(IGNOU) MPCE-013 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPCE-013 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Psychotherapy is a form of treatment that uses psychological techniques to help people with mental health problems. It is a broad field that includes a wide range of approaches, such as psychodynamic therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and humanistic therapy.

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  • Course Code: MPCE-013
  • Course Title: Psychotherapeutic Methods
  • Credits: 4
  • Specialization: Clinical Psychology, Counselling Psychology

Course Content

Block 1: History of Psychotherapy

  • The early history of psychotherapy
  • The rise of psychodynamic therapy
  • The development of cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • The emergence of humanistic therapy

Block 2: Psychotherapeutic Approaches

Psychodynamic therapy

  • The basic principles of psychodynamic therapy
  • The techniques of psychodynamic therapy
  • The effectiveness of psychodynamic therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

  • The basic principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • The techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy

Humanistic therapy

  • The basic principles of humanistic therapy
  • The techniques of humanistic therapy
  • The effectiveness of humanistic therapy

Block 3: Brief Therapies

  • The rise of brief therapies
  • The different types of brief therapies
  • The effectiveness of brief therapies

Group therapy

  • The different types of group therapy
  • The benefits of group therapy
  • The challenges of group therapy

Family therapy

  • The different types of family therapy
  • The benefits of family therapy
  • The challenges of family therapy

Block 4: Psychotherapy Across the Life Cycle

  • Psychotherapy with children and adolescents
  • Psychotherapy with adults
  • Psychotherapy with older adults

1) What are the main components of psychoanalysis?

(IGNOU) MPCE-013 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Psychoanalysis is a psychological theory and therapeutic approach developed by Sigmund Freud in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It aims to explore the unconscious mind and understand the influence of early childhood experiences on adult behavior.

MPCE-013 Important Questions Answers – Freud proposed that a significant portion of our thoughts, memories, and desires are hidden in the unconscious mind. These elements influence our behavior without our conscious awareness.

  • Defense Mechanisms: Freud suggested that individuals employ defense mechanisms to protect themselves from anxiety and distress. Examples include repression, denial, projection, and displacement.
  • Psychosexual Stages: Freud proposed a theory of psychosexual development, suggesting that individuals pass through distinct stages (oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital) during childhood, each characterized by a focus on different erogenous zones.
  • Oedipus Complex: In the phallic stage, Freud introduced the Oedipus complex, which involves a child’s unconscious sexual desire for the opposite-sex parent and rivalry with the same-sex parent.
  • Free Association: A therapeutic technique where patients are encouraged to freely express their thoughts and feelings without censorship. The goal is to uncover unconscious conflicts.
  • Dream Analysis: Freud believed that dreams are expressions of unconscious desires. Analyzing dreams can provide insights into unresolved issues.
  • Transference: The process by which patients transfer unresolved feelings and attitudes from past relationships onto the therapist, providing an opportunity for exploration and understanding.
  • Catharsis: The release of emotional tension and inner conflicts through verbal expression, which is a key aspect of the therapeutic process.
  • Therapeutic Relationship: Central to psychoanalysis is the relationship between the therapist and the patient. A supportive and nonjudgmental environment is crucial for the exploration of deep-seated issues.

(IGNOU) MPCE-013 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Psychoanalysis has significantly influenced the field of psychology, it has evolved over time, and contemporary psychoanalytic approaches may incorporate modifications and new perspectives.

2) Write about the two basic drives that motivates us according to Freud?

3) Name the psychosexual stages of development according to Freud’s theory?

4) What are defense mechanisms?

5) Write about the different categories of adult attachment?

6) What is psychic determinism?

7) What is clarification?

8) Explain the method of Interpretation?

9) What is technical neutrality?

10) Explain the strategy of self-disclosure?

11) What is insight therapy?

12) Name the levels of consciousness as described by Jung?

13) What are the conditions that must be met in person-centered therapy?

14) What are the goals of Gestalt therapy?

15) What are the main focus areas in interpersonal psychotherapy?

16) What is communication analysis?

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17) What is the difference between brief, very brief and time-limited therapies?

18) What are the general working assumptions of brief therapies?

19) What are triangles of insight?

20) What is the selection criteria for Short term anxiety provoking psychotherapy?

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