(IGNOU) MPSE- 004 Most Important Questions with answers English Medium

(IGNOU) MPSE- 004 Most Important Questions with answers English Medium- MPSE-004, also known as “Social and Political Thought in Modern India,” is a popular course offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) in English. It’s an elective course for Master of Arts (MA) in Political Science and other related programs.

MPSE-004 Social and Political Thought in Modern India

Unit 1: Introduction

  • Define social and political thought.
  • Discuss the importance of studying social and political thought in the context of modern India.
  • Identify the major schools of social and political thought in modern India.

Unit 2: Social Thought

  • Discuss the impact of Western ideas on Indian social thought.
  • Examine the ideas of major Indian social thinkers, such as Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Swami Vivekananda, and Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Analyze the relationship between social thought and social change in modern India.

Unit 3: Political Thought

  • Discuss the impact of Western ideas on Indian political thought.
  • Examine the ideas of major Indian political thinkers, such as Dadabhai Naoroji, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, and Jawaharlal Nehru.
  • Analyze the relationship between political thought and political change in modern India.

Unit 4: Contemporary Social and Political Thought

  • Discuss the major trends in contemporary social and political thought in India.
  • Examine the ideas of major contemporary Indian social and political thinkers, such as Radhakrishnan, Ambedkar, Nehru, and P.C. Joshi.
  • Analyze the challenges facing contemporary Indian society and politics.

L.ong Questions 

Explain the major features of political ideas in Ancient India.

Ancient India had a rich and diverse political landscape with a variety of political ideas and philosophies.

  • Dharma, often translated as “duty” or “righteousness,” played a crucial role in Ancient Indian political thought. It encompassed moral and ethical duties that individuals, including rulers, were expected to follow for the well-being of society.
  • Kautilya’s Arthashastra is a significant ancient Indian treatise on statecraft and political economy. It provides detailed guidance on governance, diplomacy, war, and administration. The text reflects a pragmatic approach to politics and power.
  • The caste system was not only a social but also a political institution in Ancient India. Society was stratified into distinct castes, and individuals were born into specific roles. The political order was often influenced by the hierarchical structure of the caste system

Mahabharata and Ramayana

(IGNOU) MPSE- 004 Most Important Questions with answers English Medium- The epics, Mahabharata and Ramayana, contain narratives that provide insights into political principles and governance. The Bhagavad Gita, a part of the Mahabharata, is a philosophical discourse on duty and righteousness delivered on the battlefield.

(IGNOU) MPSE- 004 Most Important Questions with answers English Medium- Ancient Indian political thought emphasized the concept of ideal kingship or Rajadharma. The king was expected to rule with justice, protect the people, and uphold dharma. The Arthashastra and various Dharmashastra texts elaborate on the duties and responsibilities of rulers.

Ancient India consisted of several Mahajanapadas, or republics/city-states, each with its own political organization. These city-states had councils and assemblies where political decisions were made collectively. The concept of ahimsa, or non-violence, was a prominent ethical and political value. Philosophical traditions, especially Jainism and Buddhism, advocated for peaceful coexistence and the avoidance of harm to living beings.

Discuss the important ideas regarding sovereign authority during the Medieval period

In what way has religion influenced the polity in premodern India?

Discuss different strands ofthought among scholars on the question of colonial modernity.

Explain Nationalism’s concern with orientalism and colonial discourse.

Discuss Nationalism and its features with reference to liberal ideas.

Critically examine tile Construction of India in the 19& Century.

Discuss Orientalism and the colony’s self-knowledge.

Explain the relevance of Social Reform Movement in India.

Write a short note on the following

The impact of Western thought on Indian social and political thought

Discuss the main contributions of the following thinkers to Indian social and political thought

Compare and contrast the political thought of Gandhi and Nehru

Examine the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi on social reform.

Analyze the relationship between social thought and social change in modern India.

Discuss the impact of Western ideas on Indian political thought.

Examine the ideas of Jawaharlal Nehru on democracy.

Analyze the relationship between political thought and political change in modern India.

Discuss the major trends in contemporary social and political thought in India.

Examine the ideas of Radhakrishnan on secularism.

Analyze the challenges facing contemporary Indian society and politics.

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