Discuss the roles of Grimms Brothers in the introduction of folklore in research and pedagogy.

Discuss the roles of Grimms Brothers in the introduction of folklore in research and pedagogy. The Grimm Brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm, played a significant role in the introduction of folklore into research and pedagogy. They were German folklorists and cultural researchers who collected and published German folk tales and legends in the early 19th century. Their collection, “Kinder- und Hausmärchen”, popularly known as “Grimm’s Fairy Tales,” has become one of the most well-known and widely read books of folktales in the world.

The Grimm Brothers’ work popularized the study of folklore and helped establish it as a legitimate field of academic inquiry. They were among the first to collect and systematically categorize folktales, and their methods and techniques have influenced generations of folklorists and cultural researchers.

In addition to their research, the Grimm Brothers also made a significant contribution to pedagogy by incorporating folklore into the education of children. Their fairy tales, with their memorable characters, simple language, and moral lessons, have been widely used in classrooms and have become an important part of childhood education.

Discuss the roles of Grimms Brothers in the introduction of folklore in research and pedagogy. Overall, the Grimm Brothers played a key role in introducing folklore into both research and pedagogy, and their work continues to influence these fields to this day.

Definition of Folklore

Folklore has always been associated with simple, ignorant people as compared to the high classical arts, which are seen as being the so called elite. It is strongly associated with the rural peasant folk. It is said to be different from the literate elite. Folk has always survived along with the elite group, yet it has been treated as very different from it. According to Dundes, “The term folk can refer to any group of people whatsoever who share at least one common factor. It does not matter what the linking factor is– it could be a common occupation, language, or religion– but what is important is that a group is formed for whatever reason it calls its own.” (http://muse.jhu.edu) 

Folk culture cannot be demarcated through geographical notions or by literary reasons alone. It can belong to people of similar race, gender, religion or occupation. It can cut across geographical boundaries and have close human to human interaction. It can also be shaped by technology and modern society. For example net surfers all across the world can have their own kind of folk culture that distinguishes them from others. 

Folk always implies some kind of collectivity as it is a shared experience, common to more than one person. Even though it may be created by one individual, a folk culture cannot become one unless it is shared and is collective. It is not necessary that all the folk members should know one another. They can be distant and not connected in any manner. Folk does not necessarily imply rural or lower class. There can be a strong urban literate folk. Television, computers, telephone – all have impacted folk genres such as jokes, songs, stories, myths. It has become a great tool in the transmission and the generation of new folk cultures.

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