(IGNOU) MGP-004 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MGP-004 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- MGP-004 refers to the course code for Gandhi’s Political Thought in the Master of Arts in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MA(GPS)) program offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).

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  • Course Code: MGP-004
  • Course Title: Gandhi’s Political Thought
  • Credits: 4
  • Aim: To enable students to comprehend Gandhi’s political ideas, engage in peace studies, and contribute to conflict resolution strategies.

Course Syllabus

  • Swaraj and State: Gandhi’s vision for self-rule, decentralization, and non-violent resistance.
  • Constructive Programme: Gandhi’s emphasis on social reform, economic self-reliance, and community development.
  • Satyagraha: Gandhi’s philosophy and technique of non-violent resistance for social and political change.
  • Equality and Justice: Gandhi’s commitment to racial, caste, and gender equality, and his critique of inequality and injustice.
  • Relationship with Western Thought: Gandhi’s engagement with ideas from liberalism, democracy, and other Western political traditions.

1. Discuss the views of Gandhi on the world order.

(IGNOU) MGP-004 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement against British colonial rule, had unique and influential views on various aspects of life, politics, and society. While he is often remembered for his role in India’s struggle for independence, his thoughts on the world order also left a significant impact.

  • Non-Violence (Ahimsa): Gandhi was a staunch advocate of non-violence, or ahimsa, as a fundamental principle for addressing conflicts and achieving social and political change. He believed that non-violence was not just a tactical strategy but a way of life. He envisioned a world where conflicts were resolved through dialogue, understanding, and mutual respect rather than through force or aggression.
  • Satyagraha (Truth Force): Gandhi developed the concept of satyagraha, a form of nonviolent resistance rooted in truth and moral force. He believed that individuals could bring about positive change by standing up for truth, justice, and moral principles. Satyagraha was seen as a powerful tool for challenging oppressive systems and promoting social transformation.
  • Sarvodaya (Welfare of All): Gandhi envisioned a world where the welfare of all, or sarvodaya, was prioritized over individual or national interests. He argued for the elimination of poverty, inequality, and social injustice through decentralized, community-based efforts. According to Gandhi, true progress could only be achieved when the benefits of development reached every individual. (IGNOU) MGP-004 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Swadeshi (Self-Reliance): Gandhi emphasized the importance of self-reliance and the need for communities to be economically independent. He advocated for the revival of cottage industries and the use of locally produced goods, promoting economic sustainability and reducing dependence on external resources.
  • Decentralization of Power: Gandhi was critical of centralized power structures, whether political or economic. He advocated for the decentralization of political and economic power to empower local communities. He believed that decision-making should be in the hands of the people, making governance more responsive to the needs of the grassroots.
  • Interfaith Harmony: Gandhi was an advocate of religious tolerance and believed in the unity of all religions. He envisioned a world where people of different faiths could coexist peacefully and work together for the common good. His principles of non-violence and tolerance were deeply rooted in his spiritual beliefs. MGP-004 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MGP-004 Most Important Questions with Answers – Gandhi’s views on the world order were shaped by his philosophy of truth, non-violence, and the well-being of all. While some of his ideas may be considered idealistic, they have continued to inspire movements for social justice, peace, and human rights worldwide. Gandhi’s legacy extends beyond the struggle for Indian independence and remains relevant in discussions on global ethics and governance.

2. What are the requisites for a peaceful world order?

3. Describe the role of pluralism and tolerance in the democratic world order.

4. Examine the Gandhian solutions to shortcomings of democracy.

5. Critically examine Gandhi’s views on war.

6. Describe the importance of satyagraha in the nuclear age.

7. What do you understand by Pacifism? Describe the theoretical basis of Pacifism.

8. Discuss the role of Satyagraha in Gandhian Pacifism.

9. Critically examine the different kinds of Gandhian Pacifism.

10. Describe the main elements of Gandhian Pacifism.

11. Do you think that an impartial world police can be effective for the world peace?

12. What is conflict resolution? What are the essential features of the process of conflict resolution?

13. What are the principles and features of Gandhian Satyagraha?

14. Gandhi demonstrated the applicability of Satyagraha in various scenarios. Substantiate your arguments with examples.

15. Satyagraha is essentially a tool or method of conflict resolution. Elaborate.

16. Discuss the relevance, efficacy and feasibility of Gandhian Satyagraha in the 21st century.

17. What do you understand by Fascism?

18. What were the views of Gandhi on Fascism?

19. Examine the crucial link between fascism and racialism.

20. Why does Gandhi insist that there is a need to bridge the gap between the elite and the masses to bring about self-rule?

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