Class 12th Should Wizard hit Mommy Important Question Answer

Class 12th Should Wizard hit Mommy Important Question Answer- Here is a story about the worldview of a little child, and the difficult moral question she raises during the story session with her father Chapter 4 of Vistas, “Should Wizard Hit Mommy?” by J.K. Rowling. However, it’s important to consider the sensitive nature of the story, which deals with themes of domestic violence and child abuse. Discussing such topics directly can be harmful or triggering for some individuals.


NCERT Solutions for Class 12


Class 12 English

Subject Parts:

Part 3 Vistas

Chapter Name:

Chapter 5 – Should Wizard Hit Mommy


Q:- Why did Roger Skunk go in search of the wizard? 

Class 12th Should Wizard hit Mommy Important Question Answer- Roger Skunk embarked on his quest for the wizard driven by a single, burning desire: to be rid of his unpleasant odor. This signature skunk spray, while a valuable defense mechanism, unfortunately ostracized him from the other woodland creatures. He longed to play and make friends, but his pungent aroma kept them at bay.

  • Loneliness and yearning for belonging: Roger’s isolation weighed heavily on him. He saw the joy and companionship other animals shared and desperately craved the same for himself. The foul smell acted as a barrier, preventing him from forming the connections he craved.
  • Hope for a magical solution: The wise old owl, recognizing Roger’s plight, suggested seeking the wizard’s help. This glimmer of hope, however faint, ignited a spark within Roger. He clung to the possibility that magic could change his fate and allow him to finally be accepted.
  • Self-acceptance and embracing his true nature: While Roger initially sought to eliminate his defining trait, his journey might also be interpreted as a quest for self-acceptance. Overcoming his shame and learning to appreciate his unique abilities could be an alternative, and perhaps more fulfilling, outcome.

Class 12th Should Wizard hit Mommy Important Question Answer- The story of Roger Skunk’s search for the wizard is a timeless tale about longing for acceptance, the power of hope, and the potential for personal growth. Whether Roger finds an external solution or discovers inner strength, his journey reminds us that true belonging often lies in embracing who we truly are.

Q:- How was the Skunk’s story different from the other stories narrated by Jack?

  • Unhappy ending: Unlike the typical happy endings of Jack’s stories, the Skunk’s tale leaves the protagonist in a less than ideal situation. This introduces a darker edge and explores themes of acceptance, prejudice, and finding value in what can be considered undesirable traits.
  • Character transformation: Compared to the usual “change in fortune” trope like becoming rich or gaining magical powers, Roger’s transformation is internal. He grapples with the acceptance of his natural skunk spray, which presents a more complex and nuanced personal development arc.
  • Moral ambiguity: The wizard’s actions raise questions about the morality of changing someone’s inherent nature. This deviates from the clear-cut good vs. evil battles often found in Jack’s other stories.


  • Mother’s involvement: The character of Roger’s mother plays a significant role in the story, influencing his perception of his scent and ultimately determining his fate. This adds another layer of complexity and raises questions about parental influence and individual choice.
  • Impact on listener: Jo’s reaction to the story suggests that it offers a more thought-provoking experience than Jack’s usual narratives. It challenges pre-conceived notions and invites reflection on personal values and societal biases.

Overall Tone

  • Melancholy: The Skunk’s story has a deeper emotional resonance than the usual lightheartedness of Jack’s other tales. It evokes empathy for Roger’s plight and encourages introspection on issues of societal acceptance and self-worth.
  • Open-endedness: The lack of a definitive resolution leaves room for interpretation and individual reflection. This adds depth and invites the listener to ponder the underlying themes and draw their own conclusions.

In summary, the Skunk’s story breaks away from the formulaic nature of Jack’s usual narratives by injecting elements of moral ambiguity, personal growth, and emotional depth. It offers a more nuanced and thought-provoking experience, challenging the listener to confront societal biases and contemplate themes of acceptance and self-worth.

Q:- Why did Roger Skunk go to the owl? What advice did he get?

  • Reason for visit: Roger, lonley and isolated due to his unpleasant odor, yearned for the ability to play and make friends with the other animals. He sought the owl’s wisdom and guidance, hoping to find a solution to his problem.
  • Owl’s advice: Recognizing Roger’s plight, the owl offered a glimmer of hope by suggesting he seek the help of the wizard. The wizard, rumored to possess incredible magic, could potentially remove Roger’s odor and allow him to finally be accepted by the other animals. Class 12th Should Wizard hit Mommy Important Question Answer

Alternative Interpretation

  • Reason for visit: Instead of solely focusing on removing his odor, Roger might have consulted the owl for a broader perspective on his situation. He may have sought insight into how to embrace his unique abilities and navigate the world as a skunk, rather than solely fixating on changing his nature.
  • Owl’s advice: In this interpretation, the owl’s guidance could have focused on acceptance and resilience. The owl might have encouraged Roger to find inner strength and confidence in his natural abilities, perhaps highlighting the benefits of his powerful spray as a defense mechanism.

