Why is language planning essential in any country. What are the factors which influence language planning.

Why is language planning essential in any country. What are the factors which influence language planning. Many countries have a language policy designed to favor or discourage the use of a particular language or set of languages. Although nations historically have used language policies most often to promote one official language at the expense of others, many countries now have policies … Read more

Discuss the description and classification of Consonants and Vowels.

Discuss the description and classification of Consonants and Vowels. Producing a consonant involves making the vocal tract narrower at some location than it usually is. We call this narrowing a constriction. Which consonant you’re pronouncing depends on where in the vocal tract the constriction is and how narrow it is. It also depends on a … Read more

Write short notes on the following  (i) Borrowings  (ii) Langue and Parole

Write short notes on the following  (i) Borrowings  (ii) Langue and Parole Borrowings In linguistics, borrowing (also known as lexical borrowing) is the process by which a word from one language is adapted for use in another. The word that is borrowed is called a borrowing, a borrowed word, or a loanword. The English language has been described by David Crystal as an “insatiable borrower.” … Read more

Write a critical essay on the narrative technique adopted by Muriel Spark in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.

Write a critical essay on the narrative technique adopted by Muriel Spark in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. First published in 1961, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie could be considered Muriel Spark’s most famous novel. Spark was born and spent her childhood and early adulthood in Scotland, and The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, her sixth novel, … Read more

Comment on the symbolism of the title Heart of Darkness.

Comment on the symbolism of the title Heart of Darkness. Symbolism in Heart of Darkness Heart of Darkness is replete with symbols. In Heart of Darkness every person and everything means more than what we are likely to find on a superficial level. The novel is based on both the historical facts and the facts of … Read more

Heathcliff, in Emily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights is often referred to in derogatory terms by the other characters, as being ‘the evil beast’, ‘uncivilised’, ‘without refinement’ and so on. Do you agree with such a judgement of Heathcliff.

Heathcliff, in Emily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights is often referred to in derogatory terms by the other characters, as being ‘the evil beast’, ‘uncivilised’, ‘without refinement’ and so on. Do you agree with such a judgement of Heathcliff. Heathcliff & His Madness After Heathcliff’s son Linton dies near the end of Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff, the … Read more

Discuss how Pride and Prejudice engages with the theme of love and marriage.

Discuss how Pride and Prejudice engages with the theme of love and marriage. Pride and Prejudice Themes       The Theme of Marriage  The appearance of Charles Bingley a youthful man with a fortune at Nether field Park, sends the neighboring Bennet ménage into a flurry of excitement. Mrs. Bennet with five single daughters, … Read more

Fielding is one of the mostpro-woman pens in English. ” Do you agree with this view. Justify your answer with illustrations from the textbook of Tom Jones.

Fielding is one of the mostpro-woman pens in English. ” Do you agree with this view. Justify your answer with illustrations from the textbook of Tom Jones.  Tom Jones, Fielding’s amiss and” mortal” idol, is the character through whom Fielding gives voice to his gospel of Virtue. In discrepancy to the moral philosophizing of numerous … Read more

Can The Alchemist be understood as a satire. Give suitable examples.

Can The Alchemist be understood as a satire. Give suitable examples. The Alchemist be understood as a satire: The setting for which Jonson obviously composed his play mirrors this recently strong acknowledgment of theater as a reality of city life. In 1597, the Lord Chamberlain’s Men had been denied authorization to utilize the auditorium in Blackfriars … Read more

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