Class 12th The Journey To The End Of The Earth Important Question Answer

Class 12th The Journey To The End Of The Earth Important Question Answer- “The Journey to the End of the Earth” is a travelogue written by Tishani Doshi, chronicling her experiences on an expedition to Antarctica with a group of teenagers as part of the ‘Students on Ice’ program. It’s a beautiful and thought-provoking piece that explores themes of isolation, environmentalism, and the fragility of our planet.





Tishani Doshi

Narrator, Indian journalist

Travels to Antarctica with students

Provides perspective on Antarctica’s beauty and fragility

Geoff Green

Founder of “Students on Ice” program

Leads the expedition

Represents environmental education and activism


Diverse group from various countries

Participate in research and learn about Antarctica

Symbolize future generations and their responsibility towards the planet


Researchers studying various aspects of Antarctica

Share knowledge and conduct experiments

Highlight the scientific importance of Antarctica


Journey To the End of The Earth Summary

Q:- Human civilization is new. However, during the short period man has lived, he has created confusion and disturbances. He gained dominance over nature by building cities, towns and villages. You as a man blame yourself for despoiling the earth and climate changes. Describe the effect of these changes in Antarctica.

Class 12th The Journey To The End Of The Earth Important Question Answer- Human activities, particularly industrialization and the burning of fossil fuels, have led to significant environmental changes worldwide, including in Antarctica. While Antarctica itself has a relatively sparse human population, the effects of global climate change caused by human activities are being felt in this remote region. Here are some key impacts:

Melting Ice and Rising Sea Levels

Class 12th The Journey To The End Of The Earth Important Question Answer- Antarctica holds a vast amount of ice, and as global temperatures rise, ice sheets and glaciers in Antarctica are melting. This contributes to rising sea levels globally, posing a threat to low-lying coastal areas around the world.

Change in Ecosystems

The warming climate affects Antarctic ecosystems, including marine life and terrestrial species. Changes in temperature and ice cover can disrupt the delicate balance of these ecosystems, potentially leading to shifts in species distribution and population dynamics.

Ocean Acidification

The Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica is not immune to the impacts of climate change. Increased carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere lead to higher absorption of CO2 by the oceans, causing ocean acidification. This can have detrimental effects on marine life, particularly organisms with calcium carbonate shells, such as certain types of plankton and mollusks.

Loss of Habitat

Class 12th The Journey To The End Of The Earth Important Question Answer- Some species, especially those adapted to the unique conditions of Antarctica, may face the loss of their natural habitats due to changing temperatures and ice patterns. This can affect not only the organisms directly impacted but also those higher up the food chain that depend on them.

Shifts in Weather Patterns

Climate change can alter weather patterns globally, and Antarctica is no exception. Changes in wind patterns, precipitation, and temperature can have cascading effects on the local and regional climate, influencing ice dynamics and the distribution of flora and fauna.

Scientific Research Challenges

The changing conditions in Antarctica present challenges for scientific research and monitoring. Researchers studying the region need to adapt to the evolving environment, which can impact the continuity and comparability of long-term studies.

Global Climate Feedback

Class 12th The Journey To The End Of The Earth Important Question Answer- Antarctica plays a crucial role in global climate regulation. Changes in ice cover and temperature in Antarctica can contribute to feedback loops that amplify climate change globally. For example, melting ice reduces the Earth’s albedo (reflectivity), leading to more absorption of solar radiation and further warming.

In summary, while Antarctica may seem remote, the effects of human-induced climate change are reaching even this distant corner of the planet. The consequences extend beyond the immediate region, impacting global climate systems and exacerbating the challenges faced by ecosystems and societies worldwide. Efforts to mitigate these impacts involve not only addressing local changes in Antarctica but also implementing global solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the changing climate.

Q:- Tishani Doshi describes her Antarctica experience as nothing short of a revelation. It was a mind boggling experience to travel to reach the coldest, windiest, and driest part of the world. Describe the impact of Antarctica on her.

Class 12th The Journey To The End Of The Earth Important Question Answer- Tishani Doshi, an Indian poet, writer, and dancer, visited Antarctica and described her experience as nothing short of a revelation. The extreme conditions of being in the coldest, windiest, and driest part of the world likely had a profound impact on her, both intellectually and emotionally. Here are some possible impacts Antarctica could have had on her:

Sense of Awe and Wonder

Antarctica’s pristine and otherworldly landscapes are known to evoke a deep sense of awe and wonder. The sheer vastness of ice, the unique wildlife, and the untouched beauty of the continent can be a transformative experience, prompting a profound appreciation for the natural world.

Environmental Awareness

Experiencing the harsh environmental conditions of Antarctica, where nature is untouched by human interference, may have heightened Doshi’s awareness of the fragility of Earth’s ecosystems. Witnessing the impact of climate change on this remote continent could contribute to a stronger environmental consciousness.

Connection to Nature

Being in such an extreme and isolated environment often fosters a deep connection to nature. The absence of human infrastructure and the presence of untouched wilderness can lead to a profound sense of humility and interconnectedness with the natural world.

Contemplation of Human Impact

The contrast between the pristine Antarctic environment and the growing human impact on the planet may have led Doshi to reflect on the consequences of human activities, especially in terms of climate change. Antarctica serves as a stark reminder of the global responsibility to protect and preserve our environment.

Inspiration for Creativity

For artists and writers like Tishani Doshi, the stark beauty and isolation of Antarctica can be a wellspring of inspiration. The unique colors, shapes, and sounds of the continent may find expression in her creative works, whether through poetry, prose, or dance.

Perspective Shift

Traveling to Antarctica, one of the most extreme and isolated places on Earth, likely prompted a shift in perspective for Doshi. It may have influenced her views on the importance of environmental conservation, the interconnectedness of all living things, and the urgency of addressing global issues such as climate change.

Personal Growth

The challenges posed by Antarctica’s extreme conditions, including the cold, wind, and dryness, could have contributed to Doshi’s personal growth. Overcoming such challenges often leads to a deeper understanding of one’s capabilities and resilience.

In essence, Tishani Doshi’s experience in Antarctica seems to have been a transformative journey that goes beyond the physical aspects of the continent. It likely influenced her worldview, fostered a deeper connection to the environment, and provided rich material for her artistic endeavors.

Q:- The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica.  How is the study of this region useful to us?

Q:- What are Geoff Green’s reasons for including high school students in the Students on Ice expedition?

Q:- Take care of the small things and the big things will take care of themselves What is the relevance of this statement in the context of the Antarctic environment?

Q:- Why is Antarctica the place to go to, to understand the earth’s present, past and future?

Q:- Mention the autho’s emotions when he set his foot on Antarctica.  .

Q:- What are Geoff Green objectives for including high school students in "Student on Ice Programme ?

Q:- Take care of small things, the big things will take care themselves What is the significance of the statement ?

Short Answer Questions for Practice

Q:- One day Dr. Sadao saw an injured young soldier staggering and crawling.

Q:- Dr. Sadao brought the white soldier inside his house and started treating him which offended the servants and they decided to leave  his house.

Q:- Based on the chapter, elucidate any three consequences that global
wanning will have on Antarctica

Q:-  Dr. Sadao and his wife decided to treat the soldier in spite of the opposition from the servants.

Q:- The next day when Dr. Sadao went to treat the General he told him that the man had escaped.

Q:-  Do you Think the programme Student on Ice is successful? Why/ Do Why not?

Q:- How can a visit to Antarctica be an enlightening experience?




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