an inevitable part of human society. Generally family has been regarded as a good thing for the individual as well as for the society. For the individual, family life is a must for survival, growth and a meaningful life in the society. Survival and sustainability of the society depends on the humans born and brought up as good citizens in the family. Therefore any consideration for evolving alternatives to family would not be desirable. We have seen the women’s liberation movements which began in the 1960s in Europe and America. Some of the feminist writers went to the extent of condemning family as an institution. Although such initiatives shook the foundations of family and its traditional view, hardly any positive outcome was noticed.

IGNOU BFE 102 Important Questions with Answers , If you want to buy solved assignment of any subject as Soft Copy (PDF) or as Handwritten, Call/Whatsapp us on 8130208920. We will provide you our best material. 

Q17. What are some of the common problems associated with the process of ageing?

Q18. Write a brief note on preventive health programme as a strategy.

Q19. What are the various implications of responsible parenthodd?

Q20.  What is the role of broadcast media in health education programme?

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