Compare and contrast Seligman’s and Wong’s visions of positive psychology

Compare and contrast Seligman’s and Wong’s visions of positive psychology Martín Seligman and David Wong are two prominent figures in the field of positive psychology. Seligman is considered the founder of positive psychology, which he defined as the scientific study of human flourishing, and he focused on developing interventions and strategies to promote well-being and … Read more

वर्तमान संदर्भ में वनों का पारिस्थितिक महत्व क्यों अधिक महत्वपूर्ण है?

वनों का पारिस्थितिक महत्व क्यों अधिक महत्वपूर्ण है? Why ecological significance of forest is more important in present day context,   वन पारिस्थितिकी वनों और उनके भौतिक, रासायनिक और जैविक पर्यावरण के बीच संबंधों का अध्ययन है। इसमें वन पारिस्थितिक तंत्र की संरचना, कार्य और गतिशीलता और उनके भीतर रहने वाले पौधों, जानवरों और सूक्ष्मजीवों की … Read more

What is Seed Bank ? Advantage & Disadvantage

What is Seed Bank ?  A seed bank is a collection of seeds from various plant species that are stored to preserve genetic diversity and protect against extinction. Seed banks can be maintained by government organizations, botanical gardens, research institutions, or seed companies.  What is Seed Bank ? The seeds are stored in a controlled … Read more

Explain the human-environment relationship by taking examples of biotic and abiotic components?

Explain the human-environment relationship by taking examples of biotic and abiotic components?  The human-environment relationship refers to how humans interact and modify the natural world, including both biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) components.  Relationship refers to the interaction and influence that humans have on the natural environment and vice versa. This relationship can impact both … Read more

What is learning? Discuss any one of the cognitive learning theory.

What is learning? Discuss any one of the cognitive learning theory. Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and behaviors through experience, study, or instruction. It is a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon that can take place in a variety of contexts and settings. One cognitive learning theory is the Connectionist theory, … Read more

Canada’s literary enterprise has passed through many stages. Discuss its journey and the impacts that have helped Canada to evolve its own literary traditions and identity.

Canada’s literary enterprise has passed through many stages. Discuss its journey and the impacts that have helped Canada to evolve its own literary traditions and identity. The term “Canadian Literature in English” refers to that which is written in what is now territorially Canada or written by Canadians abroad. Writers have described Canada in many … Read more