IGNOU MEG 19 THE AUSTRALIAN NOVEL Free Solved Assignment 2022-23

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IGNOU MEG 19 Free Solved Assignment 2022-23 is a course offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) under the School of Journalism and New Media Studies. As the name suggests, it is a course on “Production and Direction for Radio.” The course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of radio production and direction and covers various topics related to this field.
IGNOU MEG 19 Free Solved Assignment 2022-23

IGNOU MEG 19 Free Solved Assignment 2022-23

Q1. “Nineteenth century Australian women novelists delineated life in the outback from a perspective quite different from that of the masculinist pioneer.” Discuss with suitable examples.

In the 19th century, Australian women novelists played a significant role in depicting the lives of people in the outback, an area of rural and remote Australia. Their perspectives were often different from that of their male counterparts, who tended to focus on the exploration and conquest of the land. Instead, female writers provided insights into the social and cultural life of the people who lived there. In this essay, I will discuss the works of several 19th century Australian women novelists, who provided unique perspectives on life in the outback.

One of the most notable women writers of the 19th century was Catherine Helen Spence. In her novel, “Clara Morison: A Tale of South Australia During the Gold Fever,” Spence portrayed the harsh realities of life in the outback for women. Clara, the novel’s protagonist, moves to the outback to care for her sick brother. She struggles to adjust to the isolation and lack of amenities, and her story provides a unique insight into the experiences of women in the outback.

Another prominent writer was Rosa Praed, who wrote several novels set in the outback. In her novel, “Policy and Passion,” Praed portrays the struggles of women in the outback who are forced to rely on men for their survival. The novel’s protagonist, Audrey, is a young woman who must navigate the complex social dynamics of the outback in order to survive. Praed’s portrayal of Audrey’s struggles highlights the challenges faced by women in the outback who were often marginalized and ignored.

Another important writer of the time was Mary Fortune. She was a pioneer of Australian crime fiction, and her works often featured female protagonists who were able to solve crimes through their own intelligence and resourcefulness. In “The Detective’s Album,” Fortune’s protagonist, Mrs. Eugenia Rennie, solves a murder mystery in the outback, using her wits and intelligence to outsmart the criminals. Fortune’s work is particularly noteworthy as it portrays women as active agents in the outback, rather than passive bystanders.

Overall, the works of 19th century Australian women novelists provide unique perspectives on life in the outback, which are different from those of their male counterparts. Through their writing, these women were able to highlight the challenges faced by women in the outback, and their contributions have helped shape our understanding of the Australian experience.

Q2. Discuss Miles Franklin’s My Brilliant Career as an early feminist text.

Miles Franklin’s novel, My Brilliant Career, was published in 1901 and is widely regarded as an early feminist text. The novel tells the story of a young woman named Sybylla Melvyn and her struggle to reconcile her desire for independence and self-expression with the social expectations and limitations imposed upon her as a woman in turn-of-the-century Australia.

At the time of its publication, My Brilliant Career was considered controversial due to its frank depiction of female desire and its rejection of traditional gender roles. Sybylla, the protagonist, is a headstrong and independent young woman who resists the expectations of her family and society to marry and settle down. She longs to pursue her passions for writing and intellectual pursuits, but is constantly thwarted by the limited opportunities available to women.

Throughout the novel, Sybylla challenges traditional gender norms and expresses her desire for autonomy and self-determination. She rejects the idea that a woman’s only value lies in her ability to marry and bear children, and instead insists on the importance of pursuing one’s own individual goals and ambitions.

Sybylla’s character can be seen as a reflection of the early feminist movement, which sought to challenge the patriarchal structures of society and promote gender equality. The novel’s themes of female empowerment and the struggle for self-expression resonate with feminist ideals, and its depiction of a strong-willed and independent woman can be seen as a powerful symbol of feminist resistance.

In conclusion, My Brilliant Career is a significant early feminist text that challenges traditional gender roles and advocates for women’s autonomy and self-determination. Through the character of Sybylla, the novel promotes the importance of individuality and the rejection of societal expectations, and remains an important work in the history of feminist literature.

Q3. “Patrick White’s novel The Tree of Man reflects White’s anxiety about the rootlessness and alienation of men and women in the modern age.” Do you agree with this statement?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or opinions. However, I can provide an analysis of Patrick White’s novel, The Tree of Man, and the themes it explores.

The Tree of Man is a novel that follows the lives of two individuals, Stan and Amy Parker, as they struggle to make a life for themselves in rural Australia. The novel explores themes of isolation, dislocation, and the struggle to find a sense of belonging in a rapidly changing world.

White’s writing style is highly introspective, with a focus on the inner thoughts and feelings of his characters. Through the experiences of Stan and Amy, he presents a critique of the modern world and its impact on individuals.

In many ways, The Tree of Man can be seen as a reflection of White’s anxiety about the rootlessness and alienation of men and women in the modern age. The novel suggests that the pursuit of progress and material success has left many people feeling disconnected from their roots and unsure of their place in the world.

Overall, while it is difficult to definitively agree or disagree with the statement, it is clear that The Tree of Man deals with themes related to rootlessness and alienation in the modern world.

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Q4. “Thomas Keneally’s novel Schindl9r’s Ark is a story of the triumph of humanity.” Comment on this statement. 

