LLB 6th Sem. Important Questions With Answers

LLB 6th Sem. Important Questions With Answers – LLB 6th semester is typically the final semester of the third year in a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) program. The exact course offerings can vary depending on the specific law school or university

  • Law of Evidence: This course focuses on the rules that govern what evidence is admissible in court and how it can be presented. LLB 6th Sem. Important Questions With Answers
  • Law of Taxation: This course covers the basic principles of direct and indirect taxes.
  • Intellectual Property Laws: This course explores laws related to copyrights, trademarks, patents, and other forms of intangible property.
  • Law of Negotiable Instruments: This course deals with instruments like promissory notes, bills of exchange, and cheques, and the legal framework surrounding them.
  • Law and Medicine: This course examines the intersection of law and medicine, covering topics like medical malpractice, bioethics, and patient rights. LLB 6th Sem. Important Questions With Answers
  • Law Relating to Women and Children: This course focuses on legal issues specific to women and children, such as domestic violence, child custody, and juvenile delinquency.
  • Law of Insurance: This course explores the legal principles governing insurance contracts and different types of insurance policies.
  • Conflict of Laws: This course deals with situations where legal issues involve more than one jurisdiction.
  • Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing: This course provides practical training in legal writing and drafting various legal documents.

What do you mean by ‘Information’ under the RTI Act, 2005 ?

LLB 6th Sem. Important Questions With Answers – The Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005 defines “information” very broadly. It basically means any material in any form that a public authority holds. This can include records, documents, emails, opinions, press releases, data, and even samples or models. Even information held electronically or relating to private bodies that the public authority can access under other laws is covered under RTI.

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LLB 6th Sem. Important Questions With Answers – The idea is to empower citizens by giving them a right to access almost any information held by government bodies. This promotes transparency and accountability, allowing people to see how the government works and hold it responsible. There are some exceptions, though, like information related to national security or personal privacy. But overall, the RTI Act gives you a wide range of information you can request from public authorities. LLB 6th Sem. Important Questions With Answers

Who is a Public Information Officer?

What is the time period for supply of information?

Privileges granted to Public Authorities to withhold the disclosure of the Information.

Examine whether self-finance college is a public authority.

Explain the constitution of Central Information Commission.
What do you mean by ‘Third Party Information’ ?

Discuss the exemptions for the disclosure of Information under the RTI Act, 2005.

Evaluate RTI Act, 2005 as a vital tool for good governance.

Explain the reasons and objects for the enactment of RTI Act, 2005.

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What procedure is prescribed under the RTI Act, 2005 for obtaining information by a person ?

What do you mean by ‘publication’ ?

Define ‘distinctiveness’.

What ‘trade-marks’ can not be registered ?

What shall be the duration of a copyright in case of a photograph ?

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Discuss in brief the functions of WIPO.

What do you mean by passing-off? What remedies
are available to the plaintiff in case of passing off ?

Define ‘Trade-mark’. Write down its essentials and the procedure to get registered.

Who can apply for ‘Patents’ ? Write down the procedure of achieving it according to the Patent Act, 1970.

What do you understand by ‘Intellectual Property Law’ ? Explain how far the existing laws has been successful in this direction.

What do you mean by Copyright ? When it is violated ? What remedies are available to the plaintiff in case of its violation.

What do you mean by ‘Literary Work’? What is protected under it ? Explain.

Distinguish between Fundamental Rights and Human Rights.

What rights are called collective rights ?

How far right to life is protected in various international instruments on human rights?

Write a brief note on the Economic and Social Council.

Write a brief note on United Nations Educational,

Explain the rule of pith and substance’.

Explain the rule of ‘Harmonious construction”. 

Explain the external aids of construction.

What do you understand by the ‘Golden Rule of Interpretation ? Discuss with case laws.

What do you understand by strict interpretation of tax laws ? Explain with the help of care laws.

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“Associated words take their meaning from one another under the doctrine of ‘Noscitur a sociis” “. Discuss.

What are the rules for interpretation of Indian Constitution ? Explain.

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