The Last Date for IGNOU Assignment Submission is 31-May-2024

The Last Date for IGNOU Assignment Submission is 31-May-2024– In the wake of technological advancements, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has introduced an online mode for the submission of final Project Reports, Dissertations, Practicum Files, and Internship Reports. 

This transition aims to streamline the process, enhance accessibility, and ensure the integrity of academic submissions. Understanding the intricacies of this new system is pivotal for learners to effectively navigate through the submission process. Here, we delve into comprehensive guidelines delineated by IGNOU for the seamless online submission of academic projects.

The Last Date for IGNOU Assignment Submission is 31-May-2024 

IGNOU, a pioneer in open and distance learning, has embraced digital transformation by implementing an online mode for submitting academic projects. This paradigm shift caters to the evolving needs of learners, providing them with a convenient and efficient platform to submit their Project Reports.

Preparation of Project Reports: 

Learners are mandated to prepare their Project Reports based on approved project proposals, adhering to the new project guidelines. It’s imperative to ensure completeness in submissions, as incomplete reports will not be entertained for evaluation.

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Submission Process: 

Submission of Project Reports must be executed through the designated online portal. Reports received via email or any other medium will not be considered for evaluation. Learners are advised to meticulously follow the submission guidelines to avoid any discrepancies.

Approval Requirements: 

Before submission, learners must obtain approval of the Project Guide/Supervisor in the prescribed proforma. This involves ensuring the authenticity of the Project Proposal, Synopsis, and Bio-data of the Project Guide. Additionally, an originality certificate, signed by both the student and the Project Guide, must be incorporated where applicable.

Technical Specifications: 

To facilitate efficient evaluation, learners must ensure the scanned pages of their Project Reports are clear, well-lit, and correctly sequenced. The orientation of pages should remain consistent throughout the document. Any deviation from these specifications may lead to the rejection of the submission.

Document Format: 

The Project Report should be scanned and compiled into a single PDF file for each subject/course. This ensures ease of download and evaluation by the Regional Centre or Student Evaluation Division. The first page of the PDF file should include pertinent details such as the title of the Project Report, learner’s name, enrolment number, regional centre code, course code, mobile number, and email address.


Evaluation Process: 

Upon submission, Project Reports will undergo a rigorous evaluation process. Reports not complying with the prescribed guidelines will be rejected without further correspondence. Learners are solely responsible for ensuring adherence to the guidelines to avoid any lapses.

Viva-Voce Examination: 

Viva-voce examinations for Project Reports or Internship Reports will be conducted as per specified guidelines by the concerned Faculties under Regional Centres. Learners are advised to liaise with their respective Regional Centres for further instructions.

Query Resolution: 

In case of any queries regarding the submission or evaluation process, learners are encouraged to reach out to the respective Regional Centre or the Student Evaluation Division via email. Prompt communication is essential to address any concerns or issues that may arise.

Project Evaluation Fee: 

Effective from January 2023, a nominal fee is applicable for Project Evaluation based on the credit value of the project. It is mandatory for students to submit the evaluation fee along with the Term End Examination form. Failure to do so will result in the non-evaluation of the Project Report.


The adoption of online submission for academic projects by IGNOU marks a significant step towards modernizing the education system. By adhering to the prescribed guidelines and leveraging the digital platform effectively, learners can ensure the seamless submission and evaluation of their Project Reports. Embracing these advancements fosters efficiency, transparency, and accountability in the academic domain, ultimately enhancing the learning experience for students enrolled in IGNOU programmes.

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