(IGNOU) MPC-004 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPC-004 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- MPC-004, Advanced Social Psychology, delves into the fascinating depths of how individuals think, feel, and behave within social contexts. Designed for the Master of Arts in Psychology (MAPC) program at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), this course equips students with a rich understanding of social influence, attitudes, group dynamics, and the multifaceted interactions that shape our daily lives.

MPC 004 Advanced Social Psychology Solved Assignment 2023-24

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Course Structure

Block 1: Introduction to Social Psychology

  • This block lays the foundation, defining social psychology, exploring its historical development, and examining its methodologies of research. (IGNOU) MPC-004 Important Questions with Answers English Medium 
  • Students analyze fundamental concepts like the self, social cognition, and attribution theory, understanding how individuals perceive and interpret social situations.
  • The block delves into social identity theory, highlighting how group membership shapes our behavior and self-perceptions.

Block 2: Processes of Social Influence

  • This block uncovers the powerful forces that shape our thoughts and actions in social settings.
  • Students engage with theories of conformity and social norms, understanding how pressures to conform can override individual choices. (IGNOU) MPC-004 Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • The block explores persuasion strategies, analyzing how techniques like reciprocity and scarcity influence decision-making.
  • Furthermore, it sheds light on the dynamics of obedience and authority, examining classic experiments like Milgram’s Stanford Prison Experiment.

Block 3: Attitudes, Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination

  • This block tackles the complex interplay between attitudes, stereotypes, and social biases.
  • Students gain insights into the formation and function of attitudes, understanding how personal experiences and social learning shape our beliefs and predispositions. (IGNOU) MPC-004 Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • The block delves into the realm of stereotyping, analyzing how unconscious cognitive biases and categorization processes lead to harmful generalizations about social groups.
  • It further explores the roots of prejudice and discrimination, examining the psychological factors that perpetuate social inequalities.

Block 4: Group Dynamics

  • This final block focuses on the dynamics of social groups, analyzing how individuals interact and influence each other within group settings. MPC-004 Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Students learn about social facilitation and social inhibition, understanding how group presence can both enhance and impair performance.
  • The block explores theories of group leadership, conflict resolution, and group decision-making, providing insights into effective group function.
  • Additionally, it examines phenomena like groupthink and polarization, highlighting the potential pitfalls of group dynamics.

1) Elucidate the nature and concept of social psychology.

(IGNOU) MPC-004 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Social psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on how individuals think, feel, and behave in social situations. It seeks to understand how people’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. The field explores the social influences that shape human behavior, attitudes, and perceptions, emphasizing the impact of social interactions on individual and group dynamics.

Social Influence

  • Conformity: The tendency to adjust one’s thoughts, feelings, or behaviors to align with those of others.
  • Compliance: Changes in behavior in response to direct requests.
  • Obedience: Adherence to authority figures’ instructions, even if they go against one’s personal beliefs.

Social Cognition

  • Attitudes: Evaluative judgments about people, objects, or ideas.
  • Stereotypes: Generalized beliefs about the characteristics of social groups.
  • Prejudice: Negative attitudes and feelings toward members of a particular group.
  • Discrimination: Behaviors directed against individuals or groups based on their membership in a particular category.

Social Identity

  • Self-concept: The individual’s perception and evaluation of oneself.
  • Social categorization: The process of mentally classifying oneself and others into social groups.
  • Social comparison: Evaluating oneself in comparison to others to establish and enhance self-worth.

(IGNOU) MPC-004 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Social psychology employs a variety of research methods, including experiments, surveys, and observational studies, to investigate these phenomena and uncover the underlying principles that govern social behavior. It is a dynamic field that continues to evolve as researchers explore new aspects of the complex interplay between individual and social factors.

2) What are the areas of studies of social psychology?

3) What are the causes of social behaviour and thought?

4) What is the scope of social psychology?

5) Trace historically the development of social psychology.

6) What factors contributed to the emergence of modern social psychology?

7) What was the nature of social thought before the advent of social science?

8) Discuss social psychology emerging as a discipline.

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9) What is meant by people’s psychology? Discuss in the context emergence of social psychology?

10) What is Mass psychology? Explain with examples.

11) Discuss the publication of the textbooks in social psychology.

12) Enumerate the various experiments that were conducted in social psychology.

13) What are middle range theories? Explain

14) Discuss the various theories in terms of social psychology.

15) Discuss social psychology as related to other disciplines.

16) What are the three levels of analysis. Explain with examples

17) What is societal level analysis?

18) What is individual and interpersonal analysis?

19) Discuss the amalgamation of sociology and psychology to make social psychology.

20) How are interdisciplinary and Intradisciplinary approaches different?

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