(IGNOU) MPCE-021 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPCE-021 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- MPCE-021 is a 50-credit course that is offered as part of the Master of Arts in Psychology (MAPC) program at IGNOU. The course covers the fundamentals of counselling psychology, including the history, philosophy, and theories of counselling; the different types of counselling; and the application of counselling to a variety of mental health disorders.

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Course Structure

Block 1: Introduction

This block provides an overview of counselling psychology, including its history, philosophy, and theories. Students will learn about the different types of counselling, the roles and responsibilities of counsellors, and the ethical considerations involved in counselling.

Block 2: Counselling: Models and Approaches

This block explores the different models and approaches to counselling. Students will learn about the key concepts and techniques of each approach, and how they can be applied to a variety of client issues.

Block 3: Types of Counselling

This block focuses on the different types of counselling that are available. Students will learn about the goals, techniques, and settings of each type of counselling, and how to choose the right type of counselling for a particular client.

Block 4: Counselling for Mental Disorders

This block explores the application of counselling to a variety of mental health disorders. Students will learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of each disorder, and how counselling can be used to help clients cope with their disorders.

1) What is Behaviour Therapy? Give a brief outline of its history.

(IGNOU) MPCE-021 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Behavior therapy, also known as behaviorism or behavior modification, is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on observable behaviors and aims to modify maladaptive patterns through various techniques. The underlying principle of behavior therapy is that behavior is learned and can be changed through conditioning.

Pavlov and Classical Conditioning (late 19th-early 20th century)

Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, conducted experiments with dogs, demonstrating classical conditioning. He showed that dogs could be conditioned to associate a neutral stimulus (like a bell) with the reflex response of salivating, eventually causing the dog to salivate in response to the neutral stimulus alone.

Watson and Early Behaviorism (early 20th century)

John B. Watson, an American psychologist, is often considered the father of behaviorism. He emphasized the importance of observable behavior and rejected the study of mental processes that could not be directly observed. Watson’s work laid the foundation for behaviorism as a dominant force in psychology.

Skinner and Operant Conditioning (mid-20th century)

MPCE-021 Important Questions with Answers – B.F. Skinner, an American psychologist, expanded behaviorism with the development of operant conditioning. He focused on how behaviors are strengthened or weakened by consequences. Skinner introduced the concept of reinforcement and punishment, demonstrating how they influence behavior. Operant conditioning became a central component of behavior therapy.

Systematic Desensitization and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (1950s-1960s)

Joseph Wolpe, a South African psychiatrist, developed systematic desensitization, a behavior therapy technique used to treat phobias and anxiety. This method involves gradually exposing individuals to their feared stimuli while pairing it with relaxation, helping to reduce anxiety responses. This period also saw the emergence of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which integrated cognitive processes with behavior therapy techniques.

Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice (1970s-Present)

Behavior therapy gained popularity and acceptance in the field of clinical psychology. Therapists began using behavior modification techniques to treat a wide range of psychological disorders, including anxiety disorders, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and more.

Evolution and Integration (Late 20th century – Present)

Over time, behavior therapy evolved and integrated with other therapeutic approaches, giving rise to variations like dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT). These integrative approaches combine behavioral techniques with elements from other therapeutic traditions.

(IGNOU) MPCE-021 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Behavior therapy continues to be a prominent and effective form of psychotherapy, and its principles have influenced various therapeutic models in the field of psychology.

2) What is modeling, and how it can be used in treating psychological problems?

3) Writ a note on Exposure as an extinction approach.

4) Construct a hierarchy of fear arousing situation of any animal.

5) Define CBT and discuss the levels of cognitions.

6) According to CBT, What is the primary cause of mental disorders?

7) Explain the hierarchical structure of A-B-C model of CBT.

8) What is art therapy?

9) Define drama therapy.

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10) Explain the steps used in art therapy.

11) What is rapport building?

12) Illustrate with examples the exploration technique of art therapy.

13) Discuss Renee Emunah’s stages in drama therapy.

14) What do you mean by Dramatic projection?

15) Define Person Centered Counseling.

16) What do you understand by Congruence?

17) Describe the general techniques involved in Person Centered Counseling.

18) What is Solution-Focused Brief Therapy? Write down its steps.

19) Describe O’Hanlon & Weiner Davis basic assumptions.

20) Explain mapping the Influences technique of SFBT. Also discuss different questioning techniques.

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