Ultimately, the specific reason for Roger’s visit and the owl’s exact advice remain open to interpretation. The story, however, invites us to consider themes of acceptance, self-worth, and embracing our unique traits, regardless of societal perceptions.

Q:- How does Jo react to the skunk’s story? Why?

Jo’s reaction to the skunk’s story is quite unique and reveals her own perspective on themes of fairness, justice, and acceptance. Here’s a breakdown of her reaction and the possible reasons behind it:

Strong disagreement with the ending: Jo vehemently disapproves of the story’s conclusion, where Roger Skunk loses his pleasant scent and returns to his original state. This suggests she isn’t satisfied with the idea of sacrificing one’s true nature for societal acceptance.

Empathy for Roger: Jo’s reaction could stem from her empathy towards Roger’s struggles with ostracization due to his unpleasant odor. She might identify with his desire to belong and connect with others, making her feel strongly about the unfairness of his suffering.

Focus on injustice: Jo’s objection to the mother skunk hitting the wizard without consequences points to her sense of justice. She might find it unfair that the wizard, who altered Roger’s nature against his will, isn’t held accountable for his actions.

Desire for a different outcome: Jo’s suggestions of harsher punishments for the wizard and Roger’s mother reveal her preference for a more assertive and definitive resolution. This could reflect her yearning for a world where wrongs are rectified and individuals find acceptance for who they truly are.

Innocence and idealistic perspective: It’s important to consider Jo’s age and possible lack of life experience. Her strong reactions might stem from her still-developing moral compass and idealistic view of the world, where fairness and justice always prevail.

Class 12th Should Wizard hit Mommy Important Question Answer- Ultimately, Jo’s reaction highlights the story’s ability to spark critical thinking and challenge societal norms. Her disagreement with the ending invites us to question the value of conformity and explore the importance of accepting ourselves and others despite perceived flaws or differences.

Q:- What is mother Skunk’s role in the story?

  • Defense against predators: Mother Skunk’s spray provides vital protection for Roger, reminding him of the benefits of his natural defense mechanism.
  • Emotional support: She offers comfort and guidance to Roger when he feels ostracized and discouraged due to his smell.
  • Champion of individuality: Mother Skunk encourages Roger to embrace his unique essence and resist conforming to the expectations of others.

Challenging Roger

  • Opposing his desire for change: The mother skunk strongly disapproves of Roger’s quest to remove his odor through the wizard’s magic. This resistance challenges him to confront his self-doubt and consider the value of his natural traits.
  • Emphasizing self-acceptance: Through her actions and words, she urges Roger to find confidence and pride in who he is, rather than seeking validation through external changes.
  • Offering a different perspective: Mother Skunk presents an alternative narrative to the societal prejudice against skunks, emphasizing their strength, adaptability, and valuable role in the ecosystem.

Maternal conflict

  • Love vs. control: While her actions undoubtedly stem from love, Mother Skunk’s insistence on Roger accepting his unique smell can be interpreted as controlling or limiting his desires.
  • Clash of values: The conflict between Roger’s yearning for acceptance and his mother’s emphasis on self-acceptance creates a complex tension that drives the story forward.
  • Open-ended resolution: The mother skunk’s role leaves room for interpretation and audience reflection. Did she hold Roger back, or did she provide him with the strength and self-awareness necessary to navigate his own path?

Class 12th Should Wizard hit Mommy Important Question Answer- In conclusion, Mother Skunk’s role in the story transcends a typical supporting character. She acts as a catalyst for Roger’s internal transformation, forcing him to confront his insecurities and question societal norms. By highlighting the tension between individual desires and external pressures, Mother Skunk adds depth and complexity to the narrative, inviting us to explore themes of self-acceptance, identity, and the value of embracing our unique differences.

Q:- Why does Jo want Wizard to hit Mommy? 

Q:- How did Jo want the Roger Skunk story to end? Why? 

Q:- How did Jack end the Roger Skunk story? How and why did Jo want to change it?

Q:- Different generations can have different views. Such differences should be respected. What is the difference between Jo’s and Jack’s views on Roger Skunk story?

Q:- What is the moral issue that the story raises?

Q:- How does Jo want the story to end and why?

Q:- Why does Jack insist that it was the wizard that was hit and not the mother?

Q:- What makes Jack feel caught in an uglymiddle position?

Q:- What is your stance regarding the two endings to the Roger Skunk story?

Q:- Why is an adult’s perspective on life different from that of a child’s?

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