IGNOU MHI-101 Free Solved Guess Paper Download English Medium

MHI-101: ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL SOCIETIES, IGNOU MHI 101 Free Solved Guess Paper Download English Medium, MHI 101 Previous Year Solved Question Papers, IGNOU Guess Paper 2023 PDF free download, MHI guess paper 2023 PDF Download, IGNOU MHI-101 Free Solved Guess Paper Download English 

IGNOU MHI-101 Free Solved Guess Paper Download English Medium- MHI-101 That’s the course code for Ancient and Medieval Societies, offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) as part of their Master of Arts (History) program.

MHI 101 Free Guess Paper & Important Question Answer For Exam 

Course Code: MHI 101
Assignment No.: MHI 101

Block 1 – All Units

  • Unit 1 – Early Human Societies
  • Unit 2 – Bronze Age Civilisations-1
  • Unit 3 – Bronze Age Civilisations-2
  • Unit 4 – The Persian Empire
  • Unit 5 – Ancient Greece
  • Unit 6 – The Roman Empire
  • Unit 7 – Latin America
  • Unit 8 – Africa
  • Unit 9 – Nomadic Empires
  • Unit 10 – The Late Roman World
  • Unit 11 – The Arab World
  • Unit 12 – China
  • Unit 13 – Debates on Feudalism
  • Unit 14 – Feudalism: Forms, Structures and Phases
  • Unit 15 – Trade and the Decline of Feudalism
  • Unit 16 – Oceanic Trade
  • Unit 17 – Business Communities
  • Unit 18 – Commercial Practices
  • Unit 19 – Craft Production
  • Unit 20 – Science and Technologies and Expansion of Knowledge
  • Unit 21 – Religious Establishment
  • Unit 22 – Urbanism
  • Unit 23 – Technologies of Warfare and Communication
  • Unit 24 – Transition to Modern World

Useful Resources for Syllabus

IGNOU MHI-101 – Ancient and Medieval Societies

Title Name MHI 103
University IGNOU
Service Type Pdf/Handwritten assignment
Language Hindi/English
Product Available Genuine Price

IGNOU MHI-101 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions


1. Write a note on the Shang civilization of Northern and Central China. 
2. Give a brief account of the transition to democracy in ancient Greece. 
3. Discuss in brief economy and polity of South African civilization.

4. Explain various religious traditions in the late Roman Empire. 
5. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250 words each.
i) Pastoral Nomadism
ii) Zoroastrianism
iii) Rise of city of Mecca
iv) Confucianism


6. Write a note on major debates on feudalism. 
7. Give an account of India’s maritime trade. How did Portuguese trade affect Indian
overseas trade? 
8. ‘Textile manufacture is one of the oldest crafts in most societies.’ Explain.

9. Discuss the main features of administration, economy and society of medieval towns in Europe. 
10. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250 words each.
i) Banjaras
ii) Trade routes
iii) Printing technology
iv) Gunpowder revolution

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