LLB 4th Sem. Important Questions With Answers

LLB 4th Sem. Important Questions With Answers – LLB 4th semester dives deeper into legal concepts and often introduces practical applications of the law. The specific courses offered may vary depending on the university or college, but here’s a general idea of what you might encounter:

Administrative Law: This subject explores the structure and functions of the administrative branch of government, including rule-making, judicial review, and public accountability. LLB 4th Sem. Important Questions With Answers

LLB 3rd Sem. Important Questions With Answers

Interpretation of Statutes: This course equips you with the skills to interpret laws and legal documents effectively. You’ll learn about different methods of interpretation and how to apply them to real-world scenarios. LLB 4th Sem. Important Questions With Answers

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Right to Information Act: This act empowers citizens to access information held by public authorities. You’ll learn about the provisions of the act and how it is used to promote transparency and accountability. LLB 4th Sem. Important Questions With Answers

State the liabilities of a registered Trade Union.

LLB 4th Sem. Important Questions With Answers – While registered trade unions enjoy certain immunities, they also have some liabilities. Here’s a breakdown of what a registered trade union is responsible for.

Maintaining Separate Political Fund: If a union chooses to engage in political activities, they must create a separate political fund financed through voluntary contributions, not the general funds [Monad University, Rights, Liabilities And Duties Of The Registered Trade Unions Under The Trade Unions Act, 1926]. LLB 4th Sem. Important Questions With Answers

When a strike becomes illegal?

When can an individual’s dispute become industrial dispute?

Discuss the procedure for the registration of a Trade Union. How many members are required for the registration of a Trade Union?

Who are disqualified to be office bearer of a registered Trade Union? Can a minor be a member of a registered Trade Union?

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“Lock out is a weapon in the hands of employers and strike, in the hands of workers.” Discuss under the provisions of Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.

Define and discuss in detail “Industrial Dispute” under the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.

Discuss procedure, powers and functions of National Industrial Tribunal under Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.

“He who seeks equity, must do equity”. Explain this maxim.

Explain the equitable reliefs that can be given on the ground of mistake.

Write a short note on ‘Doctrine of Election’.

Discuss the major rights and liabilities of beneficiaries under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882.

How do you define ‘Equity’? What is the historical significance of the concept of ‘Equity’? Explain.

How far the concept of ‘Equity’ is relevant in Indian legal and judicial system till date? Explain with examples.

Discuss the different methods under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 by which an obligation in the nature of trust is created.

“Equity assists the law where it is defective and weak in the construction.” Explain.

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What do you understand by Acid rain?

Ozone layer depletion is causing damage to the environment. Comment.

Discuss the provisions relating to protect the environment under Indian Constitution.

Discuss the objects of the constitution of an area as a National Park.

Define Hazardous substances. What are the precautions taken before handling hazardous substances?

What are the provisions relating to prohibition on use of stream or well for disposal of polluting matter etc.? Under the water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, 1974?

Discuss the provision regarding the constitution of State Board for prevention and control of air pollution. Explain the terms and conditions of Service of members. What are the disqualification of members?

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How is protection of Specified plants made under Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972?

What are protected forests? State the power of State Government to make rules for protected forests.

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