IGNOU BHC 012 Important Questions with Answers (Event Planning)

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BHC 012 Event Planning questions with answers, you will find here free material only on our site Senrig.in. IGNOU BHC 012 Important Questions with Answers – Indira Gandhi National Open University will open the IGNOU 2023 exam form submission window for June TEE in the month of June. Students are required to pay a IGNOU 2023 exam form fee of Rs. 200 for each theory and practical examination. Students can pay the exam form fee of IGNOU exam form through credit card, debit card or net banking. The IGNOU June 2023 term-end Examinations will be held in offline mode. 

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IGNOU BHC 012 Important Questions With Answers

Some Important Questions With Answers From IGNOU Study Material

Q1. How do you decide on sponsorship?

IGNOU BHC 012 Important Questions with Answers – You need to determine first whether a particular sponsorship will be suitable for the event. Sponsorship is not for all events. Obtaining sponsorship is a time consuming process and could be damaging to your ego if there is refusal from sponsor. If an event cannot offer a sponsor appropriate benefits, then a donation to the event may be appropriate.

A donation is actually philanthropy, with no obligation for benefits to be given in return. For an event to be suitable for sponsorship, the following questions have to be addressed:

• Does the event have some benefits that can be offered to the potential sponsor?

 Does the target audience approve of commercial sponsorship?

• Is the company suitable for sponsoring the event? (For example, it wont be right for a tobacco or liquor company to sponsor an event for teenagers.)

• Is the event company equipped with people who have the expertise and time to construct sponsorship packages?

• Does the event have a policy on sponsorship? ( A sponsorship policy should highlight what the event organisation can and cannot do in terms of attracting and delivering sponsorship benefits)

Once the above questions are answered in positive, you may go ahead to obtain the particular sponsorship.

IGNOU BHC 012 Important Questions with Answers , If you want to buy solved assignment of any subject as Soft Copy (PDF) or as Handwritten, Call/Whatsapp us on 8130208920. We will provide you our best material. 

IGNOU BHC 012 Important Questions With Answers

Q2. What does the client expect from the event organiser?

IGNOU BHC 012 Important Questions with Answers – Corporates and individuals know about the benefits of events as a strategic marketing tool and look out for value addition to their brand / company through the event, that is cost effective. This is what they primarily expect from the event organisers. A good way to achieve this is for the EMC to strengthen relationship with the client, go beyond formal sponsorship agreement and treat the sponsor as partner in the event. The client may also expect to keep a long term relationship with the EMC for conducting more events for them in future, so that costs can be reduced in future too, because of the client’s active involvement.

Q3. List down any five activities that will help in strengthening relationships with the client.

Following are the key activities to strengthen relationships with clients / sponsors:

• Have a clear contract with your client right at the beginning. A better understanding of the clients’ role and event organisation’s services will make a good head start to their relationship. Convey and make your client understand about what your role is and isn’t. You and your client should know when the event will be over and how you will measure its success. This clarity between you and the client will result in an improved relationship. Remember that you need to maintain professionalism, i.e. see to it that clients / sponsors are treated efficiently, with their reasonable demands met in a speedy manner. This is because sponsorship is partnership and loyalty to that partnership will be repaid.

• Staying focused on your contract and on your deliverables is the best thing you can do to maintain and build your client relationship. When you say that you will deliver it, and deliver to the client as promised, you build your own credibility and enhance your relationships.

• Creating a sponsorship agreement, by outlining every detail and benefit the sponsor will receive, gives a visual to the sponsor, with the expectations clearly delineated for both parties and guaranteeing that no detail is forgotten.

• A contact person for the sponsor, who is within reach, through mobile phone, can make important decisions and forge harmonious relationships with the sponsor’s staff.

• It would be beneficial to do research on the sponsor’s organisation, staff, products, brands and marketing strategies, in order to maintain a harmonious relationship and satisfy the sponsor’s needs better.

As a service provider you are to be seen as a trustworthy business partner and help the client. Partnership provides a level of trust in the relationship where the client may take your suggestions and do as you recommend as an expert in the events field. To get higher value from the event, clients will have to involve themselves with the event activities actively, right from the time of event briefing to the actual execution of the event.

Q4. What are the attributes required by an event manager to conduct the Event feasibility study?

Q5. What is the role of a rider in a business contract?

Q6. What are the indicators of risk impact in sports events?

Q7. Describe the relationship of various stakeholders with the event by drawing a diagram. Also, briefly write why it is important to involve stakeholders at the design stage. 

Q8. Discuss the various facets of event design. 

The Seven Facets of Event Design

There are seven facets of event design wherein the event designer has the opportunity to introduce unique elements. Fig. 9.7 reveals that the event designer needs to work on the activities of each facet to create an event environment in line with event concept.

These facets have been discussed as follows:

• Theme Design is the application of theme development principles and cultural iconography to communicate and integrate the purpose, message, image, and branding of the event project.