Thomas Keneally’s novel “Schindler’s Ark” is a powerful story that chronicles the efforts of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman, to save the lives of more than a thousand Jewish people during the Holocaust. While it is true that the novel portrays many acts of humanity and compassion in the face of great evil, it is difficult to categorize the story as a simple triumph of humanity.

On the one hand, the novel highlights the courage and perseverance of the Jewish people who faced unimaginable horrors during the Holocaust. Keneally’s descriptions of their suffering and the atrocities committed against them are gut-wrenching, but they also serve to emphasize the strength and resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Similarly, the actions of Schindler himself are a testament to the power of individual bravery and compassion. His efforts to save the lives of his Jewish workers, often at great personal risk, are undoubtedly inspiring.

On the other hand, however, the novel also depicts the staggering scale of the Holocaust and the millions of lives that were lost. While Schindler’s actions were undoubtedly heroic, they ultimately represent only a small victory in the face of unimaginable evil. Moreover, Keneally’s novel does not shy away from the fact that many other individuals and institutions played an active role in perpetrating the Holocaust, from the Nazi Party to ordinary citizens who turned a blind eye to the suffering around them.

In conclusion, while there are certainly elements of triumph and humanity in “Schindler’s Ark,” it would be overly simplistic to categorize the novel as a straightforward story of triumph. Rather, it is a complex and nuanced portrayal of the human experience during one of the darkest periods in history, one that acknowledges both the worst and the best of humanity.

Q. 5. Write short notes of around 200 words each on the following:

a. The multicultural novel in Australia.

The multicultural novel in Australia is a literary genre that explores the experiences of immigrants, refugees, and their descendants living in Australia. It reflects the diverse cultures and histories of the people who have come to Australia from all over the world, and provides a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities of living in a multicultural society.

The development of the multicultural novel in Australia can be traced back to the 1950s and 1960s, when a large number of immigrants from Europe and other parts of the world began arriving in Australia. These immigrants brought with them their own languages, cultures, and traditions, and their experiences of settling in Australia became the subject of a new wave of Australian literature.

One of the earliest and most influential multicultural novels in Australia is Ruth Park’s “The Harp in the South” (1948), which explores the lives of Irish Catholic immigrants living in the slums of Sydney. Since then, many other authors have contributed to the genre, including Peter Carey, David Malouf, Brian Castro, Maxine Beneba Clarke, and Alice Pung.

The themes explored in multicultural novels in Australia often include issues of identity, belonging, racism, discrimination, and the clash of cultures. They also celebrate the richness and diversity of Australian society, and highlight the ways in which different cultures can come together and learn from each other.

Overall, the multicultural novel in Australia has played an important role in shaping the country’s literary landscape and in promoting greater understanding and appreciation of the diversity of its people.

b. Intermingling of historical accounts with fiction in Peter Carey’s True History of the Kelly Gang

Peter Carey’s True History of the Kelly Gang is a novel that blends historical accounts with fiction, and presents a subjective version of the life of Australian outlaw Ned Kelly. The novel is written in the form of a fictional autobiography, with Ned Kelly telling his own story in his own words. While the book is based on historical events and characters, Carey takes liberties with the narrative to create a work of fiction that is both entertaining and insightful.

One of the main ways that Carey intermingles historical accounts with fiction in the novel is through the use of language. The book is written in a distinctive Australian vernacular that is influenced by the language of the time and place in which the events took place. The use of slang and colloquialisms creates a sense of authenticity and helps to immerse the reader in the world of the novel.

Another way that Carey blends fact and fiction is through his portrayal of Ned Kelly himself. While the novel is based on historical events, Carey presents a sympathetic view of Kelly, portraying him as a victim of circumstance who was forced into a life of crime. This is in contrast to the more traditional view of Kelly as a ruthless outlaw who terrorized the Australian countryside.

In addition, Carey takes some liberties with the historical facts in order to create a more compelling narrative. For example, he invents a character named “Constable Fitzpatrick” who plays a pivotal role in the events leading up to Kelly’s capture. While Fitzpatrick was a real person, Carey’s portrayal of him is fictionalized for dramatic effect.

Overall, the intermingling of historical accounts with fiction in True History of the Kelly Gang creates a unique and compelling narrative that offers a fresh perspective on a well-known story. The blending of fact and fiction allows Carey to explore the complex motivations and emotions of his characters in a way that would not be possible in a purely historical account.

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Q. How can I download my assignment from IGNOU?

To download your assignment from IGNOU, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of IGNOU at www.ignou.ac.in
  2. Click on the “Student Zone” option on the homepage and then click on the “Assignments” option from the dropdown menu.
  3. On the Assignments page, select your course from the dropdown menu and then click on the “Download” button.
  4. You will be redirected to a new page where you can download your assignment in PDF format.
  5. Save the assignment on your device and take a printout if necessary.

It is important to note that you should submit the assignments before the deadline mentioned by IGNOU.

Q. Can we write on both sides of paper in assignment?

Generally, it is advisable not to write on both sides of a paper while submitting assignments. This is because it can make it difficult for the evaluator to read and evaluate the assignment properly. However, it is always recommended to check the instructions provided by your course coordinator or the IGNOU guidelines to be sure about the specific requirements for your assignment. If the guidelines do not mention anything about writing on both sides, it is better to err on the side of caution and stick to single-sided writing.

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