CBSE Class 12th Poets And Pancakes Most Important Questions with Solutions

Class 12th Poets And Pancakes Most Important Questions with Solutions- Poets and Pancakes” from the CBSE Class 12th English textbook, “Flamingo”! It’s a fascinating chapter that delves into the world of 1950s Madras (now Chennai) film industry, with its fascinating mix of glamour, creativity, and bureaucratic tangles.

  • The significance of the title: How does the juxtaposition of “poets” and “pancakes” reflect the contrasting worlds of art and commerce within the film industry?
  • The role of the make-up department: Learn about the quirky traditions and hierarchy within the department, and how “pancake” (the makeup brand) became almost synonymous with transformation.
  • The plight of the story department: Explore the challenges faced by writers amidst budget constraints and creative conflicts, leading to the ironic situation of “poets” being laid off.
  • Nostalgia for a bygone era: Analyze the author’s wistful tone as he recounts the laid-back charm of the studio culture, with its emphasis on strong coffee and intellectual discussions.


Character Sketch: Poets And Pancakes – English Class 12

The Narrator: Asokamitran, the narrator, is a young aspiring writer who works in the clipping department at Gemini Studios. He observes the studio life with a keen eye, providing the reader with a unique perspective on the glamour and the mundaneness of the film industry. He’s often critical and sarcastic, but also compassionate and understanding of the people around him. Class 12th Poets And Pancakes Most Important Questions with Solutions

Subbu: The office boy in the makeup department, Subbu is a complex character. He appears initially as a nuisance to the narrator, complaining and seeking favors. However, as the story unfolds, we see Subbu’s resourcefulness, loyalty, and willingness to help others, even at personal cost. CBSE Class 12th Poets And Pancakes Most Important Questions with Solutions

The Poets: Gemini Studios employed a group of poets who were tasked with writing dialogues and song lyrics for the films. The narrator portrays them as a carefree and bohemian bunch, more interested in philosophical discussions and poetry readings than the actual work. While their contribution to the studio is debatable, they represent a creative force within the commercial space.

The Make-up Artists: The makeup department is a hive of activity, with artists constantly transforming actors and extras. The narrator highlights the hierarchy within this department, with senior artists enjoying more respect and better treatment than their junior colleagues. This reflects the power dynamics at play even within a seemingly artistic space.

The Boss: The head of the story department, the Boss represents the practical and commercial side of filmmaking. He clashes with the poets, valuing efficiency and deadlines over artistic merit. He ultimately disbands the story department, highlighting the tension between creativity and commerce in the film industry.

Minor Characters: The chapter also features many smaller characters, each adding to the richness of the narrative. The studio workers, the film extras, and even the stray dogs contribute to the bustling atmosphere of Gemini Studios. CBSE Class 12th Poets And Pancakes Most Important Questions with Solutions

Q:- What was MRA and why it was welcomed at the Gemini Studios? 

Madras Regimental Association

  • What it was: The Madras Regimental Association (MRA) was an organization formed by ex-servicemen who served in the Madras Regiment of the British Indian Army during World War II.
  • Why it was welcomed: After the war, many soldiers sought employment. Gemini Studios, expanding at the time, needed skilled individuals, and many ex-servicemen possessed qualities valued in film production, like discipline, teamwork, and dedication. So, Gemini Studios welcomed many MRA members to various roles.

 Moral Re-Armament Army

  • What it was: The Moral Re-Armament (MRA) was an international movement advocating for spiritual and moral rearmament against social problems, including communism.
  • Why it was welcomed: Mr. Vasan, the head of Gemini Studios, and many studio personnel held anti-communist views. The MRA’s ideology aligned with theirs, making them welcome hosts for the MRA. Additionally, the MRA staged professional plays like “Jonathan Valley” and “The Forgotten Factor,” which studio personnel enjoyed, further contributing to their positive reception.

Q:- Why did everybody in the studio think of giving the author some work to do? 

1. Idle Appearance of His Work:

  • The author’s job involved cutting out newspaper clippings and filing them. Others might have seen this as unengaging and lacking a clear purpose.
  • The quiet and seemingly repetitive nature of the work could create an impression of the author having ample free time or untapped potential.

2. Underlying Curiosity and Desire to Discover Talent:

  • The idleness of the work could spark curiosity and interest in the people around him. Perhaps they wondered what was going on within him while he diligently clipped papers.
  • They might have suspected hidden capabilities or creative talents that weren’t being showcased by his current task. Some might have seen his potential to contribute in a greater way to the studio.

3. Desire to Help and Utilize Potential:

  • Seeing the seemingly unfulfilling nature of the author’s work, others might have felt a sense of responsibility or protectiveness towards him.
  • They might have wanted to challenge him and unlock his potential by offering him more fulfilling and engaging tasks.

 CBSE Class 12th Poets And Pancakes Most Important Questions with Solutions- The specific reasons everyone wanted to give the author work depend on the context of the story. However, the general idea is that his seemingly idle work created an illusion of untapped potential and underutilized talent, inspiring others to want to see him do more and potentially discover hidden brilliance.

Q:- Kothamangalam Subbu was a ‘many-sided genius’. Elaborate. 

