(IGNOU) MPSE-012 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPSE-012 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Australia is a vast and diverse country with a rich history and culture. Its political system is based on the Westminster model, with a federal government and six state governments. The Australian state plays a significant role in society, providing a range of services, including education, healthcare, and infrastructure. (IGNOU) MPSE-012 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium

Course Content

  • Unit 1: Introduction to Australian Politics
  • Unit 2: The Australian Constitution
  • Unit 3: The Australian Parliament
  • Unit 4: The Australian Executive
  • Unit 5: The Australian Judiciary
  • Unit 6: Australian Society and Culture

1) Give a brief account of the main physiological features of the Australian continent.

(IGNOU) MPSE-012 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium- Australia is one of the oldest and most geologically stable continents on Earth. Much of its landscape is characterized by ancient, weathered surfaces, with relatively low relief and few high mountain ranges.

  • Flat and Arid Interior: The central part of Australia is dominated by a vast, flat, and arid interior known as the Outback. This arid zone comprises deserts and semi-arid regions, such as the Great Victoria Desert, Simpson Desert, and the iconic red sands of the Northern Territory. (IGNOU) MPSE-012 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Great Dividing Range: Along the eastern coast of Australia runs the Great Dividing Range, a mountainous system that influences the climate and rainfall patterns on either side. The eastern side tends to be more humid and receives higher rainfall, while the western side is generally drier.
  • Unique Flora and Fauna: Australia is renowned for its distinctive flora and fauna, much of which is endemic and not found anywhere else in the world. Notable examples include marsupials like kangaroos and koalas, as well as unique plant species such as eucalyptus trees and wattles.
  • Great Barrier Reef: Off the northeast coast of Australia lies the Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest coral reef system. This natural wonder is rich in biodiversity and supports a vast array of marine life.
  • Variable Climate: Australia experiences a range of climatic conditions, from tropical in the north to temperate in the south. The continent is also prone to extremes, including heatwaves, droughts, and occasional cyclones in the northern regions.
  • River Systems: Australia has several major river systems, but many of its rivers are characterized by irregular flows and can experience significant variability in water levels. The Murray-Darling Basin is the largest river system in Australia and is crucial for agriculture. MPSE-012 Most Important Questions with Answers English Medium
  • Unique Soils: The soils in Australia vary widely, influenced by factors such as climate, geology, and vegetation. Many areas have nutrient-poor soils, contributing to the continent’s unique ecosystems.

Overall, Australia’s physiological features reflect its ancient geological history, diverse ecosystems, and the challenges posed by its predominantly arid environment.

2) Why is Australia known as the ‘Dry Continent’? Explain.

3) What are the main characteristics of the Australian population?

4) How was the Australian national identity perceived in the past? Why and how has it been changing?

5) Give a brief description of the Aboriginal community in Australian society around 1788.

6) Give an account of the process of colonisation in Australia.

7) Critically examine the social impact of the Australian colonial policy towards the Aborigines.

8) Do you think colonisation of Australia changed the way Aborigines perceived themselves? Explain

9) How is the principle of majority rule different from democratic equality?

10) Describe the Liberal-Communitarian debate. How were the two debates merged?

11) What are the elements of multiculturalism? Would you say that immigrant countries like Australia have a better understanding of cultural diversity and identity than non-immigrant societies?

12) Discuss immigration, formation of identity and citizenship rights in Australia.

13) What, in your understanding, are the problems Australia faces in its search to balance the challenges of the principles of universalism and difference?

14) Analyse the philosophical background of Australian Federalism and nature of division of powers between the Commonwealth and States.

15) Why and how has the process of centralisation taken place in Australia?

16) Describe the recent attempts made to maintain balance between the Commonwealth and the State governments with special reference to the role of intergovernmental bodies.

17) Trace the evolution of the Liberal Party. How was it different from the Labour Party in Australia?

18) What are the main tenets of the Labour Party in Australia? Why has it been called the “party of initiatives and change”?

19) Describe the transformation of the Labour Party under the Hawke-Keating leadership.

20) What kind of electorate has been traditionally supporting the National Party? What are the main characteristics of the National Party?


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