(IGNOU) MGPE-013 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MGPE-013 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- MGPE-013 is a course code for “Civil Society, Political Regimes and Conflict” offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) under the Master of Arts in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MGPS) program. It’s a second-year course for Master’s students.

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  • Course Code: MGPE-013
  • Course Title: Civil Society, Political Regimes and Conflict
  • Credits: 4
  • Type: Elective course
  • Program: Master of Arts (Political Science)

Course Structure

  • Block 1: Civil Society: Concepts and Perspectives
  • Block 2: Civil Society and the State
  • Block 3: Civil Society and Peace Building
  • Block 4: Gandhi and People’s Power

1. Write an essay on the early modern notion of civil society

(IGNOU) MGPE-013 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- The concept of civil society has undergone significant evolution throughout history, with its roots deeply embedded in the intellectual and philosophical developments of the early modern period. Emerging in the aftermath of the Renaissance and gaining momentum during the Enlightenment, the notion of civil society represented a departure from traditional hierarchical structures and paved the way for new ideas about governance, citizenship, and individual rights. This essay explores the early modern notion of civil society, examining its origins, key thinkers, and the impact it had on shaping political thought and societal structures.

(IGNOU) MGPE-013 Important Questions with Answers English Medium- The early modern period, spanning roughly from the 16th to the 18th century, was characterized by profound social, political, and intellectual transformations. The Renaissance witnessed a revival of classical learning and humanism, challenging the authority of religious institutions and emphasizing the potential of human reason. As societies grappled with the aftermath of religious conflicts, wars, and political upheavals, thinkers began to contemplate alternative forms of governance that could foster stability and ensure the protection of individual liberties.

  • John Locke (1632-1704): Often regarded as one of the pioneers of the early modern notion of civil society, Locke’s ideas were foundational to the development of liberal political thought. In his seminal work, “Two Treatises of Government” (1690), Locke argued that political authority derived from the consent of the governed. He envisioned a civil society where individuals voluntarily entered into a social contract, surrendering certain rights to a government that existed to protect life, liberty, and property. MGPE-013 Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679): Hobbes, in his work “Leviathan” (1651), presented a contrasting view. While also concerned with the establishment of civil society, Hobbes emphasized the need for a strong, centralized authority to prevent the chaos he believed would prevail in the absence of a powerful government. His social contract theory posited that individuals willingly surrendered certain rights to a sovereign in exchange for protection and order. (IGNOU) MGPE-013 Important Questions with Answers 
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778): In his influential work, “The Social Contract” (1762), Rousseau offered a different perspective on civil society. Rousseau argued for a more participatory form of government, suggesting that true sovereignty lay with the people collectively. He envisioned a society where individuals, guided by the “general will,” actively participated in decision-making processes to create a just and egalitarian social order. MGPE-013 Important Questions with Answers

Impact on Political Thought and Society

The early modern notion of civil society had a profound impact on the development of modern political thought and the structure of societies. It laid the groundwork for democratic principles, emphasizing the importance of individual rights, representative government, and the rule of law. The ideas of Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, and other thinkers influenced the drafting of constitutions and the establishment of democratic institutions in later centuries.

2. Examine- Gramsci’s views on hegemony and the role of intellectuals.

3. What is global civil society ? Explain.

4. Discuss Gandhi’s notion of autonomy of the individual.

5. Elaborate on the nature of the pluralist state.

6. Write a note on Neo-liberalism.

7. Discuss relevance of civil society in Asia.

8. Elaborate on some recent protest movements.

9. What is Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF) ? Explain.

10. Write a note on international campaign to ban landmines.

11. Differentiate the views of Gramsci and Marx regarding Civil Society.

12. Analyse the issue of accountability of Civil Society Organizations

13. Examine Gandhi’s vision of constructive programme.

14. Describe the successes and failures of globalization

15. Discuss the importance of non-violence as a method of protest

16. Discuss the efforts of Soka Gakkai International (SGI) towards global peace.

17. Write a note on the working of NGO–Human Rights Watch.

18. Describe the Eight action areas for creating a culture of peace

19. Discuss the genesis and evolution of peace movements

20. Explain Gandhi’s views on Empowerment of Women.

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