(IGNOU) MED-002 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MED-002 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- This course examines the issues and challenges of sustainable development. It begins with an introduction to the concept of sustainable development, followed by a discussion of the major developmental issues facing the world today. The course then explores the various initiatives that have been taken to address these issues, and concludes with a discussion of the strategies that are needed to achieve sustainable development.

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  • Course Name: Sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges
  • Course Code: MED-002
  • Level: Postgraduate
  • Credits: 4
  • Programme: Master of Arts in Political Science

Course Content

  • Block 1: Introduction to Sustainable Development
  • Block 2: Developmental Issues
  • Block 3: Initiatives Towards Sustainable Development
  • Block 4: Strategy for Sustainable Development

Block 1: Introduction to Sustainable Development

(IGNOU) MED-002 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- This block provides an introduction to the concept of sustainable development. It discusses the history of the concept, the different dimensions of sustainable development, and the challenges of achieving sustainable development.

Block 2: Developmental Issues

This block examines the major developmental issues facing the world today. It discusses issues such as poverty, inequality, environmental degradation, and climate change.

Block 3: Initiatives Towards Sustainable Development

This block explores the various initiatives that have been taken to address the developmental issues discussed in Block 2. It discusses initiatives at the international, national, and local levels.

Block 4: Strategy for Sustainable Development

This block concludes the course with a discussion of the strategies that are needed to achieve sustainable development. It discusses the role of governments, businesses, and individuals in achieving sustainable development.

1. What are the major challenges confronting sustainable development?

MED-002 Most Important Questions with Answers – The degradation of natural resources, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and pollution pose significant threats to sustainable development. Climate change, in particular, exacerbates these issues.  Global warming and climate change are among the most critical challenges. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and sea-level rise can have widespread and severe impacts on ecosystems, communities, and economies.

  • Poverty and Inequality: Achieving sustainable development requires addressing poverty and reducing inequality. Many people around the world still lack access to basic necessities such as clean water, sanitation, education, and healthcare.
  • Social and Political Stability: Sustainable development is closely linked to social and political stability. Conflict, corruption, and governance issues can impede progress and hinder the implementation of sustainable policies.
  • Economic Challenges: Balancing economic growth with environmental and social sustainability is a complex task. Overreliance on finite resources, unsustainable consumption patterns, and inadequate economic policies can hinder long-term development.
  • Population Growth: Rapid population growth, particularly in developing regions, can strain resources and make it challenging to meet the needs of a growing population while maintaining environmental sustainability.
  • Technological Innovation: While technology can contribute to sustainable development, it also presents challenges, such as the potential for increased resource consumption, e-waste, and ethical concerns related to emerging technologies.
  • Access to Education and Healthcare: Limited access to quality education and healthcare can hinder the well-being and productivity of populations, perpetuating cycles of poverty and inequality.
  • Globalization and Trade: Global economic interdependence can contribute to unsustainable resource exploitation and environmental degradation, particularly if regulations and accountability mechanisms are insufficient.
  • Cultural Preservation: The balance between economic development and cultural preservation is crucial. Rapid urbanization and globalization can sometimes lead to the loss of cultural diversity and traditional knowledge.

Addressing these challenges requires coordinated efforts at local, national, and global levels. It involves adopting sustainable policies, promoting responsible consumption and production, investing in renewable energy, fostering international cooperation, and ensuring social inclusivity and justice.

2. How can sustainable development be included in economic growth programmes?

3. What is appropriate technology?

4. What problems confront a country’s desire to live in harmony with nature?

5. What are the three pillars of sustainable development?

6. What are the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)?

7. What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

8. What are some of the key challenges to sustainable development?

9. What are some of the initiatives that are being taken to address the challenges of sustainable development?

10. What are the different approaches for achieving sustainable development?

11. How do GNP/GDP based approaches fail to deliver the required objectives of development policies?

12. Discuss the community-oriented approach to sustainable development with examples from your own context.

13. What do you understand by carrying capacity?

14. What are the threats to sustainable resource use policies?

15. Can general scarcities be prevented by the principle of carrying capacity?

16. How are the principles of inter-generational equity and intra-generational equity different from each other? Explain.

17. How is equality of women related to sustainable development?

18. Outline the various dimensions of sustainable development. What are its fundamental principles?

19. What led to the origin of the concept of sustainable development?

20. What are the indicators of unsustainable activities?


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