The statement “K. Subbu was a ‘many-sided genius'” can be elaborated on by exploring his diverse talents and accomplishments. Here are some specific facets that contributed to his reputation as a multi-faceted individual:

Creative Problem-Solver:

Subbu displayed an exceptional ability to think outside the box and find solutions to various filmmaking challenges. When producers faced difficulties, he readily offered numerous alternative solutions, making him a valuable asset to Gemini Studios.

Literary Prowess:

He wasn’t just a film enthusiast; Subbu was also a gifted writer. His novel, “Thillana Mohanambal,” is a testament to his storytelling skills and literary acumen.

Acting Talent:

Though not an aspiring lead actor, Subbu possessed excellent acting abilities. He often graced supporting roles with his charm and presence, bringing them to life on screen.

Poetic Soul:

Subbu wasn’t afraid to express his creativity through poetry. His lyrical compositions added another dimension to his multifaceted personality.

Cheerful Disposition:

Beyond his artistic talents, Subbu was known for his infectiously positive attitude. His constant cheerfulness and optimism endeared him to colleagues and made him a pleasant collaborator.

Loyal Confidant:

 CBSE Class 12th Poets And Pancakes Most Important Questions with Solutions- Subbu’s dedication to his boss, Mr. Vasan, wasn’t just professional; it was deeply rooted in loyalty. He consistently used his talents to further Vasan’s vision and contributed significantly to Gemini Studios’ success.

Generous Spirit:

Subbu’s kindness extended beyond the film world. He was known for his charitable nature and willingness to help those in need, adding another layer to his well-rounded personality.

In conclusion, K. Subbu’s brilliance resided not in one specific domain but in the confluence of his diverse talents and admirable qualities. He was a writer, filmmaker, actor, poet, and above all, a kind and cheerful individual. This combination of artistic expertise and personal virtues solidified his reputation as a “many-sided genius” who left a lasting impression on the Indian film industry.

Q:- ‘Subbu was a troubleshooter.’ Do you agree with this statement? Give an account of Subbu’s qualities of head and heart. 

Sharp Intellect: Subbu possessed a keen mind and exceptional problem-solving skills. He could quickly analyze situations, identify the core issue, and propose creative solutions. This is evident in his ability to generate 14 alternative solutions for dissatisfied producers, demonstrating his resourcefulness and quick thinking. Class 12th Poets And Pancakes Most Important Questions with Solutions

Technical Expertise: He wasn’t just a creative thinker; Subbu also had a deep understanding of the technical aspects of filmmaking. This gave him the ability to navigate production challenges and find pragmatic solutions, making him invaluable in various situations.

Strategic Vision: Subbu saw the bigger picture. He recognized opportunities for improvement and proactively suggested changes that ultimately contributed to Gemini Studios’ success. This showcases his forward-thinking approach and strategic mindset.

Dedication and Loyalty: Subbu was fiercely loyal to Mr. Vasan and Gemini Studios. He relentlessly used his talents to fulfill their vision, even going above and beyond his designated roles. This unwavering dedication highlights his strong work ethic and sense of loyalty.

Empathy and Generosity: Despite his own struggles, Subbu remained open-handed and empathetic. He readily helped those in need, providing both financial and emotional support. This kindness and caring nature solidified his reputation as a good-hearted individual.

Positive Attitude: Subbu maintained a cheerful and optimistic disposition even in the face of challenges. This positive outlook not only helped him navigate through difficulties but also inspired those around him, making him a valuable asset to any team.

In conclusion, Subbu’s sharp intellect, technical expertise, strategic vision, unwavering dedication, empathy, generosity, and positive attitude combined to make him a true “troubleshooter.” He wasn’t just someone who solved problems; he was a creative thinker, a loyal ally, and a kind soul who used his talents to make a positive impact on those around him. His qualities of head and heart made him an essential figure in the success of Gemini Studios and a well-respected individual in the Indian film industry. Class 12th Poets And Pancakes Most Important Questions 

Q:- What does the writer mean by ‘the fiery misery’ of those subjected to make-up’?

Q:- Why did Asokamirtan pray for crowd shooting all the time? 

Q:- What is the example of national integration that the author refers to?

Q:- What work did the ‘office boy’ do in the Gemini Studios? Why did he join the studios? Why was he disappointed?

Q:- Why did the author appear to be doing nothing at the studios?

Q:- Why was the office boy frustrated? Who did he show his anger on?

Q:- Who was Subbu’s principal?

Q:- Subbu is described as a many-sided genius. List four of his special abilities.

Q:- Why was the legal adviser referred to as the opposite by others?

Q:- What made the lawyer stand out from the others at Gemini  Studios?

Q:- Did the people at Gemini Studios have any particular political affiliations?

Q:- Why was the Moral Rearmament Army welcomed at the Studios?

Q:- Name one example to show that Gemini studios was influenced by the plays staged by MRA.

Q:- Who was The Boss of Gemini Studios?

Q:- What caused the lack of communication between the Englishman and the people at Gemini Studios?

Q:- Why is the Englishman’s visit referred to as unexplained mystery?

Q:- Who was the English visitor to the studios?

Q:- How did the author discover who the English visitor to the studios was?

Q:- What does The God that Failed refer to?

Q:- Why was Kothamangalam Subbu considered No. 2 in Gemini Studios?

Q:- How does the author describe the incongruity of an English poet addressing the audience at Gemini Studios?

Q:- What do you understand about the author’s literary inclinations from the account?


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