(IGNOU) MGPE-007 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MGPE-007 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium-  MGPE-007 is a course code for a subject in the IGNOU M.A. in Gandhi and Peace Studies program. It stands for “Gandhi Smriti Evam Darshan Samiti (Gaandhi ke baad Ahimsatmak Andolan)” which translates to “Gandhi Memorial and Philosophy Society (Non-Violent Movements after Gandhi).

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  • Course Code: MGPE-007
  • Course Title: Non-Violent Movements after Gandhi
  • Category: Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Programme(s): Master of Arts (Political Science), Master of Arts (Gandhi and Peace Studies), Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies, Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MPS, MGPS, PGDGPS, PGCGPS)
  • Aim: To equip students with a deep understanding of non-violent movements and their application in peace building, conflict resolution, and social regeneration.

Course Structure

Block 1: Introduction to Non-Violent Movements

  • Explores the post-Gandhian landscape of non-violent movements globally.
  • Analyzes leadership and organizational patterns in such movements.
  • Examines the dynamics, strategies, and outcomes of non-violent movements.
  • Discusses their engagement with social and ecological issues.

Block 2: Non-Violent Movements in Different Contexts

  • Focuses on specific non-violent movements in various regions and countries, such as the Civil Rights Movement in the US, anti-colonial struggles in Africa, and environmental movements worldwide.

Block 3: Theoretical Perspectives on Non-Violence

  • Introduces major theoretical frameworks used to understand non-violence, including Gandhian thought, pacifism, civil disobedience, and social movements theory.

Block 4: Contemporary Challenges and Prospects for Non-Violence

  • Examines contemporary challenges faced by non-violent movements, such as state repression, globalization, and new forms of violence. MGPE-007 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Explores the future potential of non-violence in addressing present-day issues.

1. What was the historical backdrop to the Solidarity Movement?

(IGNOU) MGPE-007 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- The Solidarity Movement in Poland emerged against the backdrop of a complex historical and political context. The movement, officially known as the Independent Self-governing Trade Union “Solidarity” (Solidarność in Polish), played a crucial role in challenging the communist regime in Poland. MGPE-007 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

  • Communist Rule in Poland (1945-1989): After World War II, Poland fell under Soviet influence and established a communist government. The Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR) dominated the political scene, and the country became a satellite state of the Soviet Union.
  • Economic Challenges: By the 1970s, Poland faced severe economic problems, including high inflation, shortages of goods, and a deteriorating standard of living. The government’s attempts to address these issues through price hikes and austerity measures led to widespread discontent among the population.
  • Intellectual Dissent: Intellectuals and members of the intelligentsia in Poland began expressing dissatisfaction with the government’s policies. Writers, artists, and academics played a significant role in criticizing the regime, fostering a sense of dissent and opposition. MGPE-007 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Religious Influence: The Catholic Church, particularly Pope John Paul II, who was Polish, played a significant role in inspiring resistance against the communist regime. The Church provided a space for organizing opposition activities and became a focal point for those seeking change.
  • Labor Strikes: In July 1980, a wave of strikes, triggered by the announcement of increased food prices, swept across Poland. The workers’ demands extended beyond economic issues, encompassing broader political and social reforms. The Gdańsk Shipyard strike, led by Lech Wałęsa, was a pivotal event during this period.
  • Formation of Solidarity: As a response to the strikes, the government, under pressure, granted the workers the right to establish an independent trade union. In September 1980, the Independent Self-governing Trade Union “Solidarity” (Solidarność) was formed in Gdańsk. Lech Wałęsa emerged as a prominent leader.
  • Suppression and Martial Law: Solidarity rapidly gained popularity, attracting millions of members across various sectors of Polish society. Fearing the growing influence of the movement, the Polish government declared martial law in December 1981, arrested Solidarity leaders, and suppressed the movement.
  • International Support: Solidarity received widespread international support, with Western countries condemning the imposition of martial law and expressing solidarity with the Polish people. Sanctions against Poland were imposed by the West in response to the government’s actions.

(IGNOU) MGPE-007 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- The Solidarity Movement ultimately played a crucial role in weakening the communist regime in Poland. Although it was suppressed temporarily, Solidarity’s influence persisted, and it eventually contributed to the larger political and social changes that led to the end of communist rule in Poland in 1989. MGPE-007 Most Important Questions with Answers

2 What reasons gave rise to the Solidarity? In what terms can it be called peaceful?

3. What change did Solidarity bring about?

4. How did Solidarity influence the regional European countries, which were under Soviet occupation?

5. What role did the Church play in the proliferation or influencing the movement?

6. Define the apartheid system.

7. Briefly discuss the features of the apartheid laws passed by South African Government before and after 1948.

8. What was the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi to AAM?

9. Examine the role of the United Nations to bring an end of the apartheid regime. Why was the UN not very successful in dismantling apartheid?

10. Discuss the role, impact and strategies of AAM adopted by people inside and outside South Africa.

11. Why is Greenpeace called a peaceful non-violent movement?

12. What are the early accomplishments of Greenpeace?

13. How has Greenpeace contributed to anti-nuclear movements?

14. What kind of criticism has Greenpeace attracted for its activities?

15. What accomplishments can Greenpeace be credited with?

16. Write an essay on the emerging trends on water conservation and its repercussions in India.

17. Write an essay on the water conservation movement in India, with special reference to the National water awareness campaign led by Rajendra Singh.

18. Write a brief note on the Plachimada campaign in Kerala.

19. Write a short note on India’s National Water Conservation Policy, 2002.

20. What do you understand by environmental movements? What positive changes do they bring in the social realm?

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