• Content Design consists of the selection of the appropriate topics, formats, and presenters to achieve the communication objectives and educational obligations of the event project. Programme Design concerns the formation and choreography of the agenda of activities, elements, exhibits, and amenities that shape the composition of the event experience. This addresses the ceremonial, hospitality, and communication requirements of the goals and objectives of the event project

• Environment Design involves the creation or acquisition and arrangement of décor items, props, furnishings, decorative embellishments, way finding and signage systems to enhance the attractiveness and functionality of learning, marketing, ceremonial, and entertainment environments.

• Production Design deals with the incorporation, sourcing, and selection of the appropriate sound, lighting, visual projection, multimedia, special effect, other theatrical elements and services to meet the communication objectives, and to create the desired impressions and ambience of the event project.

• Entertainment Design encompasses the sourcing, selection, and control of suitable entertainment, ancillary programs, and recreational activities in an event project. It also encompasses the coordinating of support requirements for entertainers and activities in a manner that delivers the desired entertainment experience, and that benefits the audience and organization.

• Catering Design includes the determination of suitable catering operations and the selection of the menus, quantities, and service styles to meet the food and beverage (F&B) needs of the event. This also includes specific requirements associated with the serving of alcohol.

Q9. What are the elements of the strategic event planning process?

IGNOU BHC 012 Important Questions And Answers

Q10. Name the organisational structures that can be formed to conduct an event. Describe any two organisational structures.

Q11. What elements of job description need to be worked out while creating positions in functional organization structure?

Q12. List down all the domains and activities under each domain that need to be considered while preparing the master plan for an event.

Q13. Define Human Resource Planning. Explain the importance of HR planning in event management.

Q14. How does improper planning of workforce impact the event goal and objectives? Describe with suitable examples.

Q15. Write down the information that should be included in job description.

Q16.  Differentiate between ‘job description’ and ‘job specification’.

IGNOU BHC 012 Important Questions with Answers

Job description – This should indicate qualifications / skills / knowledge / experience / personal attributes (eg. ability to work with the team and be creative) that are required for the position. Sometimes the essential and desirable qualifications are specifically mentioned. The authority vested to this job (eg. decision making without reference to a superior and decision making for expenditure limits) should be highlighted. Performance standards of the position should also be mentioned. These standards are the criteria on the basis of which the performance of the person who is selected will be assessed.

‘Job specification’ specifies minimum qualifications required to perform a given job, such as formal qualifications, experience, skills, knowledge and abilities.

The task of HR planning involves recruitment which means identifying activities that will take place throughout the event phases and accordingly identifying suitable competent people and teams required to complete those activities successfully. Recruitment means attracting sufficient number of candidates for a position whereas ‘selection’ means the processes used to appoint a person to that position. Development of clearly stated and descriptive job descriptions and job specification for each position during the assessment of HR requirement facilitates the recruitment process. Recruitment for a particular event could be through internal recruitment (relocation of the existing staff within an event company), external recruitments or alternative to recruitment such as outsourcing the work or involving voluntary staff or contractors. The staff requirements vary with event size and the type of event. For instance, a sporting event will have different staff requirements than a fund-raising event. Moreover, the same type of event would have different staff requirements depending on their strategic and operational plans.

IGNOU BHC 012 Important Questions with Answers , If you want to buy solved assignment of any subject as Soft Copy (PDF) or as Handwritten, Call/Whatsapp us on 8130208920. We will provide you our best material. 

Q17. List down the activities that an event manager could include to make the induction program effective.

Q18. Describe the Motivators and Hygiene factor of Hertzberg theory.

IGNOU BHC 012 Important Questions with Answers – Herztberg’s theory explains that factors such as pay levels, policies, working conditions and job security are ‘hygiene factors’ that do not in themselves satisfy people, but at the same time their absence can lead to hostility or dissatisfaction towards an organization. Further, according to Hertzberg, there are other factors, called ‘motivators’ which in themselves lead to goaldirected behavior. These elements are achievement, recognition and interesting work. There are also centrain hygiene factors that can act as demotivators such as attitudinal behaviour of supervisor towards staff; the furniture, lighting, water facility etc.

Hertzberg’s Theory of Hygiene
Hertzberg’s theory explains that factors such as pay levels, policies, working conditions salary and job security are ‘hygiene factors’ that do not in themselves satisfy people, but at the same time their absence can lead to hostility or dissatisfaction towards an organization. Further, according to Hertzberg, there are other factors, called ‘motivators’ which in themselves lead to goal-directed behavior. These elements are achievement, recognition and interesting work.

Q19. Describe the factors which one needs to keep in mind while deciding for entertainment in an event.

Q20. What is the full form of HRIS? How does it serve as an essential tool for the event manager in making strategic plans?

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So, it is all about the IGNOU BHC 012 Important Questions with Answers , I hope this question and answer will help you to create a good answer writing in your examination. If you guys have any query related to this post please ask us on our whatsapp number and if you want any study material of IGNOU University and Solved Assignment in form of PDF or Handwritten, we are here for you in your service. Stay tunned with us for more IGNOU Subjects Important Question with Answers.

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