(IGNOU) MPC-003 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPC-003 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- MPC-003, also known as “Personality: Theories and Assessment,” is a core course offered to first-year students pursuing the Master of Arts in Psychology program (MAPC) at the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). This course delves into the fascinating world of personality, exploring its multifaceted nature, diverse theoretical perspectives, and practical assessment methods. With an approximate word count of 2000, let’s embark on a comprehensive journey through the intricacies of MPC-003.

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  • Course Code: MPC-003
  • Course Title: Personality: Theories and Assessment
  • Credit: 4 credits
  • Level: Postgraduate
  • Programme: Master of Arts in Psychology (MAPC)
MPC 003 Personality Theories and Assessment Solved Assignment 2023-24

Course Structure and Content

Block 1: Personality: Theories and Assessment

  • Introduction to the concept of personality, its definitions, characteristics, and significance in psychology.
  • Understanding the historical development of personality theories, highlighting major schools of thought like Psychoanalytic, Trait, Humanistic, Behavioral, and Social Cognitive approaches.
  • Exploration of various models within each school, providing in-depth analyses of Freud’s psychosexual theory, Eysenck’s trait theory, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Bandura’s social learning theory, and Kelly’s personal construct theory.
  • Introduction to personality assessment, its tools and techniques, and ethical considerations in the assessment process. (IGNOU) MPC-003 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

Block 2: Theories of Personality-I

  • Deep dive into specific personality theories, including Freud’s psychosexual theory, Adler’s individual psychology, Jung’s analytical psychology, and Erikson’s psychosocial development theory.
  • Critical examination of each theory’s key concepts, assumptions, strengths, and limitations.
  • Application of these theories to understand real-life situations and individual behavior patterns.

Block 3: Theories of Personality-II

  • Exploration of additional personality theories such as Cattell’s trait theory, Rogers’ self-theory, Kelly’s personal construct theory, and humanistic psychology’s emphasis on self-actualization.
  • Analysis of the role of unconscious motives, self-concept, personal constructs, and individual growth in shaping personality.
  • Understanding the influence of sociocultural factors on personality development and expression.

Block 4: Assessment of Personality

  • Comprehensive overview of personality assessment techniques, including self-report inventories, projective tests, objective tests, and situational tests.
  • In-depth discussion of popular instruments like MMPI, Rorschach Inkblot Test, TAT, and NEO-PI-R, delving into their administration, scoring, and interpretation.
  • Critical analysis of the reliability and validity of various assessment methods, emphasizing ethical considerations and responsible test usage.

1) Define personality. Citing example, make distinction between temperament and character.

MPC-003 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Personality refers to the unique set of psychological traits, patterns of behavior, and characteristics that define an individual and differentiate them from others. It encompasses various aspects such as attitudes, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that remain relatively consistent across different situations and over time.


  • Definition: Temperament refers to the innate, biologically-based emotional and behavioral tendencies that are present from birth. It is often considered as the more stable, genetically influenced aspect of personality. (IGNOU) MPC-003 Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Example: A child who is naturally more outgoing, energetic, and easily excited might be described as having a temperament that is extroverted.


  • Definition: Character involves the learned and acquired aspects of personality. It is shaped by experiences, values, beliefs, and social interactions. Character is often seen as the moral and ethical dimension of personality.
  • Example: An individual who has developed a strong sense of honesty, integrity, and responsibility, based on their upbringing and personal values, would be said to have a character that reflects these traits.

In summary, temperament is often considered to be the more innate and biological aspect of personality, while character is seen as the result of environmental influences and personal choices. Together, they contribute to the overall complexity and uniqueness of an individual’s personality. (IGNOU) MPC-003 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

2) Discuss the physical or biological determinants of personality development.

3) Outline the role of psychological determinants of personality development.

4) Discuss the role of environmental determinants in shaping personality development.

5) Enumerate the basic formula : Personality Development = Physical determinants × Psychological determinants × Environmental determinants

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6) Make distinction between individual traits and common traits. Following Allport, discuss the different types of individual traits and their importance in predicting human behaviour.

7) Explain viewpoints of Cattell regarding traits as being one of the determiners of human behaviour.

8) Do you find Eysenck’s type-trait hierarchy a satisfactory explanation for making prediction about human behaviour ?

9) Discuss the different trait modalities as outlined by J.P. Guilford for understanding and predicting human behaviour.

10) Discuss the role of five-factor model in understanding human behaviour.

11) Do you find trait perspective a satisfcatory explanation for explaining personality. Give reasons.

12) What is the need for Personality Assessment?

13) How can personality assessment prove to be an aid in understanding
human behaviour?

14) What is the underlying approach behind personality testing?

15) What is projective technique?

16) Define Projective techniques as a tool of assessment.

17) Explain various projective techniques in detail.

18) Discuss the classification of projective techniques according to various researchers.

19) Critically evaluate various personality testing procedures.

20) Explain the meaning of personality inventories.

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